What if a thief steals something, makes improvements upon it and is then discovered? Does not the owner have his property returned to him, any improvements considered compensation or restitution? Would this principle apply any differently to a god?
What is mine is mine. It belongs to me.
Take your children and go. Go your way in peace.
The earth is the heart of the dance.
The process leading up to this channel:
You don't have to understand or share my perceptions, I just ask that you respect them.
I find I not only do not regret my suffering and stupidities, I allow that a part of me can even honor my past.
I no longer have to identify with someone or something in order to empathize with it. Having been somewhere once, I don't have to stay in it or go back into it to understand, comfort, raise up another who is learning what it means. Heck, I don't even have to go there at all anymore as long as I am open to empathizing with someone/something-cool!
Upon reflecting how I felt during advocating for my children at counselor's office:
If you're standing on power, you are not secure at all. When powerless, no one can take your power away. So, then what you're standing on is yours which no one can take from you because it is of no use to them-unshakable. The one with power will always loose a battle of wills with one who has no power and no will/agenda! NOW I understand what the following scripture means! Finally! 2 Corinthians 12:9-But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
In response "I am w.e.i.r.d.:
I think so, and seeing as I'm the one who HAS to live with me, that's all that matters.
I think I'll say that it's no fun to be around people with "Karma Kooties". You know: those kind of people who are always miserable and stupid little bad things are always happening to them like being stolen from, missing buses, being the one dinged in the parking lot with no one owning up to it, etc. Being miserable, feeling miserable, they draw miserable little lives. And while I don't believe the law of Karma or the Law of Attraction are without universal trump cards held by certain entities like one might call God, "Karma Kooties" is just plain catchy. 'Cause when they draw the curse of say a car breaking down out in the middle of no where and you've accepted a ride and thus become stuck out in the middle of no where with them.....yeah, avoiding people with obvious Karma Kooties.BTW, yes I had Karma Kooties once, but it's so far behind me now, I forget I did.
You don't have to hate what you do not enjoy. Life can be like ordering from a menu: Do you want drama with that? No thank you or even "Oh, wow, thank you for thinking enough of me to be including me in your universe, but I'll pass".
Not everyone who lies to you does it because they're evil. Sometimes they do it just to survive you.
How I have felt I was experienced by people:
they love to hate me and hate to love me.
I could listen to a small child scream forever. They're releasing their burdens without projecting it at you. It's when they get older and start pointing fingers and making you responsible for fixing their mess that the screaming is like a grating to the ears: "I hate you, You did"...." "Sissy did that!" Makes me realize as well, there's a difference in just unloading our junk and throwing it someone. As adults, if we could just cry and scream like small children and allow one another to do that without taking it on unnecessarily, it'd a be a whole lot happier world.
You know, I read about God's initiating a cock-waving fight with Satan; "Look at MY servant Job....." and I have no doubt that men were made in the image of God.......lol
Something I released by expressing:
Something I hate:
When people don't feel like doing the work of being a parent and instead of just admitting it to themselves, thus being honest with the rest of us, they make up this delight in activities designed to pass the responsibility along to others under the guise of being good for the children and/or exciting for the children. (btw, they do that job because they don't believe you're a good parent, either)
The reason why I hate it? They are so determined to hold onto those lies as truth to soothe their consciences that they then accuse those of us who love interacting with our children all day of being neglectful, irresponsible, not wanting to do the best for their children, depriving our children of opportunities at a "better life", depriving them of "proper socialization", etc.
(enter sarcasm and rolling of the eyes)Yeah, those overtired, overexcited, whiney, fitful zombies are sooooooo much better companions for other children, have totally integrated all that information they've been bombarded with and will grow up to be such wonderful citizens (just like their parents who had been raised the same way and have thus destroyed the world and cannot do anything but parrot what they read on Facebook).
Second reason: they justify oppressive laws and those who believe they are needed because parents aren't fit.
So, I listen and laugh to myself as they tell and reinforce oneanother's lies consoling their insecurities, "tickling" one another's ears.
ok, I feel better.
Oh, and I don't expect anyone to agree with me. After all, those who would, aren't online so much, they're off LIVING with their children whereas I am choosing to be the glowing example of stability according to the world's definition. arggggggg
Feeling naked yet? heehee
Neighbor noticed flag on ground. The flag so easily blown down does not represent what myself and my neighbors are or hold sacred. We are not so easily cast down, we are not so flimsy. I would not desecrate it simply because it means so much to my neighbors, crushing it is crushing a bruised reed/my neighbor. But I do not pledge my allegience to a piece of fabric that rots quicker than I do. It will not stop a bullet or disarm a bomb. We do not live in a republic, we live in a democracy ruled by an ignorant and misled population. It is not completely "under God" for few subject themselves and our laws to God and His standards. Shoot, even those who "defend" it in the military do not even believe in God. To say it is indivisible is to tell a lie: divided into states, counties, town, territories, UN owned land and national monuments, sections now owned by China and other countries in payment of debt....liberty:true freedom of the mind, soul and spirit is oppressed rather than nourished. Justice? Our "country" does not dispense justice. If we are blessed, anything can be used while we are living as Americans to dispense justice, be a tool of "God" but as a rule judges are not interested in justice, only in sticking to the letter of the law as they see fit.
So, maybe I stand corrected. Maybe that flimsy piece of fabric does adequately represent the country I was born a part of. There is still too much love in my heart to desecrate it, provoking my neighbors and fellow Americans.
And then I got to thinking: Does not the maker of a thing make it's creation sacred? We can only embue/endow upon something that which we posses. Nothing can be more sacred than it's maker. And btw, those flags are probably mostly made in China or Tawain and thus not embued with a sacred appreciation for we Americans. So, we are most likely pledging allegience to something embued with resentment for us rather than holiness for us.
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