Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Native Peoples in U.S.

    You read people's comments in reaction to the poor living conditions on so many reservations; why don't they or they should with all sorts of right brain solutions to their problems. The why is both outer and inner. One, tribes could be benefitting each other, but the enmity is too strong. There is a lot of prejudice between the people. And no wonder, they are ALL arrogant and proud. Even tribes where a casino is making one band rich on their reservation do not contribute to the well-being of the same tribe on a more isolated reservation. No, cross-cultural programs, work/employment exchange programs, etc. Two, is the victim mentality and depression, which is in no way an accusation. They have good reason for it, and it unfortunately gets passed from generation to generation through ancestral spiritual practices. One sure way out of depression, which fogs the brain depriving one of clear thinking that might open them to visions of inter-tribal relations and burying certain aspects of their ancestral spiritual practices, is anger. Anger is force enough to break through barriers. The problem with anger is that if not focused appropriately, simply serves as a magnet for trouble and violence and oppression. Then there is the release of it: crying. People don't cry as is needed. It's a matter of focusing the energy and using it to one's benefit: using the left brain to serve the right, the masculine the feminine, the father the mother, the spirit the earth.
  One thing they got wrong spiritually, the majority anyways, is their worship of ancestral spirits. Spirits are the result of physical consciousness (beginning with earth, then all that is upon it, followed by the planets and universe, etc which followed it) and dependent upon the human brain for solving it's problems=ancestral spirits are the children of your grandparents. It is from you they are learning if you let them, if you yourself take what they give and expand on it. Then you create a new generation of wiser spirits, more at peace within greater knowledge and understanding and greater prejudice (against stupidity).
   Native people also need to know this to know they are VALUABLE. They never succumbed, as a whole to societal thinking. They died to alcoholism, poverty and violence rather than adopt "white society" thinking. How could something so strong and brave not be of value to their mother? They held out. They never gave in. They went uncorrupted to the end. There is nothing wrong with them! Like their mother, they let themselves be pillaged and raped while the children came to maturity, the spirits and intelligence they needed to exist self-sufficiently, in wholeness, eternally. They WILL see their day, indeed that day is coming. They ARE loved, needed and appreciated in a very loved, deep, meaningful way each and every day.

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