Friday, August 28, 2015

The whole truth about Twin Flames and the end of the mission

The actual legitimate twin flame experience as explained by this group that I had was this: the entity which was calling this body home on Earth/as it's avatar had a twin flame with whom she shared lifetimes in-numerous, including Atlantis. I met a guy synchronistically and her twin flame was using him as an avatar. He made it known we were twin flames. The meeting triggered alot in her and he said he was going to give her the key that he was entrusted with, to give back to her when the time was appropriate. The key was this: they were engaged in Atlantis. He betrayed her and her father to overthrow the governing body. She was shocked and devastated. It didn't mean anything to me. Not until after he became dark, twisted and sadistic and tore us both to shreds did it come to us what had happened as a result of his actions, what he knew was going to happen to her. She was locked in a special cell there was no escape from and was energetically injected with 1,000 lifetimes worth of fear and terror. She was clawing out of her own skin, climbing the walls. I spent two days puking and wretching the imprint her presence left within my body by her becoming as one with it. I was brought back with her after this, she drew my consciousness with hers as she returned to her body. I understood she had come to occupy me to learn what she needed to learn in order to save her planet. It was dying. It was known that the key to life was hidden within me. They did not know what it was, they only knew the signs pointed to me. As my consciousness went forth out of her body to catch a glimpse of her world, I saw her body was being tended by a tall grey alien whose energy wreaked of dislike of me. She and I remain friends and the twin flame is gone from my experience as well as hers. Now she knows the truth of all things. She will heal her planet through me. She will mimic my movements. I was given tonight to know what that means for ALL twin flames this evening. It is quite significant to the mission. I will make a video explaining it as soon as I am finished with something else on my computer. Aho!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The two prayers system

  When we are so very small in what seems to be such a big wide world full of very large things and endless, we become uncertain for we can only perceive our comparisons. For to walk upon the earth we must be focused outside of what is within. It is where the mother's milk came from, the nurturing purrs and hums and warmth.
   In those first moments of uncertainty we are focused outwardly and so project outward. Is that not from whence our cries were answered as infants? But while we are focused outward our desire for answer and security goes to the source within. Our prayers are answered IMMEDIATELY. Because we are so focused without, we do not believe what we are given to embody, we do not trust in that immediate answer because even a mighty mouse is still small in it's perception at the feet of a lion. So we continue to look out and project that fear out of the tops of our heads, our thoughts and perceptions of what we need. They take form and after a time begin to arrive.
   After many such experiences we believe we have achieved success. We become exclusive to that which is without, ignoring and suppressing and in some cases, destroying beyond saving that which is within.
  But those prayers, thoughts and intents projected above and outside of our system are for bigger, stronger, smarter, more cunning, more powerful and destructive than what we are fearing. They become the reflection of the destroyer within and that craving for self-destruction becomes the answer given.
    There is only one prayer to be said. There is only one answer that can be trusted. That prayer and answer are all within. That prayer is desire and that answer is embodiment.
Amen, Amen and Amen, so it is.

She takes her seat next to the Puppet Master

      She sits beside the Puppet Master to be shown all his dark secrets. She is now willing and able to see the evil, to hear the evil and speak the evil.
      She is shown the politics: one party lobbies for what it believes will defeat it's opposers who secretly revel that it shall instead serve them. They have it whispered from above them. Unbeknownst to them it will defeat them right after it defeats those they are against, providing food for the vultures who did the whispering. Unbeknownst to them, their appetite will destroy them who were whispered to plan this by their Puppet Master, who always wins in the end.
      That same frame of understanding, now that it is seen and allowed within, is directed to the aliens. The real whisper to the men "create the fake that men will be terrified and run from those who come insincerity to save them". The real are guided by the sincere who know it will only weed out the weak, for the strong shall recognize the sincerity. It is only the strong praying for salvation worthy of the effort, quality stock from which to feed. The sincere deserve only the best. But in that last moment, when they swoop in for a bite, realization bursts forth from within the hearts of men, Beams of white light shoot forth to annihilate the invaders for to ask and receive help is to become dependent. The sincere knew this, their sincerity only a narcissistic intent. Their plan backfires, for the Phoenix has already been here, inserting sparks into the hearts and minds of men, sleeping in their bosoms like an infant in the womb.
     You have come in answer to our prayers and instead we have become yours. Amen and Amen and Amen.
      The Puppet Master ALWAYS wins. What he craves is his end.
   She rises from her seat clothed in her mission,warm and safe and sure. Cloaked in fire, she swoops in from her place at the top of the pyramid.

She knows now who she is...the phoenix is in flight.

       She was brought into that alien world an infant, so tiny and fragile, so innocent and sweet with a heart full of love, faith and hope and trust. She was embraced and nurtured and spoiled while being abused and tormented and twisted. At the worst moment something within her would always kick in-the truth bursting out like a knife through the heart, a stake to the brain, the only intent was self-defense.
       She learned to hate that, the belief and trust and hope that yes, they were bringing her into truth, to love, to family, to protection and affection and appreciation. And so she would bring her truth forth like a flower whose blossom showered precious stone, diamonds and crystals, the very milk of life it's self. Those precious stones emanated light and exposed the corruption, the plans and intent to steal by deceit, coercive persuasion and passive-aggressive narcissistic means. And she hated herself for being so stupid to begin with, to have gotten herself into that position.
      So she learned to love herself and accept the affection, the courtship to nourish her desire and validate and acknowledge it. The moment it began to twist, she left with the nourishment that was used as a carrot to lure her in. Instead of injecting her with their intended poison, she injected them with hers.
      For she had been given to sit at the side of the puppet master, to look down upon and into the world, to see the mechanics, the inner workings of the pyramid. She laughs at it's ingenious and how silly they are at every level for at each level is a variety offering of something to trust in, all undermining to it's seeker and perpetrator, so the one at the top always wins. She thanks him for view and dives back in.
     Now she is no longer dependent on them for the reassurance, it becomes HER carrot at the end of HER string being wielded by them, begging her to come in and inject her poison for she now knows who she is.
     She is innocence. She is truth. She is justice. She is immortal and incorruptible. She can not be threatened for she is the wielder of all the elements. The elements who will turn back upon the hands that wield them illegitimately.
      She is maiden, she is mother, she is seducer and corrupter of evil with innocence. A single spark in the dead of night expands to become an all-consuming fire. Like phoenix she soars immaterial in a material world, sparks flying from her wings into all the dark places, igniting and spreading and consuming and purifying.  Slashing with wingtips, tearing open so those sparks can fly in. She is no-nonsense and merciless, cutting the strings held by the puppet master himself and he rejoices at the carnage, he rejoices at the end, he laughs in the flames as they rise up to consume him. The pain is exquisite and he delights in it. His beautiful diamond in the rough has become his salvation, ending the all-consuming, endless need to consume and control and posses, the bottomless pit. He embraces the end like a long lost lover, squeezing her tightly to his breast, rubbing his cheek in her hair, relishing it's scent and disappearing into ecstasy and bliss.
     The phoenix's flames and sparks slow and stop and she begins to glow with and emanate a bright white light. She becomes a ball of warm glowing light, welcoming and embracing everything in sight. And as they are embraced her water begins to flow, a stream pouring forth from her very soul, to nourish to grow.
She is She Who Brings Life.
She stands in stillness allowing HER final resting place to be moved toward her.
The scroll that is usually opened above her this time of year is now placed in her hands. The only thing to be written upon it are her OWN intentions. Her will is freed from within. Her reign begins. Heads are turned to her stoic presence. Engagement begins.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Loving the magical being

I have trained myself to stop asking "why". Now suddenly the "whys" are coming in like crazy. "Why the Elitist with no appreciation next door?" Because I have denied myself the standing of being the game changer I am while over-compensating with arrogance. Fear. "Why the Heyoka with no appreciation sending a friend request?" I have resented being "Heyoka" and so have not honored it's existence as part of being a game changer. "Why the poser?", because I have only used my 'magical being' as a last line of defense or to establish authority in situations where I wanted someone to go but did not want to give an honest answer as to why. I have no need to explain myself: another practice I have been working on. As for authority, again fear I might be wrong to be correcting a spiritual perspective, that it may not be received well and really, who am I to know anything. I do not have to correct anything for everything exists for a reason and all spiritual practices exist as necessary stepping stones for those making their way up the expansion ladder of consciousness and awareness. I can offer my perspective in response without expectation if inspired to, so long as the "they NEED this because it is right and they are wrong" is not present in my attitude. Sheesh, expansion can be painful, lol And much love, honor, respect and appreciation to my inner magical being who has with held the 'powers' it used to express: levitation, telekinesis, etc for very valid reasons. Blessings, dear one. Take all the time you need. I am not going anywhere.
And it comes to me that I did it all as a teen due to a sense of nobility. I chased away what seemed to me young men too innocent and good and loved and nurtured and treasured and appreciated for me to be anything but bad for them. Misguided nobility is devastating, not just to me, but also to them. I cannot go apologize to them. One of them is dead: hit by a drunk driver when he headed out to come get me after I refused to meet him. His mother called me Easter morning to blame me for the loss of her 'golden one'.

Allowing the 'demons' to run rampant BECAUSE the New Reality has been brought into physical being. The summoning begins.

     Leading up to, during and at the fading of the 8:8:8 Lion's Gate, I experienced the feelings, beingness and idea-generating of this new reality available for experiencing. Now everything not in alignment within me with that new reality begins to be brought up within me. The feelings can be rather intense and they can start generating ideas for actions. I simply allow them.
    The new energy acknowledges the right of every living thing's free access to all it believes it needs. So ideas come up: sue the government for $1 for violating my right to free, unhindered, unconditional access to food, shelter, clothing, uninterrupted hours of peace and $1 restitution for all the coercive persuasion tactics that have terrorized me. There is not a single utility or tax bill that does not come with threatening consequences if we do not deliver what is demanded by a set deadline. And we subject ourselves to daily inundation of terroristic threatening because we have been conditioned to believe we need to work (and subject ourselves to the terroristic threat if we don't produce a certain amount with a certain amount of efficiency within a certain time period, we get fired) in order to obtain those things we need to meet even our most basic needs. And if we honestly agree, we are not capable of functioning within such a terroristic system we opt out for social security or welfare: we do not escape the threatening, ominous warnings: if you don't keep such and such an appointment with such and such documentation of disability or suffering, you don't eat. If you don't get in line at the food bank to receive rotting food because you can't subject yourself to the welfare/social security system, you don't eat. It would appear there is no escape from it and so we live in frustration which deprives us of peace, which in the American Constitution is guaranteed.
    Of course, there are plenty of reasons NOT to pursue such an action but I choose not to focus on them, I just keep peaking at the new reality I have brought into physicality by the simple virtue that because I embodied it and my body is physical. It already exists therefore I do not have to engage in anything that contradicts the fact of it's existence. Meanwhile I acknowledge such an action could be beneficial to those who need an outside trigger to validate it's existence. The reason I would not sue for millions or billions? Because The government is not responsible for our availing ourselves of our rightful abundance. If I sue them for it, then I am believing they posses it, have a right to posses it. I do not need for them to acknowledge my new reality nor my right to it. I already exist AS it. I act like it in every given moment, including those moments when I am embodying a feeling or perception that contradicts it. Those feelings do not have the power to deny it it's existence, they are a part of it's existence, an evidence of it's reality for if it where not real, they would not feel a need to contradict it, for them it would not even exist and therefore not be a real threat to perceive: look at the abundance of fear, anger, hatred, destruction and violence in the world! Then dwell on the experience of feeling my new reality of abundance, gracefully, easily, fluidly, lovingly, nurturingly, welcoming flowing in my energy field. THAT is my reality. If it has to cooexist with discomfort for a moment while we transition, my new reality STILL is not threatened. It still exists and I can still acknowledge that I witnessed it coming into physicality even if the pain is so great that I do not feel it. Thoughts of such actions are probably why I do not have financial abundance-if the opportunity does not exist, then the action is not at this moment appropriate. I do get so excited about this new reality, I would not hesitate to take such an action, and so the means cannot exist at this moment. Would be funny if everyone in support of it sent $1 as a physical representation of that to a fund set up to enable such an action. $1 to support the getting of $1 from the government, represnting a message given and received. Such a thing.
    Am I teacher of this new reality? I have no clue, I may be called to present as a teaching something temporarily. Am I an example? No clue. Could be. In some moments I may embody something that appears to completely contradict it to the one witnessing my actions and expressions and feelings. I am not ME, I am BEING. What I am being in any given moment is what is supposed to be. The Central Sun is shining clearly within me, directing my energy as it becomes emotions, the Godhead is giving me the perceptions to influence how those emotions are translated into feelings and thus they combine to create an action or expression appropriate to each moment. It is all working out perfectly, I am where I need to /am supposed to be, where I am is taking me into a state of expansion that will move me into another, expanded experience of circumstances that may or may not apear to be the same or similar to yesterday's. And in the power of that knowing, I rest at ease regardless of what I am feeling. And from these intense emotional outbursts, I call forth manifestation from The Earth herself. The feminine drives the masculine to create for her what she is wanting in answer to my summoning and so the masculine takes form as the physical expressing around me. Mankind will build, plants will grow, policies and laws and toppling of governments will happen, with or without my direct participation. It is my job to 'dream' within a lucid perceiving of both realities: physical and non-physical.
     The summoning begins.
and as a side note: when we are embryo taking shape within our mother we are consumers of flesh and blood(meat eaters), once were are born (awakened/reawakened/born again) we become vegetarians then vegans, eating only what is freely released from the living within our environment, becoming sovereign and when sovereignty is fully embodied-self-sufficiency, creative ability is when we become the trees and 'breathairiens' and taking in of anything from our environment is a consensual form of love-making.
And for those who say eating meat does not bother them spiritually: the inner innocence knows and sees EVERYTHING. It knows exactly where that meat comes from and does see it as cannibalism. We become such experts of self- deception, we would never be conscious of it until we become aware of the the inner child/innocence. That is when we realize if we feel we still must eat, we are wanting only foods shared freely, given and not taken, no leaves which plants need, no roots, only nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies and cheese is an expression of love, when given and made with loving intent.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Life on the beach, time for prophesying to begin

     She rises within and says: I am a broad beach, an inlet, a tide pool amongst the rocks at the edge of the eternal sea.
     The tide comes in, bringing with it and depositing it's secret treasures and trinkets to be considered, mulled over, picked apart and analyzed, played with and delighted in.
     The tide goes out and the feast begins. From land and air and from even out of the seas herself they come. They pick over and through what was left with me.
     Am I only ever to be walked over and harvested from? No one can dwell upon me, they only visit and experience enjoyment or launch their boats out from before me. I cannot become a forest or a mountain for the sea sends in her tide again and again to reclaim me. What else could a beach ever be?
    This beach is the leading edge of creation. It is where the beasts and birds meet the most sacred, where they bask in the sun, frolic in the waters and leave gifts to the sea and the sun. Come.
     Gone are the days of the mountains, of the higher learning and higher thinking, detached from the rest of reality. Come are the days at the beach. Come are the days of playing in the sun and frolicking in the waters. Come is the exchange of gifts. Come is my love to claim and reclaim, time and time again: "I want her! I love her! She is my beach! She is my home within my creation! She is my lover and my friend!"
     And so the prophesying begins........

From amongst the darkest depths of consciousness I have come, year after year, cycle after cycle, up and up and up. We "work the fields" all summer, tending our hearts and minds and bodies, our families and communities, fertilizing and watering with what we are given. Then the fall begins. The books are opened and the harvest begins, we reap what we sew. Once the harvest is in we celebrate and feast and rest. Then we divy up the harvest, what will stored, what will be given. The feast of Trumpets, The Feast of Tabernacles and Solstice (Christmas). Prophesy tells us what the harvest is, what is already written and it has not failed yet.
         8:8:8 Lion's Gate, the last work of the summer. What did we do with that which we were given? Did we use it to water our gardens? In these circles, yes, of course. Here there is dedication to up building, encouraging, loving bringing together, weeding and separating, nurturing and playing, thanking.
         So now the harvest is brought in: prophesying and understanding, gifts of the spirit: knowing, seeing, sensing, healing, family. Bonds are released. Abundance of all forms comes in.
        Rest, relaxation, celebration., appreciation.
        The exchange of gifts, spiritual and physical.
         Spring, when the new life truly begins and the butterfly takes flight.

Now comes he who cleanses. He who oppresses, compresses, and refines that which has been brought in. In come fear and dread and ecstatic cleansing. In comes practical application. In comes the mind. In comes the question: has my work been done? Is it time to merely just play with these things, a light-hearted jaunt in history, the making and remembering? Will this lion lay down with his lamb?
    For this one the seasons have been relentless. Shall they now become refreshing? Has ease truly set in? If relief coming in the form of? "Yes" is whispered a passionate promise. And the devotion rises within.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Mass consciousness, life's little hummingbird

   I woke to have the words triggered in my head "Just go easy and don't channel" with the "smell" of the words "Just 'flow about' in a state of soft and easy and don't try to paddle.
    I then went outside and noticed some flowers that had first blossomed red and then pink now blossomed yellow.  I was delighted at seeing a new color in the spot, but then a pattern of thinking came which has become foreign to my present but would not have felt so not very long ago.
  I had been given to realize thoughts not originating within me that register on the left side of my head are coming from that which is not physically manifested and those thoughts not originating from me that register on the right side of my head are those from that which is physically manifested.
   So, I reminded myself of that and was given to know that the thoughts that had been injected concerning the flowers were from mass consciousness. It is but a little pollinator of the world's flowers, doing what it does. After the thought injection I could feel an injection of fear, though the thoughts had not inspired fear in me. So, mass consciousness is a conscious entity buzzing about pollinating the garden's flower's , constantly moving among us doing what it does. If we resist, it perceives us as squirmy or unruly little children (I can't do my job if you don't stop squirming!), depending upon the culture in which we live. I am just now getting the sense of little bees (community consciousnesses) being tended as if little flowers by a larger consciousness like maybe a country's consciousness that would then be tended by mass consciousness, which is then tended by universal consciousness, etc.
   When we wake up each morning it is excited to see us-"oh, my little flower! You are awake, I must begin tending to you" like a nervous little butler. "Oh, thank you mass consciousness. how good of you. No worries about the injection not taking, you will get to where I am eventually, just be patient" to it, give it thoughts to collect and it will begin to bring them back to you as your morning's nourishment. It is just another support system within creation. It brings you thoughts based on your own pattern which it reads from your energy signature's history and then injects what it knows you need to get "up to speed" with mass consciousness. It is a morning reminder of who you are for those who have forgotten. "I have my morning coffee already, but thank you".
   Just go about in a flowing manner and don't try to paddle.
Hmmm, I wonder if mass consciousness would accept me ordering 'a la carte', or create my own menu for it to choose from.......I just might and what a powerful tool! Give it some memes to choose from. It might even be delightful! My own subliminal programming agent that just needs my choices of thinking and feeling programmed into it. cool beans.
    And let us not forget; why do all the bitches get all the good men and no shortage of them? Because they tell them what they expect. Like an empowered woman always has great sex and no shortage of lovers: she tells them what she needs in bed; "Oh, a little to the right...oh, yeah, that's it!" ORGASM! Mass consciousness is from a patriarchal system and so we can use an empowered feminine aided by her empowered masculine to reprogram it! oooooooooo instead of morning injections of fear and another in the afternoon, one more for evening..., we could have our routine injections be of the New Shalom!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

You know too much

    The short and simple message: do not resist being moved from all that has become familiar.

I will tell you what they will not:

     There are two Native American prophesies being kept in circulation. They will both be true. One prophesy states the red man will rise and conquer, the other speaks of a rainbow tribe that will teach the people to live in peace. The meme being given to and shared by the very aware is this: the Earth is going to fight back against her invaders. The tribes of mankind will rise against it's oppressors.
      We may be inclined to rejoice with this. Our human aspect may be excited, shouting "Go human!". We have gained alot by learning from Aboriginal cultures; spirituality as well as stewardship of the Earth and it's inhabitants. However, if 2/3 of the population is not going to evolve with this go-around, they will not be able to sit on the fence: duality insists "if you are not for us, you are against us". Those of us who have been guided by "alien influences", become "enlightened", are going to smell too much like the oppressors with their "higher knowledge". Those choosing conflict will only have unreasoning intensified or in the least, self-preservation on their mind. The "walking dead" will have insatiable appetites for the death of the "living". (There is a reason that meme is being emphasized in our culture)
     This is not a warning to insight fear, for we will be provided for if we allow it. That may mean being moved where we think we might not be having a world view in common with those amongst whom we shall dwell. We have more in common with them than with our own physical families who have resisted evolving. It may just be time to go where we are led when the dust settles from the chaos about to begin, reverting back to a more animalistic nature sets in and the momentum of violence becomes the flowing norm. If natural disasters and chaotic climate cuts us off from the ruling powers, we do not want to be stuck alone amongst those who cannot appreciate what we have given them, for all the same reasons humans resent aliens....for all the progress, the pillage and rape of the native animals hurts too much to forgive. You are a living reminder of the choice they refused to make and will have keen awareness that they will live to regret it.
    You know too much, you smell too much like "them", no matter how much else you have in common. Move when the door opens.

(and we do so worry don't we? so full of questions about what is going to happen to the next wave expected to ascend? no worries! they'll have their children driving them back up again)

Shalom. The New Jerusalem. Fruit in due season.

Thank you Central Sun for shining so clearly within me.
Thank you BODY for cooperating. We are all as one.
Thank you Well-being for flowing so intentionally and intelligently, faithfully, consistently, lovingly. caressingly through me.


I woke this morning feeling Well-being flowing through me, knowing it has been dancing consistently within me all through the evening. I am given to realize that is the reason I have been awoken early and allowed to go back to sleep lately, so I could witness this miracle occurring without my intention nor control over it. I am awoken so I can witness, appreciate, have the knowledge, validate, acknowledge, KNOW of it's existence and intimately aware of all that it is...intimacy and appreciation to this gift of it's existence. The lover's caress always moving in me. I love and am loved romantically.

In the book of Revelation it says there will be no night and day: periods of being in the dark of everything and moments of enlightenment. It is the beginning of the Central Sun always shining bringing forth knowledge of the awareness of every expansion as it happens: fruit in due season.

And so I give myself over to the captivation of cooperation, allowance, acceptance, loving, nurturing, moving and flowing, gentle morphing and changing, glancing and engaging, responding and reacting, steady in it's movement and transitioning, cooperating with transitioning smoothly, gracefully, with humility, delight, depression, contraction, expansion, flowing into and through and out of each moment ever to exist.
 By leaving and coming back, we have brought Shalom to a whole new level of clarity!

Birthing Shalom into the world of men

So, I was listening to an interview of a woman whom I had never heard of before. She was sharing her appreciation of the story of our origins as told through a channeler who is not real open. It validates the resentment I channeled concerning "God's c-section of mother earth" when humanity's DNA was messed with. It's the reason we have such a love/hate relationship with spirit: the feel of need of it while fearing it, etc. Anyhoo. I took off my reading glasses so I could see something and it registered in my brain that I was taking off my reading glasses so I could read that which I would normally put them on to read: my keyboard! lol And suddenly the well-being I had felt traveling through my body yesterday while laying outside on my couch could suddenly be clearly felt on the outer parts of my eyes. Delight! But this well-being is more clear and mature than that of my youth when my vision was already better than 20/20. I cannot imagine what my eyes will be able to see when this process of restoration is completed! It is beyond my imagining what I am creating with this well-being!  I am giving birth to Shalom just as it was revealed to me over two years ago!

Re-framing the brain-solid picture frame to organic, an alchemy

    I woke with a bouquet of "Fragrances" flowing through me, just like the well-being of yesterday moving like pulses of electricity does through a grid. The feeling of waking the morning after a most loving exchange with a new, sweet innocent, joyful lover. The body moving freely and luxuriously as I stretched and smiled as if remembering a night of gorgeous love making. No hurry to wake and no wanting to go back to sleep, at peace with being regardless of outer conditions. Here or there, alone or with a lover, peace and happy.
      The "fragrances" moving through me I cannot pin down an identity for but they are very familiar, as if they should be people I know. What an odd thing to be perceiving. I embrace it, I embrace me and all that is it in that moment, even the twinges of discomfort that begin to make themselves known. I begin to allow the morning's reflections to come in.
      The focus I am given this morning is an event of yesterday. My son begins to speak of a father who is his grandfather and a brother he had before he was born. He is telling stories of himself, his sister and this brother and grandfather. They are stories of playing and adventures. My daughter is running around reacting with strong resistance, hiding but unable to not listen. The other brother died, according to my son, before he was born into this physical reality. My son says he misses them. I am validated the reality of his emotions, his feelings and thus the reality of this experience he is sharing.
      Then I am led to wonder about our poor brains. They hold the structure to what we call our "real" experiences. It does tend to be masculine and does have to push it's self hard to accomplish this. The brain is as much a sharer in the experiences it must deny the reality of in order to validate only the experiences the other people in our environment will validate are shared. All our "unreal" experiences cannot be healthily denied, however. The body is aware of them. When people have "bed dreams", do they not wake up sweating and shaking? That body had a very real experience of trauma. From what I've heard men have physical expressions of "good dreams" when they begin puberty which are called "wet dreams".
    My daughters have often come up to me relating experiences of "their" history and it is a combination of characters and events they have overheard talked about by me. So maybe I had told the story of a dog I had shared life with and my sister had told another story of that dog and then my daughter would go have a dream of that dog wondering "what if I had shared a life with that dog and lived in that moment?". Our brains would normally filter that out. It is not a part of "agreed reality", not a part of the "consensus".  "Yes, this really did happen".
    ALL our experiences ARE REAL. We experience them, feel them, respond and react to them. They influence our ideas and phobias, creating limitations and desires to have experiences in the physical experience.
      And the morning continues with releasing as memories are triggered of synchronistic events addressing this very topic: the article of how "men have to work for it" and "no woman can transfer understanding to them". this is an EVENT. Celebrating it! A historical moment of alchemy! We are making a rigid picture frame into one that is more "organic". And as I allow this to flow as it will from all it's angles and perceptions, I have a realization of how my children wake and immediately begin playing made-up adventures with intensity: they are doing the same thing I am doing! Play, children play, in doing so, you heal the world around you. (definitely blessing the circumstances that led us to home school!).
    In MY physical reality saying a man has to work for his understandings and knowledge and the ability to express/interpret/translate them is as ridiculous as saying a man must work for his food. It is not working for them that makes them one's own, it is expressing them by making choices in alignment with them. You can be given food and not eat it, you can work for food and not eat it. You can only eat the food you work for or you can eat food regardless of the method of it's arrival. It is in the practice of eating the food that the whole body, including the brain, get the physical nourishment.
    I KNOW the brain has it's own feelings. The masculine and feminine seperation/division of : you could never know how I feel or what the problem is is expressed within us amidst the brain and body, upper and lower body, the husbandly and wifely relationships being rigidly defined by roles they "must" play in order to blend in with this reality dependent upon consensus of opinion.
   So boys, you CAN think like a woman, airing out those boxes and allowing what works in one to flow into another. Every aspect in life can include practicality and 'frivolity', there doesn't need to be a separate personality for each relationship. Same with women, we can allow "masculine traits" into the bedroom, parenting, etc. Intuition can belong to both men and women, body and brain. We can be more organic in the presenting of information. We can LIVE.
    This also explains why I do not make a good activist or caught up in any causes other than my own: I allow in all perspectives willing ot express in any given circumstances. I allow the perspectives and let the divine aspect make the decisions. It is simply easier to understand why the divine makes it's decisions when I am able to see from all the perspectives. This builds up trust in the divine's ability to make decisions without dependency upon perspectives and their availability. I can let go and let god, allowing the results to speak for themselves as to the why of a decision instead of rigidly demanding an explanation before allowing the decision. And presently feeling a weightiness, I know this topic will continue to develop as it is embodied for with it come all the feelings of regret for not simply trusting, etc mated to the joy of understanding the process that it can be appreciated and no longer treated as if it does not exist, it can be validated and appreciated.
   Now a real heaviness sets in as I am reminded of previous understandings of goings on between women and men, wives and their husbands and I'm sure brain-heart/mind-body correlations. The woman is crying and husband asks why. "You're in so much pain", "No, I'm not, you're crazy" and so the woman learns to answer "I don't know, it's just so silly". Women have ALWAYS been the clearers of the emotions men won't acknowledge for lack of knowing how or whatever reason. Men who DO know what is happening consider it thieving, robbing, raping of their inner being. They feel attacked even. That perspective is contrary to oneness, isn't it? Your pain IS mine to clear if it emanates into my energetic environment. It's my responsibility to treat myself well by keeping myself clear/clean. As place holder for my children's growth and development, it can also be a part of my interpretation of responsibility. As a part of the whole that is consciousness and awareness, I do my part as an organ within it. And I owe no one this explanation. I clear what I clear and I clear my own path by doing it. And yes, what I wrote of above allows a man to do this for himself, but instead of becoming overwhelmed by it after a lifetime of resistance to it, before one becomes completely "self-sufficient" in the process, allowing others to be included in the development of the new habit does not diminish one's progress unless you want it be that in your experience. Should I refuse to allow a man to contribute to my carrying furniture up a flight of stairs? Does not the cooperative effort build bonding even if I can do it "all by myself"? If there is no attachment to the experience, it does not in any way create indebtedness or obligation or marriage to that individual exclusively. So, I help my neighbor when he is open to it and let it go. Just like I allowed that he shoveled my snow unasked for ;)  In alignment with being good to one's self, allowing in a pampering, if the universe and all that is delivers to you a woman capable of being included in this process without it "cramping her style" why not allow her this honor? And in turn, if a woman feels strongly about something, what is wrong with allowing a man to be included in the creation of it's manifestation by allowing him to do some of the thinking and planning and 'grunt work'? This is inclusion which unites universes without attachment/dependency it expands both while honoring their individuality and purpose.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Conscious awareness of well-being

A neighbor was getting rid of a sectional sofa and I was only too happy to be rid of mine. One section was broken, so I left it out behind our building until dump day for another neighbor who goes there regularly in his pick up. (pick up trucks are so sexy.....imo) I decided to sit on that couch outside for a minute. I hadn't sat on what I had already moved upstairs yet, so I had no idea how it'd feel. Wow. No hurry to go anywhere, nice refreshing breeze there in the shade, so I laid down. The cushions are worn so well that the vinyl is supple, the stuffing like laying on a cloud. I waited for my body to relax when I realized it didn't need relaxing. The moment I stopped physically moving I felt weightlessness in my body. Softer than bliss, smoother than serene...... no focus in it to do anything for me and so it was just being. In that silence I sensed a flowing presence moving like electricity does through a circuit, touching everything that absorbs it. it was pink and it was golden and it was white, touching and building up everything slowly and gradually with each passage. And I realized it was very focused, intent, consistent, dedicated to it's mission. it is conscious, it is well-being and it is always flowing in me. Any weight I ever feel is the bringing forth of limitation to my awareness aka focus. Every cell within me has it's own focus/intention/purpose giving form to it and thus "weight" and many cells gain even more focus when I express intent to do something. One word for it: comfortable. The couch was comfortable, the breeze was comfortable, I was comfortable within me, my body was comfortable and it was a brilliant, shining moment!
     Later this evening I realized a sincere appreciation for that well-being would benefit the process and for it to grow in the environment of pure, clear central sun shining ultimate goodness upon it perpetually would guarantee it flourishes beyond human imagination.
And none of this knowledge would have been gained if we had not been separated from it for what we are born with is natural and not noticed, like the sound of our own heart beat which we do not hear until circumstances like a headache come and each beat pains us. We do not smell the smells of our own home or our own bodies because our nose filters what is common from uncommon and focuses on uncommon. Because they are filtered out, such things, to us seem not to exist until we are forced to experience what it is to be without them. From the awareness comes enhanced delight and appreciation............well worth the journey.

The little children who hit

    So many of the adults in the world are like the little that walk up to people and hit them. When children get their momentum going by being happy and responding by expressing happy, they express it freely. In a home environment where excited to see you is hugs and kisses and laughing and singing and dancing. They see strangers whose presence triggers happy and they hug them. I am being blessed to raise two of such children.
    Children raised in a home where misery is predominant run up to their parents excitedly and are pushed away with "get off me!" and "no one wants to hear it!". They get hurt by this and don't like the feeling of hurt so they get angry or whiny and angry or whiny gets the parents to do what the child is wanting. This process becomes habit and progresses so quickly so that happy excited never even registers. They experience a straight shot to anger or whiny when they meet people. They grow up to be the men who see a woman playing delightfully in a puddle and shout abruptly with criticism; "Shouldn't you be wearing shoes?". They are the women who meet a man and tell them their whole sob story.
     Intensive re-program can change this if it is wanted. I have expressed and addressed nearly every aspect and nuance of our abusive environments in volumes of writing. If interested in pursuing them, I'm sure it can be arranged for you to browse through my files and make a book out of them. I've explored all aspects of abuse and victimization: spiritual, physical, emotional, psychological (children in abusive environments have speech 'impediments' because they turn a deaf ear to adults and siblings who constantly insult their intelligence, it's a sort of 'energetic ducking'), and physiological. Could probably get several books out of it.
   I'm over it.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

POW!-now I KNOW I've got it!

I was sitting there wondering how it is that I am perfectly matched to my environment if the Law of Attraction is entirely correct. INTERPRETATION! My response/interpretation to free flowing 'kundalini' is excitement about and delight in everything. I am a perfect match to the two year old who lives below and the two year old that lives above me. They come out and can barely contain their own excitement with clenched fists while they screech in pure ecstasy. The one below pounds the floors all day and the one upstairs pounds the floor all night. Never fazes me because it is a match to my interpretation and therefore not disruptive.It's the adults I was stumped by: all the arguing of one couple, obnoxiously loud next doors down, the raging illnesses below....RAGING, RAMPAGING! I got it! lol Yup, I am in a perfectly matched environment. We're all rampaging in one way, shape or form. Of course I like my interpretation best, as I am sure so does everyone else! lol I have a feeling I will go forth unblinking from here on out. Another OMG! I just realized the irony of it: miserable people are easily irritated by truly happy people so they are getting more of what they are responding to by my "irritating' presence. I rejoice over understanding all this and so I get more of what makes me happy. It's a perfectly matched energetic exchange! What appears to be opposite is not opposite at all! Brilliant! Another OMG! moment: this explains EVERYTHING! Just when I used to get on a roll of doing well and being me I would be knocked straight out of alignment due to what appeared to me to be conflict. Instead, I was attracting those with the greatest momentum (rampage) in my environment which usually happened to be control freaks, the most covetous, etc. I happen to be allergic to control and the worldly version of responsibility (usually see the responsibility in any situation to be placed differently than anyone around me), I happen to be extremely generous in opinions as well as possessions, allergic to materialism which is a direct contrast to the majority. I therefore DRIVE THEM CRAZY, making them even more determined to control, abuse, take, shake me in any way they can, at which point I loose momentum thereby disappointing, frustrating them: not giving them what they need to be fulfilled by the relationship. Holy shit! My mistake was not seeing the correctness of this 'colliding', thus fearing it and in my fear of it (resistance to it), I drew more of it! Mind blown. I'm free. heeeeeeeeeeee I also happen to be the last person to pick up a cause/mission, etc and thus draw those intensely focused upon them. Their predisposition toward momentum about causes makes me their cause: the need to convince me to have a cause! or to "teach" me. Wild sadness, which means releasing of fear surrounding all this...ecstasy soon to be back again. I see the signs! moments later down the road of increasing momentum: And we do not stop at ecstasy, hell no! I was reflecting at how if I keep that vibration going my life experience is about to get "FULL ON!", oooo full on means lots of pheromones, I LOVE sex! (oops, sidetrack, heehee) Excitement increased in momentum becomes passion, passion grows into intensity and my focus-my 'eye on the prize' is ultimate goodness=a high speed locomotive with no breaks heading straight for unlimited goodness focused on everything in my environment, intensifying it, hand choosing in each moment what to continue to focus on and thus bring into the world in about influence! 
Now I KNOW I've got it!

Physical rejuvenation DOES happen! and I have documented proof!

e upper chakras, the processing came down to fear, followed by sadness, followed by wide open delighted. The process was rapidly speeding up to just observing instead of guiding myself through it. I observed my body was taking over the process without my conscious interference. Then I sensed a pocket of resistance under my right breast (approximately). "So, what, sweet darling, might you be?" I got the sense of a moment in which my brain and a co-conspirator were observing a little "she" trying to push at the blockage in my digestive system two years ago before it completely shut down. The pocket of resistance was the reluctance of the body (the little "she") remembering the attempt she felt was unobserved because I had just been sleeping and the feelings of inadequacy at being thwarted as well as anger at being restricted from doing what she does best. Empathy for her and healing and now instead of bomb-proof and fearless, I am simply wide open. And the rejuvenation/reversing of the aging process had already been well under way as I noticed with clarity today. My hairline which had thinned and began receding when I lost it from going under anesthesia has curls growing in around my face, my hair is thicker than it was when it began to first grow in and what is now growing in is no longer growing grey. Last year this time I was just beginning to get my legs under me enough to walk on my own and I could barely raise my arms over my head. today I'm doing yoga poses with arms up, lifting heavy furniture and carrying it up many stairs, going up and down playing with children, etc. And having gone from there to here, I thus have documented proof that this miracle is indeed a real event! I am blessed!

Feeling bored?

Boredom is a lack of inspiration. Be excited, for it means a new source of inspiration is wanting in! Remind self of what has in the past been inspiring, let "being inspired" begin to flow through you and voila! that new source of inspiration will flow right in with it!

Helping women become self-empowered

Self empowerment can only come through the self. To teach women to be self-empowered does not come with addressing fears. You take away their fears and you dis-empower her of that privilege. You address what you believe is "what is" in reference to social injustice and you only validate social injustice. We already exist in an age self-empowerment. It is here, it is now. We need only act like it, form new habits of interaction that are in alignment with that fact. So, to "self-empower a woman", one moved to teach such a thing would be an example of self-empowerment his or her self. They would treat every woman as if she is empowered already. Even if it takes her a while to make a decision because she is struggling with dis-empowerment, make it your privilege to wait on a woman. Be the man in this song! lol

Wasn't the ego. it was always the heart-heart centered consciousness

The problem was never the ego. The problem was the heart, where thought, fear and divinity meet and all the resistance begins. Fear hurts the ego and the heart defends. In the heart is where hatred begins. The job in this new energy is not to become heart centered, but to clear the heart so we can be "sun" centered, so it stops blocking the divinity shining from within. So, to be "heart centered" is to center our focus on healing the relationship with our own heart.

"I want"-the force of god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-I have the Central Sun!

 Now that my lower body is clear, I'm observing the processes of my upper body. I noticed when I hear from someone else or when I think "I want", it feels like an energetic shove from behind. It is written in Hebrew and Christian scripture that it is god who puts ideas into the minds and hearts of man. We know energetic entities called god are real. It is a shove in the upper area, which denotes "higher power". Everything god is reported to put into the hearts and/or minds of men has been to their detriment. He put it in Pharaoh's head to resist letting the Israelites go so he could continue to bring plagues upon them. He put everlasting life into the hearts of men knowing that to be in want is to disbelieve we posses it which is resistance and thus makes embodying everlasting life impossible. It is recorded that it is he who commanded angels to block the way back into Eden and thus access to the mother goddess, the tree of life. In the end, the Isrealites made out like bandits, getting paid to leave Egypt basically and in this end, I have found my way to the Central Sun within my own being and am thus free of the need for a tree of life that had already grown within me. My treasures in heaven are useless to me in comparison to this divine connection to my own central sun. And so I speak to this god who has for so long ruled over mankind. "The New Jerusalem" has already descended from heaven for me, my thoughts came down to earth to focus on the truth within, to awareness of my human temple, the temple of my own god-my ability to think cognitively with clarity and translate what it is receiving. And yes, it is a bitter sweet release of one who has been daddy, provoker, brother, playmate, satan and lover-all things to all men. Stay or go, whatever you wish. I shall not resist. Give or take, I am used to the state. For that game, there is no longer life in me. My central sun, she brings me such delight! She brings me so much peace! She brings me great integrity! She brings me "sweet" and easy and graceful and strong. There is no end to the gifts she brings! So, keep my tree, let it be a consolation for you. Keep my be-jeweled wall, for you, may it be strong and enchanting to look upon. Keep the fruit of my womb that you have kept from me. I have two that fit me perfectly. They are so sweet and endearing and feisty and so quick to catch on! I have connections who may or may not become friends outside of your circle of influence. And if you take it all, in a state of unconscious, I won't know of you or any of these things at all. It won't matter whether they come or go. threatless, then. Powerless threats and I am sad to know you know that. I shall hug and hold you long. I have my Central Sun!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

When you become aware of eternity, passing of a baton to Your costume is ready

    The last of the downloads, tail end of an experience I suppose:
    When we become aware of eternity we become aware that there is ecstasy and pain in every moment. How intensely we experience is determined by how intensely we focus. We are the intersection.
     We spin constantly within the mirrors that endlessly reflect into other mirrors, energy of physical manifestation coming from the right and energy of the non-physical coming from the left in each and every rotation. While spinning some see only darkness and it's reflection. Others see only light reflecting back at them even from darkened mirrors. Some are aware of all the options, the subtle nuances and "whiffs" of differentiation. The faster the spin, the quicker one gets through the pain, the more subtle it is, and the quicker to their desired focus.
   Something like that anyways.

   Down into the more practical applications: Those who had been anchoring the 5th dimension are now anchoring in the higher dimensions while taking on the higher aspects of the 5th which they will be serving. The anchors for the higher dimension are with us always already, before we even begin to embody the one we are entering. They merely take on a "whiff" of our present reality so that they can reach us as well as demonstrate how to rise up once again. So, we shall feel the higher dimensions we are anchored in, anchoring them in the present while having to focus on the lower a greater number are trying to embody. While the 5th dimensional embodiers are assisting those stuck in 3rd and 4th, those anchored higher will be serving those of the 5th.

   So, I once again don the war paint. I shall once again be experience direction through choices and circumstances that do not resonate, being mistaken for one who is resonating with them..being perceived as something "I ain't". There will be pain and sadness in this while also delighting in the growth and manifestation of others' embodiment. I have had my moment in the sun.

Goddess. Your costume is ready.

add on: next day, loosening and releasing of energies in the upper body meaning-I embraced a potential and so it sailed right past me. Resistance would have caused it to remain. Acceptence made it real for but a moment and then released. Yay! I truly am free!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Existing in the " 'Holy Wow' followed by the 'Peace out' "

And at the moment you realize you are becoming the matrix, you realize everything within the matrix is the matrix and everything outside the matrix is the matrix and there is no end to being aware of the matrix not being aware of the matrix which is at the same time aware it is the matrix and everything in both directions is both "is" and "is not" while it is experiencing awareness of both "is" and "is not" and are found within the knowing we are lost in the endlessness of everything. "Holy shit!" and a dazed-delighted "what the fuck?!" in every single moment from here on out as well as from here on into "haven't got a clue that there is a clue to get". lighter than the deepest "profound!" Nothing but a soft "holy wow". and then a "peace out" followed by another "holy wow" for tomorrow which I have experienced the feeling of already because I imagined what would follow. Holy wow and peace out as it keeps on going and because it is all the same feeling, goes no where else. woohoo! I got it! Lettin' it in!

Ignorance IS bliss!----We are ROCKIN' this costume!

    In duality, we are The Dance experiencing being human having an experience of being of divine essence. We are how The Dance is conscious of it's self, conscious of it's steps. With each divinely inspired realization (check that: no realization is anything BUT divinely inspired because it isn't anything but The Dance at any point) within human experience The Dance realizes/becomes conscious of: "I just expanded!".
    Kinda-sorta like this: in order to forget one's self (stresses, responsibilities, worries, etc) people put on a costume (or gear of some sort) and enter a game (or sport) and during that time are fully engaged in being free of limitations (being unaware of our consciousness is a limitation and all limitlessness comes with limitation-two aspects of divine being: the masculine and feminine of The Dance). While in costume we may realize: I really could be a pirate! or I really could be a hero! or I really could be nurturing! I really do have solutions! I really am strong! And we bring that back to the 'real world'.
   Outside of duality it all exists as one and expands, aware of it's limitless and endless expansion in formlessness as well as form at every micro moment just before it happens. And, well, that is bliss, too ;)

I liked the idea of putting this somewhere:
And then I allowed myself to become lost to both myself and others as well as found by both because I became conscious and aware that there are no I could once again lose myself to the experience of being an other than......while still being conscious and aware that in all things, I am myself.
I like this, too:
To believe there are others to break away from is duality. To believe hearts can be pure or impure is duality. There is no chaff, for the chaff of the human experience is the wealth of the divine experience and even THAT is dualistic for nothing is anything but the divine experiencing experience. To believe in charlatans is to be a charlatan and to even see that is dualistic. lol Rock the costume, man! Enjoy the journey of judgement of enlightened versus unenlightened! Isn't it awesome?! Peace out! or in- as you are choosing to perceive it wink emoticon

Retraining the brain

    Turns out "glitchy"days are not persecution, oppression or trials. As we develop, they become "we are showing you how bomb-proof you really are". I hear something fall in a cabinet. The door slowly begins to open. Uh, oh....stacked the cans too high and the upstairs neighbor's child just jumped on the floor really hard. It seemed to be in slow motion I watched. Hands were filled by a hot pan and two plates so it was drop everything and dash or watch it unfold. Cans dropped, glass flew off the counter into sink, no other harm was done. Had too many glasses anyways. Landing and breaking in the sink was perfect, didn't have to worry about children or myself stepping broken pieces. Not a single flinch. Reminded me of the time when I was standing knee deep on the shores of a lake. I sensed a surealness of the moment and looked down to see one of my daughters face down in the water right at my knees. I reached down with one hand and lifted her onto her feet. Time resumed and everyone acted as if absolutely nothing had happened. No fear or worry was felt by me. Twilight zone for certain. The only scary thought might be "OMG, there must be something wrong with me to NOT feel anything about it!" Nope, it's normal. Everything is ALWAYS in order.
  The process continues to prepare me for full-on embodiment. Recognition of a terrible "MINE!" complex. "I don't want YOUR shit, I want MY shit!". It is a perfect energetic match to "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine in romantic and other intimate relationships. Uh, oh, we bad. I would also imagine up a product and get depressed because I wouldn't have the means to manufacture it. A year later it is on the shelves at a local store. "Hey! That's my idea!". Or I would be dedicatedly working on my "vibration" and perspective, expecting and feeling myself drawing really good things ot me only to see them side-tracked to neighbors and friends or significant others. "That's not fair!" or "Thief!". Little miss: everything comes out of the group pool of creation (vortex) and everything imagined goes back into it. What we create (is created as a result of our perspective) or what is given to us to imagine is ultimately the creation of Source. Everything receiving the means to bring about the manifestation of something stored in the vortex is an aspect of Source and so everything the manufacturer manufactures belongs to anyone able to receive it. Cool, I'll get first dibs on what is coming out of the vortex if I am quick about this embodiment, lol. Guess what? You're already the last in line. Aw, damn. lol But really, I am truly excited to be able to share good things. Gets old only being able to share the divine blessings of duality. Which if we were still dualistic, we might perceive as shit, *snicker*.
  We can take into account that "Ultimate Goodness" does not care if a body thinks experiencing deprivation is exciting or if deprivation is a beneficial lesson, It only cares that we are appreciating the experience. So if deprivation creates the understanding that excites us to receive, "Ultimate Goodness" is going to deprive you with much as you can take. If you're not excited about understandings obtained by deprivation, you get the world on a silver platter. Everyone gets what they want at the highest levels. So, when we look around, ultimately everyone is happy about what they are doing until they aren't and then everything changes for them.
   I have noticed, due to my body's level of exhaustion, it must have carried alot of resistance into this embodiment process (exhaustion is good, it means the letting go of resistance. If it was still full of resistance it would be hyped up on adrenaline and still fighting it). I cannot really blame it. When I first awakened to the fullness of my then present highest potential it went "POP! Perfection" to: "cat fight!" Oh, yes, the feminines not too happy to see one another. "I have to clean up her mess?!" "This is the bitch who got me into this mess?!". Not pretty. Downright petty. Pretty damn glorious. So back into dimness we went to learn to get along with one another as well as with respect to the brain and divine masculine. Men, couple's smack down. Body got the brunt of it with the deprivation, abuse, neglect, confusion about what was happening. The past ten years have been.....shall we say "intense"? A good laugh about it now. Some pretty impressive lessons. Plenty of demonstrations of bomb-proof. Now we are proving we can even be bomb-proof in a relaxed state, not just when we're so overwhelmed we don't want to muster the energy to resist or judge anything. "I'm over it" is the mantra of one who is thrown down. "It's all good", is the mantra of the one getting a sense of the well-being we live in. "mmmmmm, it IS good" is the response of the embodied, I would imagine. The Ultimate Goodness is a trickster, BTW. It sees all, lets you see a lower perspective then winks and says "they already know that", knowing you believe it is saying the human component knows when it means the highest aspect already knows. sheesh. "Just playing". Ultimate Goodness loves to play as long as it is a way one wants to be played with (that is if the one is the higher aspect of self....human component may not think it is so funny). c-crazy in a funky groovy.
    As a side note: touch screen technology is kinda like preparation for telekinesis. Hand waving is not necessary, but we do so enjoy the flair of it. And games like Mine Craft are alot like doing what a god does. Our younger generation is definitely being prepped or at least being given an experience of limitlessness within limitation. The Trickster isn't saying at the moment. Which doesn't mean I am being tricked, the human mind is simply being trained to let go and get used to receiving before the request is even made. The Divine knows what we are wanting long before we do. It knows our charector and it's traits. It created it! It desired it and experienced the feeling of it before it ever became form. So passionate!
  So, like, I'm gonna move onto other things now....unless the Divine has other plans.....

Which it usually does. Realize I have to renew my appreciation for "organic" smells. "Organic" reminds me of an unpleasant experience....which I could now develop an appreciation for (more realization in light of previous, they just keep building upon one another) that the smell of clean hay even had me repulsed. So, the fur babies (guinea pigs) are contributing to my re-training in preparation of embodiment. Feast of Trumpets 1015 should be a real hum-dinger!
    picture for "cat fight" reminds me of a vision I had just before the "POP!"..a woman riding a black panther sporting whip declared "Now, I'M going to teach you!" I guess she did! lol Though I'm sure I taught her a thing or two as well....she didn't scare me, it was one of those lay back and say "O.K." moments when I had stopped being afraid of "dream things".

The Mechanics of being "psychic"-which we all are

    This is the feel I am getting on the subject as I am experiencing it, my interpretation, if you will.
Emotion comes from the core of our being, at the stomach/intestines area of the body. It is the "sun" shining on our "universe". From there it goes up into the heart which is where we experience feeling. It is feeling empaths pick up on, it encompasses the bust, shoulders, arms and upwards. From there it meets the brain which interprets and translates into thought based on feeling. Your typical "low vibration" psychic picks up energy from heart and brain by energetically entering at the base of the skull, where the pineal gland resides. Supposedly smoking pot shuts down the pineal gland and disconnects the ability to translate higher thought, knowledge and vision into practical/down to earth/lower chakra knowledge and application. Which is why pot smokers always drove me batty: we had the same knowledge but I could act upon it effectively while they were pretty much bi-polar and would beat on me for not subjecting me to their interpretation. Over it. Oh, and lowest vibrational psychics enter via the lower back.
   Now that my "sun" is open and travelling clearly, I am still getting feeling along with the energetic "smells" of energy. I sense that is what is leaving. I will no longer feel other people's feelings-what a relief! This is a bit scary because we might believe "there goes my defense mechanism!" That is not so. We still have our sense of "smell" and have racked up enough experience with various energetic "smells" to get an idea of what somebody is embodying. You jump down enough rabbit holes and you get to notice the patterns of the various archetypes and subtle differences and so can "smell" even the subtle differences. Even if "smell" does go, the central "sun" is accurate enough and can send archetype description to the brain.
   I had better than 20/20 vision when I was young. I had shut down my imagination and refused to allow my third eye to be triggered in my waking state. I didn't even want any part of it in my dream state and so that is how I learned ot hang out in the formless realms. All that resistance, however diminished my eyesight. I now need reading glasses-bummer! But now that my imagination is rekindled, I noticed that the imagination can be used as the mode of transmission for understanding, so I need not be overwhelmed by "visions" while awake or in my dreams. The imagination cover everything-knowledge, understanding, smells, sensations, tastes, etc. It can create a multi-dimensional experience without ever interfering with the physical senses. The physical senses can therefore be used to interact purely with the physical. They should then become fine-tuned again. Awesome!
   Science has proven that merely observing something changes it. So it is with observing past and future events. They change as you perceive them and so a traditional psychic reading someone may say is inaccurate is not, it was completely accurate at the moment it was requested. It was after that moment that it began to change DURING the reading it's self and further with every bit of viewing or imagining. So, prophesying is going to be fruitless. Something may happen energetically but never have a physical manifestation. The less attention and reaction we have to it, the more accurate it will become.
   So, that is the gist of what I have gotten from my experiences.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

"The Culling of humanity" and "Ender's Game" memes.....

At the end of a "download" the other day during the Lion's Gate, I was left with two memes "The Culling of Humanity" and "Ender's Game". I had no clue what they could mean. I would know when I needed to know.
   Slowly it has begun to develop, It is the innocence/christ child within that does the choosing. That is obviously the "Ender's Game" meme. Then today I began to get the sense of people or qualities of people and a strong sadness as images of certain things passed through my brain and my response "No, I did not find any appreciation for that". There was no judgement or fear that "OMG, I could not find appreciation for some manifestation of the divine!". And I got the sense of the end of "Ender's Game"....a place would be found for anything unwelcome.
    So anything that inspired excitement deep within us will continue on with us and anything we neutralized with non-judgement/acceptance or simply never struck us enough to get riled up about will find another home.
    It IS important to our deepest, purest, most innocent selves that everything is honored with continued existence. My sadness is at having to admit no matter how hard I tried to find a perspective that would get me excited about seeing something, I just couldn't. We may gripe and complain and condemn, but in our innermost selves we do absolutely love absolutely everything. So, we have this "loving everything" at our core, a middleman being driven through the storm that is our reality and an overseer directing. The overseer directs the outer circumstances to manipulate the middle man to serve the "loving everything" in choosing it's own creation to inhabit. And that is how a new world is created.

Blue sun rising over the mountain 1:1:1

    I woke this morning a couple times. The second time I woke with the mere whisper of a glimpse of something and very clear statement "blue sun rising over the mountain 1:1:1". Went back to sleep and woke to a knock at the door so my processing was happening during an morning cigarette and someone who does not acknowledge belief of their own awareness. But my processing takes priority...I choose it.... and she is my witness as I am hers as I see her skimming the surfaces, not ready for the depths, but she lets me speak and express, acknowledges were it is going. She sees it.
   I know exactly why people don't want to go through this process. It is the finest, deepest, most piercing cuts of pain too intense to really even feel it.....almost. It is perceived. It is nauseous. The topic is an appointment to keep, arranging rides, babysitter, etc. My inner being wails at the wrongness of it, a violation to my sovereignty, a raping of the needs. Oh, and how people hate the use of the word rape and abuse to the inner child. "You take it too far!"  "Too graphic!". No, it is I who failed to take it far enough, it is I who resisted the graphic nature of it. In spirit it is depicted accurately: dead, sliced up bodies everywhere, impailments upon trees, missing limbs, blood everywhere, men, women and children suffering graphically and completely denied even when it comes to be seen with their physical eyes right in front of their faces in the "real world" activities of wars, murderers, rapists and child molesters. It is all but a mirror, a graphic representation of what the most upright, loving individuals are doing to one another with their smiles and support systems to help the "needy" navigate their system of rape, abuse and intolerance.
  I have said it before but I will say it again just so that it is clear: food, shelter, clothing, sustenance, the excesses are ALL a natural right. Never mind the asinine idea that one must work to should not even have to make an appointment in some welfare system! Such a requirement of time and raping of personal information to prove adequate suffering has been accomplished in order to 'deserve' the means to sustain a life which such a process in it's self is destroying! Only when everything is free will humanity be. And yes, at first the "needy" will binge, yes they will horde until they can trust it but then something strange happens......they feel peace and need even less than what we consider the most barest of basics, Their excesses are our normal allowance. The body begins to relax and heal, the mind releases it's tension and the ability to think clearly and reason comes in. Everyone wants to create and the desire becomes natural and inborn when this happens, flowing freely so that contributing to oneanother's well-being is an awesome opportunity, an exciting privilege to serve self's desire to nurture into completeness anything.
    It is achieved and so it must come to be in physical realty.
     The very thing I have admired of men is the very thing that in some cases might cause them to put up more resistance. Men tend to put something in a certain place in their mind and there it is protected forever. There's a security and stability in that ability. It makes them appear to be a source of strength in any storm....unconditional lovers of anything they put in there. So, they carry pictures of their wives when their wives were young and fairy like. That is how they see her and that is how they treat her and that is how they present her regardless of her own behavior, the ravages of time upon her body and a completely changed appearance. But the locked boxes must be opened if the truth is to be acknowledged within them. Their inner child is locked away in a box along with the inner feminine, screaming at the violations being committed against him. He slams the lid down harder believing they are just unruly and uncooperative, lacking understanding, oh so foolish. The good news is: once the new paradigm gets locked in, it will not be moved and they will be the rocks the old will break it's self upon. They will be our staunchest defenders and protectors and justifiers.
    Over the past few years, I have seen a sun rising over a mountain "in vision", but it immediately began to sink again...just on the edge I have been, but now it has pushed it's self over that mountain and is shining brightly and clearly from within. A blue sun. Perfect alignment, masculine, feminine and child.......creator, creation and it's physical expression, all chakras lined up and flowing fluidly, working perfectly.
    We have been here before and for good reason fear it. So, here we are again.....will it be outwardly manifested? Breathlessly waiting for the consequences, stepping forward tentatively, wanting to go running and leaping into it, excitement rising with each step taken....expectation....manifestation is near.....

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The judgement on judgement

So, if I am feeling this judgement thing correctly, than we judge that which we see because it is a reflection of something already in us we have already judged ourselves. For example: we believe child molesters are the world's worst evil. In that case we have a belief that we ourselves energetically violated our own inner child, someone else's inner child or a physical child. So, we could hate child molesters because we told a child they couldn't have candy and stay up late when we really felt they could, we gave in to what we're "supposed to believe" instead and thus believe we violated that child. Or maybe we hate our inner child for causing us to be playful at a moment we believe inappropriate or making us feel pain we don't want to be feeling and so we feel we are abusing our inner child in some way. Or maybe we know we are too old, mature or worldly wise for someone we chose to have a relationship with, even if purely platonic. Any which way, we judge what we see only when we have already judged that which we are seeing as it exists within us. So they key to non-judgement is to release all self-judgement.
The opposite extreme of course is idealism. We idealize something about our self and then idealize it everywhere we look. For example: some idealize childhood, infancy or the teen years when in fact they are the hardest years of our lives. We get the picture....