Friday, August 28, 2015

The whole truth about Twin Flames and the end of the mission

The actual legitimate twin flame experience as explained by this group that I had was this: the entity which was calling this body home on Earth/as it's avatar had a twin flame with whom she shared lifetimes in-numerous, including Atlantis. I met a guy synchronistically and her twin flame was using him as an avatar. He made it known we were twin flames. The meeting triggered alot in her and he said he was going to give her the key that he was entrusted with, to give back to her when the time was appropriate. The key was this: they were engaged in Atlantis. He betrayed her and her father to overthrow the governing body. She was shocked and devastated. It didn't mean anything to me. Not until after he became dark, twisted and sadistic and tore us both to shreds did it come to us what had happened as a result of his actions, what he knew was going to happen to her. She was locked in a special cell there was no escape from and was energetically injected with 1,000 lifetimes worth of fear and terror. She was clawing out of her own skin, climbing the walls. I spent two days puking and wretching the imprint her presence left within my body by her becoming as one with it. I was brought back with her after this, she drew my consciousness with hers as she returned to her body. I understood she had come to occupy me to learn what she needed to learn in order to save her planet. It was dying. It was known that the key to life was hidden within me. They did not know what it was, they only knew the signs pointed to me. As my consciousness went forth out of her body to catch a glimpse of her world, I saw her body was being tended by a tall grey alien whose energy wreaked of dislike of me. She and I remain friends and the twin flame is gone from my experience as well as hers. Now she knows the truth of all things. She will heal her planet through me. She will mimic my movements. I was given tonight to know what that means for ALL twin flames this evening. It is quite significant to the mission. I will make a video explaining it as soon as I am finished with something else on my computer. Aho!

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