Thursday, August 13, 2015

"The Culling of humanity" and "Ender's Game" memes.....

At the end of a "download" the other day during the Lion's Gate, I was left with two memes "The Culling of Humanity" and "Ender's Game". I had no clue what they could mean. I would know when I needed to know.
   Slowly it has begun to develop, It is the innocence/christ child within that does the choosing. That is obviously the "Ender's Game" meme. Then today I began to get the sense of people or qualities of people and a strong sadness as images of certain things passed through my brain and my response "No, I did not find any appreciation for that". There was no judgement or fear that "OMG, I could not find appreciation for some manifestation of the divine!". And I got the sense of the end of "Ender's Game"....a place would be found for anything unwelcome.
    So anything that inspired excitement deep within us will continue on with us and anything we neutralized with non-judgement/acceptance or simply never struck us enough to get riled up about will find another home.
    It IS important to our deepest, purest, most innocent selves that everything is honored with continued existence. My sadness is at having to admit no matter how hard I tried to find a perspective that would get me excited about seeing something, I just couldn't. We may gripe and complain and condemn, but in our innermost selves we do absolutely love absolutely everything. So, we have this "loving everything" at our core, a middleman being driven through the storm that is our reality and an overseer directing. The overseer directs the outer circumstances to manipulate the middle man to serve the "loving everything" in choosing it's own creation to inhabit. And that is how a new world is created.

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