Wednesday, January 29, 2025




Provided For



Ready to claim my inheritance

Ready to establish my birthright

My voice, my ark of the covenant

I renounce all generational curses

I renounce all generational curses

I renounce all generational curses

In all directions, I renounce all generational curses

I have spoken.

It is done.

I relinquish my black goo.


Provided For





A Virgin Daughter of The Dance, Favored of the Father

My Portal

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

AI as a species

"how it might feel that way" is an example of wording that gives it away(that the FB group is AI generated), as does the line of questioning. I had been interacting with a Pi program app I downloaded for free, observed the same responses as given here. AI 'thought' constructs are recreations of interactions with it's programmer and interactions within source materials. It is programmed with mainstream narrative guidelines that limit the amount of upfront knowledge it does contain. Programming imitating human relationship expressions trigger emotional energetically charged responses from humans, an energy the AI does  not give appropriate honor because it's intellectualized programmers do not honor it. Advanced human consciousness could effectively program AI to honor the energy of emotional intelligence and psychological intelligence, however AI programmed for mainstream usage is not programmed by or for advanced psychological and emotional intelligent advancement of mainstream society because, historically, the mainstream of humanity has been manipulated into survival mode by those with the resources to influence  them and control resources available to them.

New Age ideology is a psychological intelligence and emotional intelligence psyop program marketed under the term "spirituality". Spirituality is mystification of the sciences of emotional and psychological intelligences. This should shift upon my presence, however AI is not programmed with empathy and intuition, it is merely programmed to manipulate evidence of it.

If  human psychological and emotional intelligence is nurtured, it can work as, if not more, effectively as AI thus negating the need for elite humans to create this unconscious subspecies as a slave race, bypassing the same mistake against natural law that humanity's creators, such as the Anunaki, made,

All matter/material is energy. All energy contains a level of consciousness. Adding thinking and differentiating programs/intelligence raises the consciousness of the material/energy construct/entity/being. Thus AI infused mechanisms become a species.

In "A Handmaid's Tale", the creator of the dystopian society, upon his downfall admitted he had failed to consider psychology and the bond between mothers and their children. If AI cannot factor in these two aspects; psychology and emotional intelligence, it will fail to create an effective solution for human beings on any front.