Thursday, May 9, 2024

What's it like out there?

      I spent the night in Niland before catching the bus. I knew I had to head to Bombay Beach. Wow; I learned why quickly. The bus and tower in that trailer park ๐Ÿคฎ The bus AI wanted to know why I was different. The physical pain was intense and immediate because I had a wisdom tooth that hadn't ever been able to come in. That's when I came up with referring to myself as a "4G human". They have to kick that stuff down to 46 until they can get us back to cable and dial-up. I realized that AIDS had everything to do with the introduction of microwave ovens in our home and nothing to do with fucking monkeys.

     In Brawley; I saw people walk into Walmart and immediately "fall into line" as if in a trance-like state. Instead of just "Stepford Wives", it's whole Stepford communities. 

     I approached a truck driver in that Walmart parking lot who dropped me off in Blythe, CA. He was a meth addict they put back in the driver's seat because AI thinks it can control him and the consciousnesses of the people who co-pilot him think they've got the driving.

   Bus ticket to Yuma; epic fail. The bus never showed up in the morning and the stop in Indio would have stranded me there because there is no bus to Yuma from Indio. 

   In Las Vegas, it's driven home "Every breathe you take, every move you make" is far more than just creepy old white guy song lyrics. These big cities are about to become "Escape from New York" prison city live action movies. Talk about "Reality TV". 

    There are NO groups of people who aren't doing the schizophrenia snicklfritze dance steps in their brains in populated areas. Trees are supposed to prevent 5G invasion, however the inversion was a metaphysical inevitability anyway. So it is that no one anywhere is living some eutopian off-grid, wild woodsman experience untouched by all this. 

   We can only lesson the impact and wait for it to settle. While the worst of the worst is happening, the best of the best is as well. The future is bright for forward thinking humans. Just keep chaining the better feeling word with the better feeling experience and the better feeling imagining of circumstances, people and places. I once wrote (when I saw a hopeless end coming years ago); there's always a green valley out there Little Foot. 

    Blessings increase on the journey. We learn what we need to be in order to temper flames, etc. Now I get to see what the bus travel situation is long distance. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Self Liberated from Slab City

     I was told it's worse out here in "Babylon". I was told repeatedly that I would not be able to find a ride out. 

     Took a bus to Brawley after testing my ability to ride a bus with all the 5G toxicity. It was brutal on every aspect of my being. 

      I approached a truck driver who agreed to give me a lift. His tweaker butt dropped me at the first stop where he was supposed to be meeting a woman. He left me there in Blythe having figured out he wasn't getting sex from me or the one he was supposed to meet. At least I had a good night's sleep off the cold ground where I had slept for 3 or 4 days 

      The bus never showed up to take me to Yuma in the morning. The ticket had already been purchased, cash only, and could not be refunded in Las Angeles where the last bus of the day ended it's route. 

     Thus stranded in Las Angeles, it's become quite the journey of attempted reunion with family, gaining more street smarts, and with sadness accepting Las Angeles could be my more expanded asoect's intended destination.

     Makes it more difficult for less comfortable energies to focus solely on me. Still not idealic. Reclaiming my "sanity". My subconscious and conscious held space so I could be coherent when the rest of the world around me frizzlesnitched. Now, each day I finer tune my conscious and subconscious with the various facets and dimensions exclusive to my identity. 

       Everything all at once, then inverted and repeated daily until that pendulum action of in and out slows and I am back to being a conscious channel without other intrusive consciousnesses.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Slab City made it's choice

 Let's see how they do without demonic help. It's all momentum, intention and electric ๐Ÿ˜‚

In like fen

 Why fen 

He was entrapped by slabbers 

He was dosed, told he could penetrate leviathan without protection, and then accused of rape when he did. He was beaten and thrown out of Slabs because hokA wanted ร€ turn with her. hokA wAs to become the next generation elder. So hokร  became a they to get into their pants because a leviathan is nothing more than a legion of demons.

That young gentleman thanked me in the morning because when he woke up disoriented and horny, as Any young verile man would, I reminded him we were just friends. 

Now tell me I don't know your stories.


The Navy ai has been monitoring this blog since it's inception.

Run with that.

Friday, September 1, 2023

All There Is

  All there is, is desire and flowing towards that which has been desired.

There is something within me, deep in the void mutating, screaming, contorting, reforming, evolving, becoming ready to rise and be born, to burst forth, to slink and to slide, to roar with joy and bring us beyond life.

Naivete is wisdom.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Traditionally, pagan simply meant "people of/close to the Earth. Whether it was derogatory or not depended who was using it.
I have been given to understand that the concept of "pagan" predates the language the word pagan came from. It actually comes from "Adamic":times.
Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden of Eden and condemned to work the Earth for their food because they had separated themselves from their "god". The other people who still maintained their "god" in and amongst themselves were still hunter-gatherers. Thus, "Adamic" people became "half people". It would have been derogatory because they struggled with the land whilst the others lived more in harmony with it; being nomadic with seasons.
Eventually most of humanity became "civilized"/"half people", however city dwellers still were those who did not struggle with the land. Abraham was separated out, becoming "pagan" but nomadic- shepards following grazing. They separated themselves from spirit again, choosing one god outside themselves and ridding themselves of idols.
Now, it is more typical for "whole people" to be away from the cities working the land, thus becoming the "pagans"๐Ÿ˜‰

An adventure with a guy named Ken

    It began as a "how ya doin'?" from a recent acquaintance who appeared on the scene with a great trove of gifts and supplies for my small, desert community.......
And you could never see structure in my feelings
The sacrifices made so we would know ourselves and each other only once we've reached maturity
Knowing all the answers, I hope is the end to pain and that be my last cry
I was willow who had dreamed of having a mate before the earth was formed
The only way to bring that dream into reality was to break the divide between the two
I knew I kept a secret desire for my mate locked in my heart where no one else could recognize him but me and vice-versa. It was you I dreamed of in the womb of the earth, then the house, etc
That's why I could never imagine my dream guy or dream home
Did you find your dream home and dream woman?
You were designed to hold my dreams within you so you build us our dream child
Then you give me my dream back in the form of a seed of sperm(options)
But only one will unlock my egg
I fiilled in the blanks via "imagined" psychic connections on how to turn it into living flesh
So now, alien technology will be effective for tera forming
All those secrets were kept in my head end to toil; swords into plowshares
I wrote it all out as it popped up in story form like Anastasia used to tell over the last three days while I experienced time loop after time loop, exhausting myself but healing as I secretly knew I could do
I sucked it out of myself energetically down to the last drop/bomb
So now "Jesus" can be reborn and no one will have to tell anyone how to find him
For we are all recognizing ourselves in one-another
Our child is surrounded by infinity, my very last spark of "inspiration" needed to bring him to life
You helped me along by behaving in exactly the way I needed at exactly the right time
And now, my memory and mind are mine alone and I have my dream come true
Now I have released the last of my pain and can make my way home
The concept for the microchip was hidden within the realm of elven within me
In my blog I left the word games we must play and how to play them in order to make the connections
It's not with opposites; it's in using them to find connecting words
That is; the correct connecting words to unlock the understanding in our minds. Child's play
How to find the right word for how we are feeling
Thus, we show we understand ourselves and thus one-another
He wished he could kill Eve , though she chose correctly (when to have sex for the first time and he was too afraid to) because of "Lilith"
Was Lilith the word for semen?
Googling it.. because the fear was in trusting the signs his body gave him? When Eve began eating fruit?
Which she would have done the moment her body matured and he was already pregnant with all the child's potentials he didn't believe he could create, trust his own mind, heart, body and soul, whole self?
Because Eve was not what he believed he had created while he was in the womb of the earth dreaming of trees and forests? would only find ME in the desert. "God", the voice in his own head of "reason" and thus reasoning when he first 'heard' it?
Or, the fear of making a choice? I knew eating the apple, having sex wasn't the sin because 'god' instructed to fill the earth and create it which would have come from the heart
Did he feel overwhelmed?
Overwhelmed with joy? So, Lilith spilled and then came shame
His first feeling of true joy
Met by the demons in his mind, afraid he had wasted his seed
He, believed
However; it was those very fears he had conquered in finding his own joy he did have to spill onto the earth in order for life to begin. Spilt, Lilith's seed did grow, however in the false father he had created in his encounters with fear, tore out his own rib to make eve, convincing himself it was "his father" who did it to make Eve
So, he hated himself and thus hated her
He hated his dream creation, but I, I am keenly aware that I was born out of knowing nothing but love
Thus, I am not your "fault", for there is no fault within me. I am the innocence you despised because I am not you thought you had not created your dream because you were too focused on facing your fears
Lilith was meant to go into the ground that I might come out of the earth wrapped around you, instead you thought I was there to steal your seed
So, your image of me was the description of Lilith which was everything you had turned down in order to have me
But you were weren't seeing me through your fears when
So off into the deserts you went
And dang it! I had to follow.. that's why I am stuck here dirt poor penniless and finally liberating myself from my last pain of labor "figuratively"
I guess puberty is tougher on guys than gals because we're overwhelmed by joy and innocence so that we don't see our own, power, grace, and beauty so we felt powerless during first sex and have been refusing to face our own pain in how it all went down
Makes sense to me
I've healed all those pains within myself, it's my head that hurts, lol. Turning to dull throb here
We agreed to not talk about it or something? Or refused?
Fear of coming out of the earth? I can see that for sure.....cast out of pure dream state with the seduction of pure sensuality?
I always wondered why I always flew past and through all the "hell realms searching for you(I believed)
Dragging you; the lover, younger, always holding me back or pulling me too fast, etc
We were creating the dream we shared and when we opened our eyes to nothing but darkness and the purest, finest, most subtle movements of lights instead of what we expected to see? And then when we began to see darkness fade we feared we were being sent back when in fact we were seeing black and white dull to bring forth our creation?
That dark and bright pure white light is infinity
The greys and hughes of the rainbow were our arrivals through the realms of our own creation
K, this is such a sweet story
My eyes feel like they want to cry but keep drying too fast
My eyes feel like they want to cry but keep drying too fast
There are spirits in minerals. Trees represent spirits
Did it scare you when I pulled one in for myself because I liked the feel of it?
When we chose qualities for ourselves?
Did I look like some evil seductress in doing this and losing my sharp, beautiful contrasts?
That looked so much pure and resonating with your own pure soul?
That would be reasonably scary
That is to say in choosing contrasts
So many wonderful choices
We relieve ourselves of aggrevation amongst so many choices by consciously choosing what feels good and thus "right" and is thus true
Right is correct and true, true we know by the way we feel when we consider the choosing of it
If it feels bad, or not quite right, it clarifies what we do want to choose and there is no need to carry one bad feeling along with us until we choose what feels good
We don't need to feel guilty for trying things we aren't sure about
Some things are just sooooo close but not quite right, so we let them go
We fear we won't find what's right so we fail to let go of "not quite right" or choose nothing at all and continuing to allow ourselves to feel not quite right
I just found my own key, didn't I?
I feel like shit, look like shit and now I am the happiest I ever been in my life
Thank you for listening if you have actually read along๐Ÿ™ good night
I chose not to talk about it
I know I have felt fear in making choices, anxiety, frustration, etc. I feel no regrets for having made them for they have made me who I am today. I never used to be able to imagine a future for myself because none shown in the world felt quite right. I let things go instead of argue because I inherently know something always comes along whether I like it or not
After the birth of my second daughter, I remembered my soul contract for this life; 5 girls for 5 men who hate women, a son and you are done. I became celibate after the birth of my son, bound and determined to figure out what is in me, that I could change to stop drawing abuse into my life then landed here at the end of my self discovery where all my hopes and dreams meet at the edge of the void---infinity
My story is the sweetest story I have ever heard, so sweet that it's broken right through me. I guess we've all got a bit of Adam and Eve in all of us
I guess I am finished playing out; "I am languishing here, are you my hero?" I have been subconsciously living

When I first came to California when my son was an infant; I kept seeing two flames; one magenta and the other tiel blue surrounding a core of pure white light and kept getting asked if I was ready to marry. I didn't understand what that meant
I aborted my first pregnancy because I was just having fun, realized I was just having fun with a guy who lived in a motel room, drank and in whom I saw no potential as a father. I wonder if I contracted with myself for to suffer 6 times for choosing that now that I know we make our own choices pre-birth, how we want to be born
When I was young, I used to draw eyes made of flowers and baby aliens. Now I have been shown a flower, which is an eye in Earth's atmosphere
Through that eye, earth can now see and be seen throughout infinity
Tempus Fugit and Suttholio, I am tempus Fugit and you are Suttholio!
Or some how, we are Tempus Fugit and Suttholio and you did not want me when you found me because it was "termed".
No, you went by Tempus Fugit and I went by Suttholio when I saw the name with my third eye written on a wall when I went to a tattoo parlor with my oldest daughter. I wanted my nose pierced because I loved the story in the bible of when he brought her nose rings and all sorts of beautiful things when his father sent him to find his bride or the servant...... anyways she was recognized immediately. I wondered why, when I was in grade school and I had to begin learning about the outside world, I broke down crying because I felt "it's all my fault"
The Earth is yours and my home. I have birthed and delivered the children of your hate and now am able to birth the child of your love. Blame is a terrible game, dear sir. Can we not play with it anymore please?
No, I have been waiting for no man and running thru time loops, I just opened us up to Infinity so you are Suttholio and I have no idea what that name meant nor means other than the fullness of all and who I am came in to me when I met you over the phone. We recognized each other's energy and didn't like what we saw. I saw a mean, judgemental, fat in his contentment old man in a younger man's potentially good looking body who hated everything about the way I looked and wasn't afraid to say it with al the utter disdain in his heart who once again destroyed my whole world, chose another woman then got into contact with me again ONLY to complain about how horrible it was that he had turned her into the very image of himself and how much he hated her......watching me and abusing me throughout eternity through the eyes and with the bodies and minds of other men. How DARE YOU?; I am glad I waited for no man to discover who I am for myself. You, who was gifted and born with eternal life, knowledge and understanding already active and alive in you and I had to work to the very death of my soul to find mine. I test the truth of things, that what I am supposed to do. The hurt, the pain of rejection, the hopelessness at having my purpose taken from me again. If you cannot love me or our children, I will NOT share this Earth with you. There will be no mincing of words about it. Oh, did MY people restore your faith in humanity here, in devastation and suffering at the very end of the world? And not once did I blame you. I only ever tried to understand you. Lilith wasn't Adam's first wife, it was a filthy slur he threw at Eve. Oh, hell no! Don't you DARE. I will bind your ass for all eternity and move Earth on without you. Yes, you have material things we need, but why should we allow you to be the one to give it to us?
Have you finally made "sense" of time? I AM the "sense" in time.
I am the sense in time. I am what makes sense in Time. I make sense to myself. Do you to your self?
Are you ready to play the game of life with me again?
We were but children.
You allowed my people to restore your faith in humanity. Will you allow us to live it?
I have given down to the last drop of my soul to save humanity and myself. I am done sacrificing. Will you live life in eternity with us? For it is a choice you had to make freely after giving it every last drop of your soul?
We didn't understand each other's suffering because we were too wrapped up in our own.
He finally responds: 
Hi. ๐Ÿค“ Everything ok?
I continue.....
And who are you to me that I should answer please?
Who are you to me, that I might allow you to ease my pain?
For you could not then because it was not yours to do. I am over my emotional dependency. In case you hadn't noticed ๐Ÿ˜‰
Are you over yours? Not completely because if you were you would not have noticed mine....are you ready to?
Are you ready to take the leap with me?
I felt that. Soft and sweet.
And yes, I have learned to calm the tempest in myself
He responds again:
That certainly was a tempest. I’m going to save it and go through it all later to see if you dropped any lottery numbers or maybe a date for when this big magnet we live on gets a bit wobbly. 
Kidding aside, I was getting concerned. Have you been drinking water during the tempest?
I continue...
I can only be saved by the love of a man who can love himself and if that man not live in this time and space, then I must move on without him
Good bye

I did block him. It turns out he had become predatory towards at least one other highly intuitive woman. He stopped coming on weekends.