e upper chakras, the processing came down to fear, followed by sadness, followed by wide open delighted. The process was rapidly speeding up to just observing instead of guiding myself through it. I observed my body was taking over the process without my conscious interference. Then I sensed a pocket of resistance under my right breast (approximately). "So, what, sweet darling, might you be?" I got the sense of a moment in which my brain and a co-conspirator were observing a little "she" trying to push at the blockage in my digestive system two years ago before it completely shut down. The pocket of resistance was the reluctance of the body (the little "she") remembering the attempt she felt was unobserved because I had just been sleeping and the feelings of inadequacy at being thwarted as well as anger at being restricted from doing what she does best. Empathy for her and healing and now instead of bomb-proof and fearless, I am simply wide open. And the rejuvenation/reversing of the aging process had already been well under way as I noticed with clarity today. My hairline which had thinned and began receding when I lost it from going under anesthesia has curls growing in around my face, my hair is thicker than it was when it began to first grow in and what is now growing in is no longer growing grey. Last year this time I was just beginning to get my legs under me enough to walk on my own and I could barely raise my arms over my head. today I'm doing yoga poses with arms up, lifting heavy furniture and carrying it up many stairs, going up and down playing with children, etc. And having gone from there to here, I thus have documented proof that this miracle is indeed a real event! I am blessed!
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