Thursday, August 27, 2015

The two prayers system

  When we are so very small in what seems to be such a big wide world full of very large things and endless, we become uncertain for we can only perceive our comparisons. For to walk upon the earth we must be focused outside of what is within. It is where the mother's milk came from, the nurturing purrs and hums and warmth.
   In those first moments of uncertainty we are focused outwardly and so project outward. Is that not from whence our cries were answered as infants? But while we are focused outward our desire for answer and security goes to the source within. Our prayers are answered IMMEDIATELY. Because we are so focused without, we do not believe what we are given to embody, we do not trust in that immediate answer because even a mighty mouse is still small in it's perception at the feet of a lion. So we continue to look out and project that fear out of the tops of our heads, our thoughts and perceptions of what we need. They take form and after a time begin to arrive.
   After many such experiences we believe we have achieved success. We become exclusive to that which is without, ignoring and suppressing and in some cases, destroying beyond saving that which is within.
  But those prayers, thoughts and intents projected above and outside of our system are for bigger, stronger, smarter, more cunning, more powerful and destructive than what we are fearing. They become the reflection of the destroyer within and that craving for self-destruction becomes the answer given.
    There is only one prayer to be said. There is only one answer that can be trusted. That prayer and answer are all within. That prayer is desire and that answer is embodiment.
Amen, Amen and Amen, so it is.

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