Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Re-framing the brain-solid picture frame to organic, an alchemy

    I woke with a bouquet of "Fragrances" flowing through me, just like the well-being of yesterday moving like pulses of electricity does through a grid. The feeling of waking the morning after a most loving exchange with a new, sweet innocent, joyful lover. The body moving freely and luxuriously as I stretched and smiled as if remembering a night of gorgeous love making. No hurry to wake and no wanting to go back to sleep, at peace with being regardless of outer conditions. Here or there, alone or with a lover, peace and happy.
      The "fragrances" moving through me I cannot pin down an identity for but they are very familiar, as if they should be people I know. What an odd thing to be perceiving. I embrace it, I embrace me and all that is it in that moment, even the twinges of discomfort that begin to make themselves known. I begin to allow the morning's reflections to come in.
      The focus I am given this morning is an event of yesterday. My son begins to speak of a father who is his grandfather and a brother he had before he was born. He is telling stories of himself, his sister and this brother and grandfather. They are stories of playing and adventures. My daughter is running around reacting with strong resistance, hiding but unable to not listen. The other brother died, according to my son, before he was born into this physical reality. My son says he misses them. I am validated the reality of his emotions, his feelings and thus the reality of this experience he is sharing.
      Then I am led to wonder about our poor brains. They hold the structure to what we call our "real" experiences. It does tend to be masculine and does have to push it's self hard to accomplish this. The brain is as much a sharer in the experiences it must deny the reality of in order to validate only the experiences the other people in our environment will validate are shared. All our "unreal" experiences cannot be healthily denied, however. The body is aware of them. When people have "bed dreams", do they not wake up sweating and shaking? That body had a very real experience of trauma. From what I've heard men have physical expressions of "good dreams" when they begin puberty which are called "wet dreams".
    My daughters have often come up to me relating experiences of "their" history and it is a combination of characters and events they have overheard talked about by me. So maybe I had told the story of a dog I had shared life with and my sister had told another story of that dog and then my daughter would go have a dream of that dog wondering "what if I had shared a life with that dog and lived in that moment?". Our brains would normally filter that out. It is not a part of "agreed reality", not a part of the "consensus".  "Yes, this really did happen".
    ALL our experiences ARE REAL. We experience them, feel them, respond and react to them. They influence our ideas and phobias, creating limitations and desires to have experiences in the physical experience.
      And the morning continues with releasing as memories are triggered of synchronistic events addressing this very topic: the article of how "men have to work for it" and "no woman can transfer understanding to them". this is an EVENT. Celebrating it! A historical moment of alchemy! We are making a rigid picture frame into one that is more "organic". And as I allow this to flow as it will from all it's angles and perceptions, I have a realization of how my children wake and immediately begin playing made-up adventures with intensity: they are doing the same thing I am doing! Play, children play, in doing so, you heal the world around you. (definitely blessing the circumstances that led us to home school!).
    In MY physical reality saying a man has to work for his understandings and knowledge and the ability to express/interpret/translate them is as ridiculous as saying a man must work for his food. It is not working for them that makes them one's own, it is expressing them by making choices in alignment with them. You can be given food and not eat it, you can work for food and not eat it. You can only eat the food you work for or you can eat food regardless of the method of it's arrival. It is in the practice of eating the food that the whole body, including the brain, get the physical nourishment.
    I KNOW the brain has it's own feelings. The masculine and feminine seperation/division of : you could never know how I feel or what the problem is is expressed within us amidst the brain and body, upper and lower body, the husbandly and wifely relationships being rigidly defined by roles they "must" play in order to blend in with this reality dependent upon consensus of opinion.
   So boys, you CAN think like a woman, airing out those boxes and allowing what works in one to flow into another. Every aspect in life can include practicality and 'frivolity', there doesn't need to be a separate personality for each relationship. Same with women, we can allow "masculine traits" into the bedroom, parenting, etc. Intuition can belong to both men and women, body and brain. We can be more organic in the presenting of information. We can LIVE.
    This also explains why I do not make a good activist or caught up in any causes other than my own: I allow in all perspectives willing ot express in any given circumstances. I allow the perspectives and let the divine aspect make the decisions. It is simply easier to understand why the divine makes it's decisions when I am able to see from all the perspectives. This builds up trust in the divine's ability to make decisions without dependency upon perspectives and their availability. I can let go and let god, allowing the results to speak for themselves as to the why of a decision instead of rigidly demanding an explanation before allowing the decision. And presently feeling a weightiness, I know this topic will continue to develop as it is embodied for with it come all the feelings of regret for not simply trusting, etc mated to the joy of understanding the process that it can be appreciated and no longer treated as if it does not exist, it can be validated and appreciated.
   Now a real heaviness sets in as I am reminded of previous understandings of goings on between women and men, wives and their husbands and I'm sure brain-heart/mind-body correlations. The woman is crying and husband asks why. "You're in so much pain", "No, I'm not, you're crazy" and so the woman learns to answer "I don't know, it's just so silly". Women have ALWAYS been the clearers of the emotions men won't acknowledge for lack of knowing how or whatever reason. Men who DO know what is happening consider it thieving, robbing, raping of their inner being. They feel attacked even. That perspective is contrary to oneness, isn't it? Your pain IS mine to clear if it emanates into my energetic environment. It's my responsibility to treat myself well by keeping myself clear/clean. As place holder for my children's growth and development, it can also be a part of my interpretation of responsibility. As a part of the whole that is consciousness and awareness, I do my part as an organ within it. And I owe no one this explanation. I clear what I clear and I clear my own path by doing it. And yes, what I wrote of above allows a man to do this for himself, but instead of becoming overwhelmed by it after a lifetime of resistance to it, before one becomes completely "self-sufficient" in the process, allowing others to be included in the development of the new habit does not diminish one's progress unless you want it be that in your experience. Should I refuse to allow a man to contribute to my carrying furniture up a flight of stairs? Does not the cooperative effort build bonding even if I can do it "all by myself"? If there is no attachment to the experience, it does not in any way create indebtedness or obligation or marriage to that individual exclusively. So, I help my neighbor when he is open to it and let it go. Just like I allowed that he shoveled my snow unasked for ;)  In alignment with being good to one's self, allowing in a pampering, if the universe and all that is delivers to you a woman capable of being included in this process without it "cramping her style" why not allow her this honor? And in turn, if a woman feels strongly about something, what is wrong with allowing a man to be included in the creation of it's manifestation by allowing him to do some of the thinking and planning and 'grunt work'? This is inclusion which unites universes without attachment/dependency it expands both while honoring their individuality and purpose.

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