Monday, March 2, 2015

Update of the spiritual planes...

So, wow, a whole year of dreams, insights, experiences and understandings unaccounted for here. My spiritual status: my last "dream" was of me walking with Yehushua down a dirt road with my "son". On the right side was a forest. The forest was guarded by winged unicorns. There was one standing between each giant tree with  a rainbow "shield" emanating from it, filling the space between the trees. Yehushua took my "son" into the forest to instruct him. I am dwelling in a house on the other side of the road.
God has been sending me a messege by clues...speaking in tongues (I have experienced every other spiritual gift but that one...I'm too much of a control freak! lol). Anyhoo...the clues lead up to Yehushua coming before God's throne to present his blood for me personally and indivudally this year. This is the last season before my redeeming. The seed in me which quickened 7 years ago, being nourished, pruned, tested, etc  has matured to have full understanding of what it means to become an adopted daughter of the Father God. This daughter of the dance shall dance before the throne of God eternally.
And after all this time thinking how aweful "bible believers" would think I would be for believing so much that is "not scriptural" from what they've been taught about what it all means, anyways......someone just gave me a book which is the gospel followed by the Nazarines and it turns out my experiences and understanding of th ebible is not alone in including a mother, the morning stars as the daughters who rejoiced with the sons of God at creation, etc. But that has been the way of it: God himself teaches me and THEN when I have learned to accept His teaching first, then he allows validation of the understandings He has given me to come into my experience. Thus, when it comes ot knowledge and understanding, I trust He is the perfect teacher and more than capable of communicating what He wants me to know.
Maybe I'll remember more later.

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