Tuesday, August 18, 2015

You know too much

    The short and simple message: do not resist being moved from all that has become familiar.

I will tell you what they will not:

     There are two Native American prophesies being kept in circulation. They will both be true. One prophesy states the red man will rise and conquer, the other speaks of a rainbow tribe that will teach the people to live in peace. The meme being given to and shared by the very aware is this: the Earth is going to fight back against her invaders. The tribes of mankind will rise against it's oppressors.
      We may be inclined to rejoice with this. Our human aspect may be excited, shouting "Go human!". We have gained alot by learning from Aboriginal cultures; spirituality as well as stewardship of the Earth and it's inhabitants. However, if 2/3 of the population is not going to evolve with this go-around, they will not be able to sit on the fence: duality insists "if you are not for us, you are against us". Those of us who have been guided by "alien influences", become "enlightened", are going to smell too much like the oppressors with their "higher knowledge". Those choosing conflict will only have unreasoning intensified or in the least, self-preservation on their mind. The "walking dead" will have insatiable appetites for the death of the "living". (There is a reason that meme is being emphasized in our culture)
     This is not a warning to insight fear, for we will be provided for if we allow it. That may mean being moved where we think we might not be having a world view in common with those amongst whom we shall dwell. We have more in common with them than with our own physical families who have resisted evolving. It may just be time to go where we are led when the dust settles from the chaos about to begin, reverting back to a more animalistic nature sets in and the momentum of violence becomes the flowing norm. If natural disasters and chaotic climate cuts us off from the ruling powers, we do not want to be stuck alone amongst those who cannot appreciate what we have given them, for all the same reasons humans resent aliens....for all the progress, the pillage and rape of the native animals hurts too much to forgive. You are a living reminder of the choice they refused to make and will have keen awareness that they will live to regret it.
    You know too much, you smell too much like "them", no matter how much else you have in common. Move when the door opens.

(and we do so worry don't we? so full of questions about what is going to happen to the next wave expected to ascend? no worries! they'll have their children driving them back up again)

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