Monday, September 12, 2016

Law Breaking Loving

        Wanting to give myself a better life experience I learned all I could about the Law of Attraction. Being open to my intuition, I was able to observe where we often go wrong.........
        My son never destroyed anything. He is adventuresome, curious and kind. He is gentle and encouraging. One day I received a complaint from a neighbor while my children were playing outside. He said my son was wiping sand onto his new car. Huh?! The guy said "I'm responsible for my own stuff, I'll take care of it". So, we were off the hook. Concerned about "what had gotten into my son", I tuned in to feel for what was happening there; why such behavior would come from my son. The man's vibes reeked of "hit me!" and the car having absorbed his energy said "Scratch and dent me!". Children, especially those being raised like mine, have not built up resistance. Law of Attraction is going with the energy flow and that man's energy was begging to be hit. Not going with the flow is resistance, a breaking of the Law of Attraction.
     I got into a cab and sat in the back. Another client was up front. His energy said "kick me!" and I spent the ride resisting slapping him upside the head from behind the whole ride; even though he hadn't said a damn thing.
    So, human and limited intellectual law states hitting someone, damaging a vehicle, is breaking the law. The Universe says not doing that shit is breaking it's Law. Mankind's limited perception says only kind, gentle tones and touch is love. The Universe says "Give the resister a wake up call" is love. Intelligence says "Resist because they do not understand why they're getting hit. Be kind and they'll be willing to listen". In order to do that, we must resist the Law of Attraction. In response, we meet resistance in the world in the form of lack of abundance, etc. We're not doing our job. Spirits are aware of it and manifest disappointment in us, inspiring verbal abuse from the people around us.
   Living in a verbally abusive culture that does not allow for "violence" is another challenge for those in tune with the Law of Attraction. Violent energy is being cast at you constantly. A punch in the face to the assaulter is self defense according to the Law of Attraction. According to men's intellectual law it's not the same thing and therefore uninitiated violence/criminal assault.
  It's on these occasions "love" breaks the Law.
   We come to this realization. It's very plain and clear. That clarity meets the brain that says; "I'm going to end up in prison". No you won't. You free flow and your physical experience free flows with you so long as you do not fear you are wrong. Fear is resistance and will thus limit your freedom. Fearing you are wrong is saying "I am wrong" and the Universe responds in kind with "You are wrong" in the form of prosecution and a guilty sentence.
  We just have to learn to trust it.
  Now I'm a woman who has just entered the dating game. Ooooo, fun! A Christian is drawn to me and initiates contact. "Oh, but I like the taste of a woman and smoking changes it". O.K. so, you initiated contact just to tell me that you believe I would taste bad?! Of course not, but that is the end result of HIS resisting the attraction he felt. His resistance and resentment to the resistance led to his initiating contact and rudeness.
   Another enjoyed our phone conversation, laughing for the first time in ages, turned on and having fun. The next morning he texts: I want a woman who shaves. If I wanted a man, I'd be gay." "Later", comes the next text.  Shall I be loving and understanding of his emasculation and fear of peer disapproval and self-condemnation for being attracted to a woman who hasn't been emasculated? I'm going with the Law of Attraction on this one, responding with "tough love", love for MYSELF in the form of returned aggression:
  "No, you want a biddable twelve year old with breast implants you can bitch slap just like you just verbally did to me. If I wanted a pedophile around my children I'd move to the Middle East or fish for men in prison. Later yourself abuser."
   So, now my energy is back into neutral because I've done an honest and fair energy exchange, went with the flow. NOW I focus on the men who LOVE a woman who does not shave and spend my day exchanging encouragement, focusing on interactions inspiring kind, gentle exchanges.
  A woman I've been spending time with came in afraid of her own shadow, apologizing for everything she said and did. "You don't need to apologize for taking up space" is amongst the things I'd say to her. I hugged her when she was traumatized. I showed her the first unconditional kindness she's seen in her life. Now, when I come into the room, I catch her enjoying herself and smiling. I see her becoming bolder and taking more charge of her life.
  Shall I feel bad about smoking? Hell, no. I scare the shit of the medical professionals. All six of my children were born 8-10 lbs with no medical problems "STRONG LIKE A LION!" the pediatrician says of my children as infants. I am not wrinkled with yellowed skin. I constantly am remarked over for looking young for my age. As for the taste? Laughing! The body is made to alchemize energy that come in the form of "toxins". Non-smokers remark I'm the cleanest smelling person they've ever met. They're surprised when I do light up a cigarette; "I didn't know you smoked". I don't smell like it.  So, rest assured, the nectar dripping from my flower is sweet as honey.......
  I have come to learn that the things people fear which I embody, such as not shaving off my body hair, are manifestations of my power. Smoking, then is one of my powers. My confidence while engaging in it makes me appear fearless in the face of men who believe they should fear cancer "causing" carcinogens. I breath in fire. They breath in fear in response to it. That is my power. Taste the ash of my fire upon my skin!
  Shall I believe that something in me is abusive toward myself because I've drawn these men? Of course not! 1)They are their "highest selves" when contact is initiated. They comment astounded by the "connection" they are feeling. My connection to Source inspires connection in them and it is at that vibe we have met. It's only when momentum has stopped, after sleep, that their fear-soaked brains have a chance to pipe in before momentum in the direction of excitement can begin. 2)There is such a deep yearning for freedom in oppressed and abused men and women and children. This desire, these prayers draw freedom to them. Freedom comes in the form of a delighted, free flowing, "uncivilized", uncannily "lucky", materially/financially poor  human being. They just don't recognize the gift when fear kicks in. They resent and fear them for leading them into "sin", when in fact it is their fear and resistance that is the "sin".
  It's the men who wake in the morning, remember the interaction with a fondness for unshaven women I am grateful for. They're just far away because they've been "summoned" to other abusive environments by desires/prayers and we are not drawn together because we are whole, fulfilled and not yearning for anything. We've mastered living "in the now" and focusing on what excites us that is already in our environments. Now that we understand all this, we can look across the distance technology and it's social media bridges and be excited about one another with an excitement greater than any fear......happiness, delight and joy are "higher vibration" than even "love"...there is more power in delight, my love, so let's get happy to see each other online!

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