Saturday, July 27, 2013

December 2012 nd August 2013

    So many have cast off the Mayan prediction for December 2012 as nothing having happened. And yet anyone who is awake to such things, the new world did indeed come in. It came in a package of conscious energy containing all the principles and guidance for a new world. The past year has been the integrating and practicing of the knowledge, bringing deep understanding, in preparation for the "real thing". The Mayans described the new world, new age, coming with great destruction by water. In prophesy, water usually represents emotion. The underlying waves of emotion over the past year have been great, the emotions themselves powerful. The question is which emotion is dominate in each person? Great joy destroys all the inner enmity, spirits and entities within a person not in alignment with it. Great anger and fear destroys equally. We ARE being destroyed from within and what survives is what will "evolve" into the new system.
   Next comes the "universal alignment", the harvest of all we have received, had planted within us, and put into practice. It has become an integral part of our make-up. Having exercised the muscles of wholeness, we begin to exist in it, our bodies have become fit for survival in it....survival of the fittest, evolution. The water becomes clean and clear, hardly perceptible to those not used to experiencing it. "Surreal" becomes reality. It means we must become even more choosy, aware exactly of what we are "entertaining", what entertainment we are choosing, the energies, spirits, and thoughts we mull over, allow to find place, take root within us. It means a more dangerous existence in certain ways. It means greater freedoms in some aspects within greater limitations in others. All of which is embraced when we understand it. It is a fire and we are dancing in it's flames.

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