As a pregnant woman begins to produce milk before the actual birth of her child, the earth was already pregnant with the life that would come to her. That is why "God" was able to draw "milk" from her (aka created) the trees, grasses, etc that would feed her young. Then came the c-section.
The sons of God and the morning stars(daughters) came upon the earth along with him. From the earth he drew men/angels. That is why the problems were caused by the nephilem: the parents were not "of a kind". Close, like a horse and donkey or lion and tiger, a male of one species and female of the other can produce sterile offspring, while genders reversed produce problems. Angels, however can reproduce with other angels/men. Humanity is the "animal skins" God made/manipulated to support "fallen angels/men", NOT for fallen gods (sons and daughters of god not of the earth).
So, "God" comes to understand his major blunder and as a sacrifice or offering of compensation to right the wrongs committed by himself and his errant children, he gives one of the first of his sons to the earth to spend a thousand years cleaning up the mess after he has flushed out the unrepentant "sons of god" and drawn to him out any repentant children. Angels/men are being taught along with Yahushua what is needed to rule the earth in peace while those still opposing this attempt at renewal are conquered with the sons of god who lead them. Scripture says that in that day humanity will walk with their own gods-angels of the earth-bringing in yearly offerings to the conqueror. So, go once a year,acknowledge the dude and we are free to return to our earthly ways. He never wanted it all, just one vessel, which he sacrifices to us for his and his children's errors/sins against mankind.
Marriage is to mankind as The Law was to Israel: When it's term is fulfilled we leave that womb. Just as if a developing child is left in the mother's womb after it's time it begins to suffer and die, even taking it's mother with it, marriage that has fulfilled it's term must be relinquished because it will only die and take it's participants with it.
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