You read people's comments in reaction to the poor living conditions on so many reservations; why don't they or they should with all sorts of right brain solutions to their problems. The why is both outer and inner. One, tribes could be benefitting each other, but the enmity is too strong. There is a lot of prejudice between the people. And no wonder, they are ALL arrogant and proud. Even tribes where a casino is making one band rich on their reservation do not contribute to the well-being of the same tribe on a more isolated reservation. No, cross-cultural programs, work/employment exchange programs, etc. Two, is the victim mentality and depression, which is in no way an accusation. They have good reason for it, and it unfortunately gets passed from generation to generation through ancestral spiritual practices. One sure way out of depression, which fogs the brain depriving one of clear thinking that might open them to visions of inter-tribal relations and burying certain aspects of their ancestral spiritual practices, is anger. Anger is force enough to break through barriers. The problem with anger is that if not focused appropriately, simply serves as a magnet for trouble and violence and oppression. Then there is the release of it: crying. People don't cry as is needed. It's a matter of focusing the energy and using it to one's benefit: using the left brain to serve the right, the masculine the feminine, the father the mother, the spirit the earth.
One thing they got wrong spiritually, the majority anyways, is their worship of ancestral spirits. Spirits are the result of physical consciousness (beginning with earth, then all that is upon it, followed by the planets and universe, etc which followed it) and dependent upon the human brain for solving it's problems=ancestral spirits are the children of your grandparents. It is from you they are learning if you let them, if you yourself take what they give and expand on it. Then you create a new generation of wiser spirits, more at peace within greater knowledge and understanding and greater prejudice (against stupidity).
Native people also need to know this to know they are VALUABLE. They never succumbed, as a whole to societal thinking. They died to alcoholism, poverty and violence rather than adopt "white society" thinking. How could something so strong and brave not be of value to their mother? They held out. They never gave in. They went uncorrupted to the end. There is nothing wrong with them! Like their mother, they let themselves be pillaged and raped while the children came to maturity, the spirits and intelligence they needed to exist self-sufficiently, in wholeness, eternally. They WILL see their day, indeed that day is coming. They ARE loved, needed and appreciated in a very loved, deep, meaningful way each and every day.
An etymology of me. Yes, I'm still open to accepting your gifts!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
The women are rising
The Dance, the feminine, the female. She has seen and accepted the tour of his perspective. Now we rise up as we are sharing hers.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
December 2012 nd August 2013
So many have cast off the Mayan prediction for December 2012 as nothing having happened. And yet anyone who is awake to such things, the new world did indeed come in. It came in a package of conscious energy containing all the principles and guidance for a new world. The past year has been the integrating and practicing of the knowledge, bringing deep understanding, in preparation for the "real thing". The Mayans described the new world, new age, coming with great destruction by water. In prophesy, water usually represents emotion. The underlying waves of emotion over the past year have been great, the emotions themselves powerful. The question is which emotion is dominate in each person? Great joy destroys all the inner enmity, spirits and entities within a person not in alignment with it. Great anger and fear destroys equally. We ARE being destroyed from within and what survives is what will "evolve" into the new system.
Next comes the "universal alignment", the harvest of all we have received, had planted within us, and put into practice. It has become an integral part of our make-up. Having exercised the muscles of wholeness, we begin to exist in it, our bodies have become fit for survival in it....survival of the fittest, evolution. The water becomes clean and clear, hardly perceptible to those not used to experiencing it. "Surreal" becomes reality. It means we must become even more choosy, aware exactly of what we are "entertaining", what entertainment we are choosing, the energies, spirits, and thoughts we mull over, allow to find place, take root within us. It means a more dangerous existence in certain ways. It means greater freedoms in some aspects within greater limitations in others. All of which is embraced when we understand it. It is a fire and we are dancing in it's flames.
Next comes the "universal alignment", the harvest of all we have received, had planted within us, and put into practice. It has become an integral part of our make-up. Having exercised the muscles of wholeness, we begin to exist in it, our bodies have become fit for survival in it....survival of the fittest, evolution. The water becomes clean and clear, hardly perceptible to those not used to experiencing it. "Surreal" becomes reality. It means we must become even more choosy, aware exactly of what we are "entertaining", what entertainment we are choosing, the energies, spirits, and thoughts we mull over, allow to find place, take root within us. It means a more dangerous existence in certain ways. It means greater freedoms in some aspects within greater limitations in others. All of which is embraced when we understand it. It is a fire and we are dancing in it's flames.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Is the AntiChrist "Evil"?
According to scripture, God's record shows he will send lying spirits into the mouths of all prophets but one. He says he has reserved for the final day beasts before then never seen. He will destroy cities by casting hailstones of fire upon them. The casting down of Satan from heaven with a third of the angels and him going about because his time is short could simply mean the time he has to accomplish his purpose, for which God "threw him at mankind", cast him down, was short. Did he not have God's full approval to plague Job, his faithful servant?
So we have an anti-Christ that is to come. Did not Jesus say "I have come to bring the sword and not peace"? Is the anti-Christ not scribed as coming under the pretense of peace but really bringing war. Such qualities of intent don't automatically imply evil, do they? Nope, they describe God's servants of vengeance upon people. And God's elect people will recognize the one honest prophet as well as the anti-Christ, not be misled and yet not fight it or the anti-Christ because it is all there to serve God's purpose, to bring an end to this system. Amen.
Really, Satan was defined as mankind's accuser, not God's enemy. Mankind has waged war against God. The enemy of my enemy is my best friend, could be? So God and Satan in cahoots in a war against humanity? Is that so unrealistic to imagine? And what of this anti-Christ, even if he or she is evil? Does not scripture say God preserves evil men for evil deeds, to be exactors of his revenge and punishment? For example, would not God preserve alive a vile rapist to humble a woman who consistently and unrepentantly rapes other people of their means and/or dignity? So, before any satan or anti-Christ is led into eternal judgment or fires of transformation, could they not be used by God to punish people? And in that case, their actions are righteously guided though evil in deed, saving a righteous person from having to do it, thus keeping the righteous person's hands clean. In which case, we can be grateful for the continued presence of evil men doing those necessary evil things. Embrace your dark angel in service to the king.
So we have an anti-Christ that is to come. Did not Jesus say "I have come to bring the sword and not peace"? Is the anti-Christ not scribed as coming under the pretense of peace but really bringing war. Such qualities of intent don't automatically imply evil, do they? Nope, they describe God's servants of vengeance upon people. And God's elect people will recognize the one honest prophet as well as the anti-Christ, not be misled and yet not fight it or the anti-Christ because it is all there to serve God's purpose, to bring an end to this system. Amen.
Really, Satan was defined as mankind's accuser, not God's enemy. Mankind has waged war against God. The enemy of my enemy is my best friend, could be? So God and Satan in cahoots in a war against humanity? Is that so unrealistic to imagine? And what of this anti-Christ, even if he or she is evil? Does not scripture say God preserves evil men for evil deeds, to be exactors of his revenge and punishment? For example, would not God preserve alive a vile rapist to humble a woman who consistently and unrepentantly rapes other people of their means and/or dignity? So, before any satan or anti-Christ is led into eternal judgment or fires of transformation, could they not be used by God to punish people? And in that case, their actions are righteously guided though evil in deed, saving a righteous person from having to do it, thus keeping the righteous person's hands clean. In which case, we can be grateful for the continued presence of evil men doing those necessary evil things. Embrace your dark angel in service to the king.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Some things ARE a given
Someone asked if our society is what caused a rape culture. My response was along the lines of "Isn't that a given?". She replied that nothing is a given. I beg to differ, it is only not known to be a given by those who haven't observed cause and effect. For example: every human being is full of fear. It is the underlying motivator for all we do. Yet if you ask your average person, they would look at you like you're crazy for thinking they are afraid constantly. Especially the "daredevils" and thrill seekers. Yet they are not immune to fear or fearless, they are simply conditioned to it. It is constantly flowing and churning flowing at their cores which they do not "hear" as one does not hear the blood pumping through their own ears or see the tips of their noses or smell their own homes. Our senses tune out everything it can take for granted as "normal", including a constant emotion. If it's always there, we tune it out as something we can take for granted until it becomes too loud to ignore, alerting us to UNUSUAL perceived danger. The usual danger, we've programmed our selves to deal with and we maintain that "manageable" or accustomed level.
Now what about society, what makes it logically result in a sick culture? Well, let's begin the human experience with birth. Whatever stress levels we experienced in the womb disregarded, we can imagine being thrust out of our warm, safe environment into sudden cold openness with bright lights, in unfamiliar hands, amongst unfamiliar voices and smells. How many adults can cope well with culture shock? And yet we are just babies.
If we are blessed, we are immediately placed to our mother's breast and are relieved to feel the warmth, familiar hands, the familiar heartbeat and familiar voice a bit more clearly and sharply than before. But that is only for moments as the strange, cold methodical hands and voices of medical professionals strip you out of your comfort zone into nakedness once more, violations such as intrusive examinations, piercing of the skin and muscle tissues with sharp needles and in the case of males; mutilation of the gentiles. They say we don't remember, but the body remembers EVERYTHING, as is demonstrated by a flinching reflex.
Between exams and intrusions we do have those moments of comfort in familiarity until we are brought home. Some are blessed with stay-at-home experiences with only occasions for weekly "checkups"; invasions and piercings of the skin for scheduled immunizations. But many if not most are abandoned to strangers into daycares and as soon as possible schools. And that is all just the beginning of the western human experience. But, I am presently distracted by an event in town and can't focus on this. may write more later, but wouldn't need to if ya'll would just honestly reflect and put yourself in your own damn shoes!
Now what about society, what makes it logically result in a sick culture? Well, let's begin the human experience with birth. Whatever stress levels we experienced in the womb disregarded, we can imagine being thrust out of our warm, safe environment into sudden cold openness with bright lights, in unfamiliar hands, amongst unfamiliar voices and smells. How many adults can cope well with culture shock? And yet we are just babies.
If we are blessed, we are immediately placed to our mother's breast and are relieved to feel the warmth, familiar hands, the familiar heartbeat and familiar voice a bit more clearly and sharply than before. But that is only for moments as the strange, cold methodical hands and voices of medical professionals strip you out of your comfort zone into nakedness once more, violations such as intrusive examinations, piercing of the skin and muscle tissues with sharp needles and in the case of males; mutilation of the gentiles. They say we don't remember, but the body remembers EVERYTHING, as is demonstrated by a flinching reflex.
Between exams and intrusions we do have those moments of comfort in familiarity until we are brought home. Some are blessed with stay-at-home experiences with only occasions for weekly "checkups"; invasions and piercings of the skin for scheduled immunizations. But many if not most are abandoned to strangers into daycares and as soon as possible schools. And that is all just the beginning of the western human experience. But, I am presently distracted by an event in town and can't focus on this. may write more later, but wouldn't need to if ya'll would just honestly reflect and put yourself in your own damn shoes!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
So you call yourself a christian or a new ager headed for the 4th dimension? Have I got news for you!
The spiritual assasination went well. The weak, insecure, dysfunctional, ever hopeful part of me attached to Ricky was confronted with what lie behind his neglect and lack of appreciative action in the face of spoken appreciation: pure evil. That is the end of that attachment.
Along with it, we are releasing ourselves from attachment to other children, those who choose to be homes to demons and other evil spirits. It's on that attachment those spirits ride in. They've shown their preferences I shall be respecting them wholeheartedly. They are enemies, they are not my children.
"Before this, I have not been known by this name" God told Moses of "I am that I am" or "I AM what I shall prove to be". No, he was known by the name El of Canaan and he had a wife Ashtorah, the tree of life in the garden of eden, the garden of good and evil-duality with a dualistic King. He abandoned his wife after she alowed him to tear her children from her breast, abandoning them. There's gratitude for ya. And, mother, I have comitted your sin. There is no justice or righteousness in it. There is no benefit, there is no salvation, there is only wasted flesh and wasted sacrifices. Little girls do not change the hearts of men, no matter what father said. Won't happen again if I have anything to do with it.
Adam was created via "c-section", interfering in the natural birth process, a corruption of all that is good and natural. He saw Adam was no good on his own, he needed a helper and so once again he committed a violation and created eve. One does not get assistance from someone less capable at anything than he, does he? No, he doesn't. Then, when in his image, they imitated him by joining in a dualistic experience (what else was he expecting?!), El cast them out of the garden of eden. To help them survive, "he made them clothes from the skins of animals"-he created/corrupted human flesh to "cover" them, gave them flesh and blood bodies. Again and again we are told to refrain from eating blood for in it is the soul and the soul belongs to El. So there you have it: the corruptions were given "temples" to dwell in made of naturally occuring substances which hapen to have their own consciousness. For one does not seek protection in something or someone weaker than them. Your body is your best friend or you are both dead and forgotten. For that is what El meant when he promised life everlasting: a place within his memory. But what happens when El enters his rest? (his death). We are in the 6th day of creation, of that abomination of a c-section into the belly of the Dance. God will be turning over his kingdom to his children and entering his rest. They will be given charge of cleaning up after him.
Jesus said "you will do greater things than these" to his followers who were impressed by him. He said they would be able to move mountains(men/spirits). If we are ot moving those mountains from wihtin, we are not fit to call ourselves Christians. If we are not more enlightened than Jesus, we are not fit to rule alongside him. For he promised kingship in his kingdom when his father handed it over to him. Scripture says this servent Jesus would be a prince among men, not a king but a prince. The king of Kings is the father who is the alpha and omega: first and last letters of the hebrew alphabet: the bull and the cross---the god who came first as bull and would be self-sacrificing in the end. The worship of the calf did not begin in /egypt, it began in Canaan and was how the Isrealites first knew him. He became self-sacrifing: His will was ten comandments. Theirs was sacrifices, so he gave a lwa full of sacrifices to them. His will for them was sovereignty, they wanted a king, so he sacrificed his own will and good judgement to give them a king. He told Abraham, the sacrifice of a child was never in his heart, take home Isaac. God sacrificed his own heart and sacrificed his own child, the man called Jesus. (who is quoted as saying "now comes an end to all things concerning me"-figure out what that means!) God sacrificed his own principles when he did the same thing he condemned the Watchers for: making children with human women, when he made Jesus. Oh, he may not have done it by making himself a body but that was indeed what he was Jesus said "since creation he has been seeking a fit vessel for his presence"....seeking to accomplish that very thing he condemned the Watchers for. His reasons were different but were they any more noble? He entered my very own being, expressing himself without my understanding, consent or permission. he violated me and I believed it a profound blessing. Indeed, spiritually, that made me one of his children. And this Jesus, he promised his followers, their spirits a place in God's household-my body! Without my informed consent or permission! How dare he?! So much for all his talk of freedom. I shall be his king and let me tell you, I will not be making good on his promises: those unfaithful hypocritical spirits are at this moment being kicked out on their asses.
And what of this "we aren't perfect" constantly being used by Christians as excuse for their hurtfulness and weakness. Did not Jesus say to pray you would be made perfect? Did he not say /God answered every prayer without given a serpent instead of the asked for fish? If you are not embodying your perfection, you are no Christian! You must be MORE perfect, more enlightened, more free of demons if you wish to claim obedience to his commandments!!! YOu are ot run a Kingdom! Are fit to do it?. Or will you rule it as his father did: entertainiing the satans who would provoke you against faithful people like Job. shall yhou allow them to kill a faithful man's chiuldren just so they can prove them selves to the satans because the satans tempted you into allowing it. And what did Job ask? He simply asked for an explanaition. What explanaition would you give him? Ah, we were drunk in court and satan provoked me, who are you to question my authority?! Fine, here are some new children......bullshit! We MUST be more righteous if we are to bring in a new world where sickness and death do not rule.
And so, I cut off my own little satans so they do not follow me into my new world, my new state of being. The cycle of abuse shall indeed end with me.
It is said in scripture that our war is with the spirits of the air and not with people. We have been inclined to make every excuse for people. But who is it that is giving expression to demons? Who is allowing themselves to be home to them? Our war is indeed with humans who entertain demons. If we claim to be Christians, we must give up this insane inferiority complex! We need to start taking responsibility for our every choice and acton, accept the authority we have been given, once we realize it not only has been given, but was ours all along! We must send the souls of Adam and Eve back into the earth from where they had come-easy for a woman because she bleeds once a month. Not so easy for a man, who would have to bleed himself, making room for his own soul to blossom.
That new jerusalem better be a damn sight more righteous than the old kingdom and heavens or on this earth it has no place. Humanity has gotten far too wise to it. And as for those "aliens" predicting the end and a new age of fourth dimensional enlightenment due to outer influences, rays of light coming from space and inundating the earth: bullshit! The earth's new light is coming out from within it, from the dance that gave birth to it....naturally and not as part of some "creation"/c-section abimonation! No "aliens" are bringing us up into the fourth dimension, if we're ascending, it's part of a natural process and no place for corruption......those corrupted by "alien" inhabitants won't be coming!
That is the news for you!
And so here is my question: did the "animal skin" ever experience death before God's c-section and rape of them in using them as homes for his wayward, sinful, death weidling children from a dualitic dimension? Or was that tinkering of our DNA to limiting of it so we would die and the souls of his children would thus have the experience of death as he promised? Is this new world the realization of all this, the conspiracy to keep us blind to everything and feeling/perceiving our selves inferior thus serving as cannon fodder in a war of spirits for a purely non-physical kingdom? Is this where we ascend into the enlightenment to reawaken our own DNA that we may continue living, releasing ourselves from the demons that have plagued humanity? Is all this, the true meaning of the new age? I'm thinking so.
Along with it, we are releasing ourselves from attachment to other children, those who choose to be homes to demons and other evil spirits. It's on that attachment those spirits ride in. They've shown their preferences I shall be respecting them wholeheartedly. They are enemies, they are not my children.
"Before this, I have not been known by this name" God told Moses of "I am that I am" or "I AM what I shall prove to be". No, he was known by the name El of Canaan and he had a wife Ashtorah, the tree of life in the garden of eden, the garden of good and evil-duality with a dualistic King. He abandoned his wife after she alowed him to tear her children from her breast, abandoning them. There's gratitude for ya. And, mother, I have comitted your sin. There is no justice or righteousness in it. There is no benefit, there is no salvation, there is only wasted flesh and wasted sacrifices. Little girls do not change the hearts of men, no matter what father said. Won't happen again if I have anything to do with it.
Adam was created via "c-section", interfering in the natural birth process, a corruption of all that is good and natural. He saw Adam was no good on his own, he needed a helper and so once again he committed a violation and created eve. One does not get assistance from someone less capable at anything than he, does he? No, he doesn't. Then, when in his image, they imitated him by joining in a dualistic experience (what else was he expecting?!), El cast them out of the garden of eden. To help them survive, "he made them clothes from the skins of animals"-he created/corrupted human flesh to "cover" them, gave them flesh and blood bodies. Again and again we are told to refrain from eating blood for in it is the soul and the soul belongs to El. So there you have it: the corruptions were given "temples" to dwell in made of naturally occuring substances which hapen to have their own consciousness. For one does not seek protection in something or someone weaker than them. Your body is your best friend or you are both dead and forgotten. For that is what El meant when he promised life everlasting: a place within his memory. But what happens when El enters his rest? (his death). We are in the 6th day of creation, of that abomination of a c-section into the belly of the Dance. God will be turning over his kingdom to his children and entering his rest. They will be given charge of cleaning up after him.
Jesus said "you will do greater things than these" to his followers who were impressed by him. He said they would be able to move mountains(men/spirits). If we are ot moving those mountains from wihtin, we are not fit to call ourselves Christians. If we are not more enlightened than Jesus, we are not fit to rule alongside him. For he promised kingship in his kingdom when his father handed it over to him. Scripture says this servent Jesus would be a prince among men, not a king but a prince. The king of Kings is the father who is the alpha and omega: first and last letters of the hebrew alphabet: the bull and the cross---the god who came first as bull and would be self-sacrificing in the end. The worship of the calf did not begin in /egypt, it began in Canaan and was how the Isrealites first knew him. He became self-sacrifing: His will was ten comandments. Theirs was sacrifices, so he gave a lwa full of sacrifices to them. His will for them was sovereignty, they wanted a king, so he sacrificed his own will and good judgement to give them a king. He told Abraham, the sacrifice of a child was never in his heart, take home Isaac. God sacrificed his own heart and sacrificed his own child, the man called Jesus. (who is quoted as saying "now comes an end to all things concerning me"-figure out what that means!) God sacrificed his own principles when he did the same thing he condemned the Watchers for: making children with human women, when he made Jesus. Oh, he may not have done it by making himself a body but that was indeed what he was Jesus said "since creation he has been seeking a fit vessel for his presence"....seeking to accomplish that very thing he condemned the Watchers for. His reasons were different but were they any more noble? He entered my very own being, expressing himself without my understanding, consent or permission. he violated me and I believed it a profound blessing. Indeed, spiritually, that made me one of his children. And this Jesus, he promised his followers, their spirits a place in God's household-my body! Without my informed consent or permission! How dare he?! So much for all his talk of freedom. I shall be his king and let me tell you, I will not be making good on his promises: those unfaithful hypocritical spirits are at this moment being kicked out on their asses.
And what of this "we aren't perfect" constantly being used by Christians as excuse for their hurtfulness and weakness. Did not Jesus say to pray you would be made perfect? Did he not say /God answered every prayer without given a serpent instead of the asked for fish? If you are not embodying your perfection, you are no Christian! You must be MORE perfect, more enlightened, more free of demons if you wish to claim obedience to his commandments!!! YOu are ot run a Kingdom! Are fit to do it?. Or will you rule it as his father did: entertainiing the satans who would provoke you against faithful people like Job. shall yhou allow them to kill a faithful man's chiuldren just so they can prove them selves to the satans because the satans tempted you into allowing it. And what did Job ask? He simply asked for an explanaition. What explanaition would you give him? Ah, we were drunk in court and satan provoked me, who are you to question my authority?! Fine, here are some new children......bullshit! We MUST be more righteous if we are to bring in a new world where sickness and death do not rule.
And so, I cut off my own little satans so they do not follow me into my new world, my new state of being. The cycle of abuse shall indeed end with me.
It is said in scripture that our war is with the spirits of the air and not with people. We have been inclined to make every excuse for people. But who is it that is giving expression to demons? Who is allowing themselves to be home to them? Our war is indeed with humans who entertain demons. If we claim to be Christians, we must give up this insane inferiority complex! We need to start taking responsibility for our every choice and acton, accept the authority we have been given, once we realize it not only has been given, but was ours all along! We must send the souls of Adam and Eve back into the earth from where they had come-easy for a woman because she bleeds once a month. Not so easy for a man, who would have to bleed himself, making room for his own soul to blossom.
That new jerusalem better be a damn sight more righteous than the old kingdom and heavens or on this earth it has no place. Humanity has gotten far too wise to it. And as for those "aliens" predicting the end and a new age of fourth dimensional enlightenment due to outer influences, rays of light coming from space and inundating the earth: bullshit! The earth's new light is coming out from within it, from the dance that gave birth to it....naturally and not as part of some "creation"/c-section abimonation! No "aliens" are bringing us up into the fourth dimension, if we're ascending, it's part of a natural process and no place for corruption......those corrupted by "alien" inhabitants won't be coming!
That is the news for you!
And so here is my question: did the "animal skin" ever experience death before God's c-section and rape of them in using them as homes for his wayward, sinful, death weidling children from a dualitic dimension? Or was that tinkering of our DNA to limiting of it so we would die and the souls of his children would thus have the experience of death as he promised? Is this new world the realization of all this, the conspiracy to keep us blind to everything and feeling/perceiving our selves inferior thus serving as cannon fodder in a war of spirits for a purely non-physical kingdom? Is this where we ascend into the enlightenment to reawaken our own DNA that we may continue living, releasing ourselves from the demons that have plagued humanity? Is all this, the true meaning of the new age? I'm thinking so.
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