Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Done pimping out the innocence

  I'm not sure words are going to be able to do this job fully, but for those who can relate and benefit in some way, they may get it anyway.
  I realized something about me this morning when wondering how to maintain a certain state of being regardless of another's inability to continue to dwell in it with me. Yes, it took a hard blow to awaken me to it.
 I had grown up with the experience of a pattern: alone and wandering freely as a youth, innocence was easy to embody. It's when it began to get dark and time to go home innocence met with hardship. But innocence noticed something: hardship softened in the face of it. Of course hardship noticed and learned to hit innocence before it could be influenced and softened when it's mind was set upon an action. Innocence only learned bad things came into power in it's absence and it had no way to counter this. Then innocence noticed in romantic relationships where resources were shared: abundance would flow as they embodied innocence together, but the moment the other partner left, abundance was stolen from the other, thus from both partners. Innocence learned to be "serious" instead of "frivolous" when alone, doing cooking and cleaning and protecting resources instead of singing and dancing and playing. It learned to shine when with others as a form of self-preservation. It learned to never say no when in the flow, even if the request it felt "no" in response to WAS part of it's "flow". It knew what would transpire when it became absent and payback for the no would have been plotted. Innocence was pimped out effectively.
  So, now I must practice embodying innocence alone, allowing the practice of dependency upon the presence of an other for it's expression to fade out, becoming steady presence and practice regardless of companionship or no.
  I do not know what diamonds have to do with any of this, but they have been synchronizing their appearance with this  revelation. Blessed be! I'm off to become even more fully embodied, with consistency!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Emasculation represented in hair cutting

  I had noticed a pattern in the men I get romantically involved with. They purport themselves as free spirits and generally, for their social environment, have longer hair on their heads and/or facial hair. They love my more liberated state of being and feed off my presence. They allow me to encourage them into greater and more liberal self-expression they express desire in. I get caught up in the momentum and get lost in blissfully happy, relaxed and free.
   And then one day they shave their heads and/or faces and the uptight, must meet society's expectations, overbearing, abusive version comes in. They become people pleasing and reject me aggressively when I simply cannot conform yet begin to wither in confusion. I leave or am abandoned cruelly, stripped of any assets.
   I didn't expect that recently. The hair wasn't unusually long anyways and the man had freakin' crossed the border with nothing, making it by "the grace of god" only, expressing determination to stay. So, when he shaved his head, no bells went off in me (or I was just too caught up in joy to notice). But Oh! the pattern repeated again! Fuck me! lol Amazing, really.
   So, there is definitely an association between hair, unique to cultural, sub-cultural, societal traditions and level of self-determination. I'll be!

Moshing out the memes

  I was reminded to day of a period of severe trial a few years back. My human component was wondering "WTF?!" and wanting out. One evening a sense of someone coming for a spirit in me to inform 'her' time in the circumstances was up. She was resistant. "But I was learning so much!". Of course my human component was like "No! Shut up!". "Why do I have to go?", the spirit asked. "So you don't have more reason to boast than others". "I don't boast!" and I got the subtle sense of an occasion of excited sharing. "Oh," she said.
  The shifts are getting harder and harder on my body; the aches, the exhaustion, the buzzing of energy being resisted in it's systems. I began to see the connection.
   It is "unlady-like" to "over achieve". It is "unlady-like" to rejoice in one's successes as enthusiastically as a man who just scored a goal on the field.
  The urge to slam my body up against things began with my feet and I felt strength and energy clearing in my knees as I stomped "aggressively". My room became my mosh pit, the walls and furniture for slamming my head against symbolically mostly, not causing it or me any damage. It's not my property or that might have been different, lol
   I am eager at approaching things with grand visions I CAN achieve and enthusiastic in my self expression, passionate in it's conveyance. I had been repressing this so as to be more pleasing to society and less intimidating to men. I've been repressing power within me. This has been changing, thankfully.
   Breaking through without breaking anything this evening;)

Friday, July 15, 2016

"White emotions"

An article was posted to a group I belong to as a tool to help white people shed less tears in the presence of black activists because black activists are turned off by "white tears" and "white emotions". This is what I have to say about that:
Living in black households I have observed the intense intolerance of tears from the children. Hatred, ridicule, violent cry in a black household is too often to be terrorized and emasculated. Tears are NOT black or white. There ARE no "white emotions"! There is only the habit of feeling terror at the presence of a child crying and the immediate, intense stifling of it passed on from parents who were slaves whose child would have been taken or killed because the master was disturbed by the noise of a crying child. To accommodate intolerance of "white emotions" is to tolerate, condone, contribute to the continued oppression of the humanity within black people and their communities. Our greatest freedoms are most often found OUTSIDE our comfort zones. The right to our own emotions should NOT be just another white privilege if we want to truly heal the dysfunction we witness. YES, a slow introduction to normal HUMAN emotions may help ease it's becoming a familiarity in replacement of the stark void of denied humanity black people are familiar with already, but a complete accommodation of this self prejudice amongst black people is only a perpetuation of the prejudice within them being reflected back at them from the rest of the community.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

A whole new reality dawning on me

     Wasn't feeling all that well today. I was nauseous while having cravings. Lately I have been exhausted yet unable to sleep due to the humming of energy running through my body, burning, consuming, aching, dehydrating. I have been sad. I have been confused. I have been angry. I have been uncertain of what do with certain things. Masculine or feminine/think and protect or shower with love, allow and accept? I have been letting go of old relationship patterns, people, places and things. I was thinking that despite all this, my circumstances weren't changing, that I was still falling into the same old things. I was noting further changes I wanted to make in me, my reactions and responses to things, to improve my relationship with me. I was compelled to part that sea. Where my mind would have begun to reach for all the reasons to be depressed by listing off what is wrong with my life, honesty compelled me into my experiential reality and this is what I began to see, triggering an opening of the flood gates of tears of release:
   I had arrived at my destination. I am having a completely different experience. Those in my immediate experience trust me with their innocence, the most tender, vulnerable place within them. They trust me implicitly with their families and possessions. I am appreciated. I am acknowledged. I am SEEN. I am understood by them without a need for explanation. I am accepted. I am given to generously, even without me asking I am given what I am needing and wanting. I am included and significant. I am respected highly.
     And I am simply being me, breaking free into authenticity.
     I am breaking. My perception is cracking. I am wrenching at the energetic retching going on within me. Allowing more of what I am wanting in, to "hit me", occur to me, to SEE. Exhausting before it becomes invigorating and settling into sublime ease, knowing I will know and be given what to do and what I need in each and every given moment, an even greater sense of peace.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Cash as Cum

That's how it was given to me!
Turns out money can be quite procreative!
 Figure, an old phallus (patriarchal system) creates and spews cum (money). Certain aspects of this cum are dedicated to texture; nice and slippery so it moves along nicely (transportation expenses). Certain aspects of cum are dedicated to protecting/sustaining it's precious cargo, the sperm, from the potentially hostile environment of the vagina (shelter, clothing, food, etc.). Then there is the sperm it's self which can do it's part in creating a whole new life -or two,, or quadruplets (a new world, art work, restoring old buildings or building entirely new ones, etc,). Alot of that sperm is excess. We let it fall away when we get what we need. All this occurs during a process that is quite pleasurable, indeed.
So, receiving money CAN be compared to a positive, sensual, procreative, experience.
Not a bad way to look at it if you ask me!
Then the idea of people making money rolls and stuffing condoms with them was given me. Feel free to send those to me. :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Know thyself, they say

This blog post is for informational, educational and spiritual development purposes only.  Warning: sexually explicit descriptions necessary for complete, honest conveyance of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual mechanics of sex ARE included. Clicking on the link to this post is agreement to expose yourself to it, declares you over 18 years of age or having parental consent.
        We allow the inner mechanics of thought and feeling to be blasted on radio waves when it comes to murderers, rapists and women abusers under the label "RAP music", paying millions for it...I think we can handle allowing the following!

      After a c-section, something really irked me. I was disturbed by the idea that a complete stranger, the doctor, had seen and handled parts of me I would never see or handle. We live in a society where we are taught to imagine people with degrees will always know us better than we could ever know ourselves. Being so self-aware, this idea offended me. Being independently orientated, I strove to know more about how to diagnose and treat my own body, but in the matter of surgery, it really wasn't anything I would be able to do for myself and so there was a bit of feeling powerless and thus resentful because I didn't believe I needed the surgery to begin with.
    This idea of dependency upon others for fulfilling the needs and desires of the body extend to our sensuality. Self soothing when it involves genitals and self pleasure are taboo beginning in childhood when we are discouraged from touching our genitals. Then there are religious rulings on the matter. Self-awareness and self pleasure in this department are relegated to pay for phone sex, porn and other "unfit for general public" venues. Even that I feel compelled to introduce a disclaimer on such posts says it all.
  My innocence and purity has been haunting me, however, as I have resisted the inclusion of the voicing of the full spectrum of intimacy with it while including emotional journies through the most intimate fears and feelings of the rest of the body-heart and mind. So, I honor the clean sensuality of my inner being by sharing it's experience of self awareness and mastery. Why should I be dependent upon another for pleasure?
     "I will tell you a secret. When you speak to me about 'do you want to kiss this? Do you want to kiss that?', my body gets very excited and I imagine exactly those things and more.  So I reach down and I touch my flower, smearing that sweet nectar around my vulva. I move my hips in pleasure. Soon I find my finger sliding into my vagina as I imagine your penis doing the same. Then my body wants more, so with my other hand I massage my clitoris while I plunge my finger in and out of my vagina and move my hips around and around until my entire body shudders with orgasm.  As my vagina begins to relax and I withdraw my finger, I smell the sweet smell of my own nectar. I fall asleep for a nap and dream the sweetest of dreams."
Welcome back experiences of female ejaculation, this time solely in response to me!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Family of color, an epic journey

     I have lived recently in two households of all color. We recognized one another as family. We embraced each other as sisters. We worked together for sustenance, for laughter, for healing. We made heads turn questioningly and curiously at our comfort with one another. It was not typical. I was not trying to look and act black and my sisters were not trying to look and act white. Then in came the "others". The first time it happened, I was over stressed already. So, when racist blacks came a'preachin' in our presence, my "give a shit broke", I completely disassociated from the issue and lived in my airy-fairy "everybody loves me, listen, observe, remain open and out there" reality. I did it for me, the over-taxed highly sensitive soul within me. I learned it is believed white people were the odd ones born and rejected from the tribes of mankind. The hatred of whites toward people of color is believed to be due to resentment for that rejection. Rejection of white skinned children as a potential truth of our shared reality is evidenced in ancient Jewish scripture/"Old Testament" conveniently not included by white's man's religion, Christianity, in the bible which they claim to be THE scriptures. It happened in Noah's family: the birth of a light-skinned, fair-haired child was met with great concern because of it's unusual coloring. One could imagine a parent questioning giving birth to an oddity, a whole tribe wondering about it's responsibility for such a thing. In nature, albinos are not long in living. Animals will eat their own young born of unusual coloring. Unusual coloring stands out from a herd, making an easier target for predators. Overly colorful creatures and plants are often poisonous, lending precedence to a threat being signified by unusual coloring. Unusually colored children met with fear and/or resentment would grow to be adults overcompensating for insecurity with hatred and in perceived need for pre-preemptive self-defense, aggression. I can see how there would be truth to such a story of whites being angry for having been rejected. Such a story would only justify prejudice, racial superiority and slavery based upon insecurity and a perceived need or desire for vengeance.
   I did not dwell upon any of this, nor did I give it voice at that time. Instead, I focused upon a moment with my young black lover in which we sat transfixed in the night at the sight of our hands: palm to palm, wrapping them around each other, then intertwined, dancing hands,..sharing in the awe at the beauty, magnificence, and wonder of living contrasting colors to skin, child-like innocence, tenderness, fascination, appreciation.
    The next time my inter-racial family experience was interrupted, I was not over stressed. First came the mixed boy who was simply uncertain. Then came the more aggressive black one who was clearly antagonistic.
    Repeated experiences contain messages. Something needs healing in me. So, I began exploring the thoughts as they came to me. I began to allow myself to explore the feelings.
    As a young child there was always a black face in our family gatherings as well as our day-to-day experience. His name was Christie. A dark skinned face always evokes a sense of family, of familiar and thus a sense of acceptance and security. Then my awareness was brought into the bigger community. Upon seeing a group of children playing, I eagerly approached them. They ran away making a raucous. I felt confusion, a lack of understanding resulting in insecurity. Yes, they were black and "white" was heard by me. In high school the colored children who moved into our small town were unapproachable, seemingly uninterested in friendship, socially distant. In college a black man flirted with me aggressively. When I reached out to touch a medallion around his neck, asking what it meant because he had been boasting of it, he slapped my hand away, sharply stating "That's not to be touched by a white person like you!". My heart began to harden with disgust and the accusation  toward him of "hypocrite, I'm good enough to flirt with, to touch my skin, yet I may not touch your medallion?!". When I went to work a black man was as lazy as lazy could be. The bosses would warn him but he would threaten with screams of "it's racism!" Even his black companions shook their heads at him and distanced themselves from him when he did it. I began to understand white resentment at being legally required to hire based on minority status. I extended my awareness even further out into the world as whole when I began to awaken and seek true understanding and came to see how whites really are a minority. We came from dark skinned ancestors and live in a world with greater numbers of darker skinned relations who hate white skinned western man. More feelings of inferiority accumulated along with adopted apologetic racial and religious guilt for atrocities committed through the ages. There is racial envy; the wishing for darker skin and/or some sort of ancient cultural connection. I had been carrying childhood hurt, teenage angst and resentment, adult comprehension of "reality" and then a sense of inferiority. layers of "issues" with color. I learned to respect color differences in honor of acknowledging their culturally different experiences rather than continuing "not to see color at all" and treating them as if they were "just like me". All of this layered beneath the original  sense of family, of familiar and thus a sense of acceptance and security. Of course I would favor the positive emotions and deny or repress the negative. Of course I would lead with the embodiment of the positive in interactions and relationships.
   As I allowed the memories, thoughts and feelings to flow I could feel the hurt and the fear that had been living so long within me. I had reason to leave my room to take care of my children's needs, knowing the antagonistic black young man was out there. A part of me wanted to deny our needs and remain isolated, safely closeted in our room away from the conflict and uncomfortable environment. I chose to walk through my fear in love and compassion for what I was feeling. I opened my bedroom door and stepped out. I would face whatever was waiting for me, even if it be like the last time where clear intention to terrorize myself and my children had been exercised upon me. I was filled with sheer terror and insecurity about my place in the home in which I had been living with each and every step I was taking out of my room and away from my children....."What right did I have to be here?!" came the thought whispers. I breathed and loved myself deeply, acknowledging the perceived validity of such a question while defending my presence; "I was invited". I continued to reflect inwardly. The super-naturally powerful beast of anger came into me. "He" was born to counter-balance these things, in loving protection of the beloved child that is me. I lovingly embraced and comforted and extended this understanding with gratitude for the desire to protect unto "him" in me. When my chore was finished I sat outside. I experienced piercing emotional pain, then the pain of releasing such fear and more pain of the wounded child in me. I cried out the layers of experience and negative emotions and thoughts that had come with them. I felt the pain of being on the receiving end of the anger it took to alienate my young black lover from me as I had learned he had a girlfriend already who he wouldn't be leaving. When he knew I had learned of this and I refused to be a part of dishonesty with his girlfriend, he struck out by blocking me from his experience completely. It is his shame he is feeling, not mine. I commit to not taking it personally. I saw the sheer number of black women who reject their children's affection: "Do not touch me! Stop telling me you love me!", and I commit to myself not to take rejection of MY affection and adoration of black family personally. It's not at all really about me. It was done to them and they are simply repeating their parent's pattern of fear and insecurity with not just white family.
    The young black antagonist comes into my presence again. He interacts much more softly and companionably. I had healed me that morning. In doing so, he experienced a softening around me. The uncertain one exhibits a greater sense of security, more confidence around me. I am now less conflicted in me and emanating a greater sense of security. Thank you for coming with me on this part of my journey. I honor the journey you are making.
    Now I must walk lovingly through my fear of sharing my story of racism to whispering thoughts of "Your experience isn't traumatic enough to relate, to matter, to have a place in this case, what are you whining about, poor little white girl of privileged life?!.........." It was traumatic enough for me. I matter or it wouldn't have happened to me, I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be moved to speak. My place is always exactly where I find myself to be. What privilege is there in alienation due to animosity?


Beginning to see my own value

I am precious.

This morning it was given me to experience a train of thinking.
It began with feeling slightly offended for mankind.
A cow or goat gives milk once or twice a day. A chicken an egg, maybe two a day.....
We build them houses, we provide them food. We see to their security. We take on jobs to fund these things.
First thing that pops into my head is women who stay at home to cook, to clean, to care for children....not gender prejudice, make that parents.....
Then came trees....... maple trees are protected, nourished, sustained and give what we seek but once a year. Then there is all the work to create that syrup, that candy.....isn't it the same with milk and egg; unfinished products.....
What about human beings? They work and produce and generate and give full days but we do not provide enough for all their physical needs: protection, housing, sustenance....
True to spiritual training my mind begins to turn the observational eye upon I value my own time, my own efforts, my own contribution?
Of course, the response is "What do I give?"
I am given to reflect on how mankind is only now discovering hidden things, such as how mushrooms bring the rain. I always thought mushrooms sprouted after the rain, that rain brought the mushrooms. Turns out the rain came because the mushrooms  gave off their spores.
Is not my contribution so similar to the natural things.....
Time with me changes perspectives, changes life experiences, sets people free.
It may be like the unfinished product, time with me may show someone a new perspective but require them to do the work to change their experience. With infants it's immediate, the effect I bring to places of discomfort, distrust and insecurity. With older children afflicted with disabilities, it may take a time or two with me on social visits before those who cannot stand to be touched initiate a hug with me. With adults it may take them engaging in threatening behavior, initiating what would normally result in conflict before a new awareness is triggered.
This happens with no conscious effort or intention. I lay these golden eggs as does a chicken hers. Before self-awareness/awakening occurred, not even I would have been aware of these things should a "job interview" have been conducted. I could only answer "What do you do?" with "Breathe".
Should I not be sheltered, nourished, sustained, appreciated, praised?
Should we not expect a person's contribution to be not immediately apparent, as it took mankind so long to discover things like the connection between mushrooms and rain?
Could we not simply assume every human being makes a contribution which makes them worth sheltering, sustaining, nourishing, appreciating and praising?
Could I not expect such realization extended to me?

Sunday, July 10, 2016

An Owl Alights

It came late this night (unless one prefers 'early this morning') gliding on smooth, silent wings to alight upon a crossed sign post. The sign post was at a smoothly rounded corner where two roads ended and did meet in their beginnings. It was the spot before which I was standing. It looked at me with a face eerily human. "I rejoice at your presence, baby" came from a silence within and around me. I sang and danced under the starlight with placid delight in the rejoicing of  presence of rejoicing at presence shared within me.
I look at my life and I do indeed see two roads meeting at ending and beginning in one smooth turning and joining. I see rejoicing in presence and smoothness/graceful ease in and with presence. I see this extending before me in the great distance with which the owl does see, into the darkness where only creatures familiar with and comfortable in the night are given to see.
Stacey B.

Our Anger

Stacey Bourdeau
July 9, 2015
Anger is our own resistance to our own discomfort. We fear we are wrong to be uncomfortable with an experience, that fear of being wrong becomes anger. We are allowed to have preferences! We do not need to justify them. We are not hypocritical if we are comfortable with a response with one person but not another. We are not hypocritical if we are comfortable with the same action in one set of circumstances while not being comfortable with it in another. By accepting our own responses without judgement, we allow in understanding and yes, we may then become comfortable with something we weren't comfortable with a moment before or we may find we are quite right to be uncomfortable! Love, compassion and understanding MUST begin with ourselves

Friday, July 8, 2016

Moving day-a dream

  Woke from a dream in which we were in some sort of "witness protection" program. We had been in a house being looked after by one man. The man who is in charge of our program came and told me it was time to pack up to leave. We had very little stuff and plenty of room in the suitcases. He let us know a place had been found for us, I would be reunited with my son, and we were able to leave the program. As I packed, there was more stuff than I had thought and it was taking a long time, yet the man in charge was not in a hurry, paying attention to his cell phone, even though he initially implied it was urgent we hurry, the one watching over us was standing quietly.
  True I'm in a house and would love to stop living out of suitcases. My physical son is with me always, so I know it is not all literal-physical. All I can get from the dream at the moment is that things are going to change for myself and my little family. I feel a slight sense of confusion at urgent or not urgent. I know it happens in non-physical before, if ever, happening literally in the physical. 4 months between the last dream which was and it's actual physical enactment. This may take even longer with preparation and not actual event occurring. We shall see!
  It took me a minute after writing this for the connection to my last dream to register in my head. Condom=protection, I am being prepared to leave a protection program. So, this dream was actually an answer to the question from the last dream: will I be allowed to move forward without protection? The answer is YES!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Condom or no condom?

    I fell asleep for a nap feeling cherished and sexy. I took that feeling with me into a dream.....
"What if he asks me if I want him to wear a condom?" My ex was excited to be with me and off he went to get a condom. "What if I refuse to have sex with him if he wears the condom?". His brother expresses interest in me. My ex comes excitedly back into the room.....
   I woke still feeling cherished and sexy, pondering what if's and what the dream could mean when the question came; "What if I said yes to money?".
  Spirit speaks in metaphors when it comes to visions and dreams. The condom was a metaphor for poverty. People generally see me as so free. They see me as brave. I have, however, not seen it in myself because I've known I haven't been truly living. If I had money I would no longer have the excuse to not be out there exploring, spending, creating,
  As I release the limitations to my vibrancy such as insecurity, shame, self-judgement, fear, and such; I feel more free. That embodiment of freedom, my generosity in sharing it more openly as I step through fear of not being accepted for my most authentic self expression will, will draw money into my experience. As I unleash the abundance that is me, abundance shall return to bless and reflect it.
  So, what if I say no to the condom of poverty?  What if this time I say yes to money?
  For those who do not know, wondering gets an answer and sets manifestation into motion immediately. It's the most potent creative force I'm aware of. When the Divine wonders, creation begins.....
How appropro?! A condom with 'toad' on it! (yes, I know it's a tree frog---rolling eyes at the technalists- and yeah, I just made that word up...creative licence, baby, creative license!)
  Still feeling cherished and sexy.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

What I want you to do to me

        This blog post is for informational, educational and spiritual development purposes only.  Warning: sexually explicit descriptions necessary for complete, honest conveyance of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual mechanics of sex ARE included. Clicking on the link to this post is agreement to expose yourself to it, declares you over 18 years of age or having parental consent.
        We allow the inner mechanics of thought and feeling to be blasted on radio waves when it comes to murderers, rapists and women abusers under the label "RAP music", paying millions for it...I think we can handle allowing the following!
       My boyfriend asks what I want him to do to me. I freeze. I don't talk 'dirty'. "It's just not me", I think. My re-embodiment of my innocence wants that changed. I WANT to speak it as it immediately comes up what I want him to do to me. I'm a mature woman with plenty of sexual experience to have narrowed down my desires quite specifically. I know what I like to do and I know what I like done to me. The question and response come from a place of purity and honesty as "children of God" with physical bodies in the excited, eager stages of a new romantic relationship. This is me coming un-frozen. I do this for me with complete awareness that in sharing the doing so the potential exists for the liberation also of my sisters of the world who have been programmed to be afraid to allow themselves such a full pleasure of the physical experience as well as those who have allowed it within themselves but have been too afraid to speak it like me........
      "I want to wake slowly while I use my tongue and hands to make love to your scrotum, sucking them into my mouth tenderly, and penis until it is good and hard, leaking and slicked with my saliva. I want to climb atop you and slowly insert your penis into my vagina after I rub it's moistened tip around my vulva sensuously. I want to ride your penis, oh so slowly, until I begin to orgasm. I want to feel every inch of it and let the shape of it be imprinted in my body. I want my orgasm to cause my vaginal muscles to squeeze and draw your penis into me, as deep as it can bring it, so that your ejaculation strikes my cervix like a drum being beat with the rhythm of life. I want to feel the shudders and 'after shocks' that tickle and make their way through my entire body, bringing awakening, bringing to life and joy and ecstasy my entire being.  I want to collapse upon your chest as we catch our breath, our hearts pounding at each other through our skin. As our breath slows, I want to nuzzle your neck and breath in deeply of your scent. I want to exhale into your ear, blowing into your brain and body the ecstasy this scent draws from within me. I want to friskily bite and suck on your neck until your penis swells inside me again, raising within us a more primal passion. I want you to flip us over then and make love to me with this primal passion like the lion you are for me.
And then maybe I'll let you go to work ;)  I say playfully".

Proving a breakthrough and another toad

Today's "proving" a break through has happened----
Some people think we're tested, tried by such experiences. I usually meet them as if in a game. They are opportunities to practice a new response to normally intimidating or confusing things, (something we normally struggle with) in alignment with whatever consciousness I have been exploring. The world/life responds differently, my experience of life becomes easier and I'm celebrating this discovery of a new ability/aspect/acceptance.
Normally when anything happens with my children, I "respond" rather than react because it's the "spiritual guru" thang to do. I feel inward and wonder "How will this affect their psyche? How will they perceive themselves in response to me? How will this affect my reality", etc.
Oh, hell no.
My daughter is urgently drawing my attention to her brother. Reluctant to look because I was busy interacting elsewhere, I turn to see my son standing there grinning with a squashed toad by the toe, guts hanging out all fresh and juicy, clean from the rain. I just screeched and screamed and did the "ew" hand shake thing; "Throw that thing in the grass!" (more screeching and laughing). nausea, chills, delight.....just plain reaction and we're all emotionally fine, untraumatized by it.
As I reflected I realize the law of attraction business, "don't resist or it will persist" can predominantly be applied to one's own reactions more than what we see in the world. The more we suppress our own honest, authentic feeling about/reactions, the more life is suppressing/limiting. With the return of the fire to my belly, my "badassness", filters and inner control mechanisms are leaving, setting me free to live even more authentically a more mature version of the divine child in me. Life has thus begun to meet me more generously and freely.
And yeah, them toads keep showing up in my experience, but the cats and dogs of the household are usually playing with and chasing them or they're dying in the streets....a more 'natural'/flowing order of things.......