Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The judgement on judgement

So, if I am feeling this judgement thing correctly, than we judge that which we see because it is a reflection of something already in us we have already judged ourselves. For example: we believe child molesters are the world's worst evil. In that case we have a belief that we ourselves energetically violated our own inner child, someone else's inner child or a physical child. So, we could hate child molesters because we told a child they couldn't have candy and stay up late when we really felt they could, we gave in to what we're "supposed to believe" instead and thus believe we violated that child. Or maybe we hate our inner child for causing us to be playful at a moment we believe inappropriate or making us feel pain we don't want to be feeling and so we feel we are abusing our inner child in some way. Or maybe we know we are too old, mature or worldly wise for someone we chose to have a relationship with, even if purely platonic. Any which way, we judge what we see only when we have already judged that which we are seeing as it exists within us. So they key to non-judgement is to release all self-judgement.
The opposite extreme of course is idealism. We idealize something about our self and then idealize it everywhere we look. For example: some idealize childhood, infancy or the teen years when in fact they are the hardest years of our lives. We get the picture....

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