Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Time Hopping and the Mandala Affect

     -Some elements of the specifics have changed since this writing; further developments in more recent posts-

 So, it is day two in my, still coming into reality new world - which I was sure was day three but no. The days began to bleed together with the approach of the full moon, which I do not see above quite yet. What I DO see is a clump of stars in the sky rather than a blanket. It looks rather suspiciously (said in a rather playful way) like the Crimson Circle's Heaven's Cross. They didn't know what to expect because I had separated from them shortly after my first full awakening. When I left, I took all my energy back. I felt that power draw. I could not take back the changes I had already made in them, however and a part of I Am Sam had come with me because I did not leave behind the changes they made in me.

   Anyhoo, what had happened was this; I received a message alert from a friend who then apologized for it sending because he was just trying to respond to a post, not interrupt my world by private messaging me. I will just post my response:

What you believe your intention was is just the ploy of spirit to cause what happened when I unexpectedly (I thought) saw an image of mine own eyes. I was snagged by my own glare and parts of me that were in common vibe with it got sucked back in time. And that was due to an expansion wherein I drew the attention of the spirit of a person who wondered what would have happened if they had gotten to know me better back then. It's my first conscious.time hop, so we'll see how it goes. Magical🧚

End of response. That coincided with a recent acquaintance, Ken, as well as Nemo (Dory? Really?🤣), And Adamus St. Germain coming back into my experience. Of course, all parties involved got caught up in the "what would have happened if I had known her then?", which includes every "What if?" in association with me, which would send them right back here to the healed child within me, waking them up to no regrets towards me, healing all regret within all things. This morning the parts of me that fell asleep when I left Crimson Circle (when I consciously experienced time anomalies as well, but just single days), still sleeping received the "upgraded info", so I can expect to see her awaken today and stimulate some adventures. What IS awakened is the part of me that went to sleep as a teenager when I saw absolutely nothing in the world I wanted be or do than party with my friends and started smoking cigarettes. Already been working on my teen aspects through my feminine side which they are about to meet as that side wakes within me.....which I feel happening as I type this.

   Noticed a post of Diane's alert from FB; apparently I slept through an Earthquake. I haven't any idea what is going on outside of Slab City. I have a feeling I directly, and Slab City are a bit more like Brigadoon than boundaried areas generally are at this time. I am imagining children playing "I Declare" instead of war; "I Am Darkness", "I Am Light". I imagine them all playing in pure joy and innocence. "Because there is only One and we are it's perspectives" is the answer and the question. 

   I may fall back asleep. It is but 4:19 a.m. and how is it that early and yet that long since I woke at 3: something a.m.?, I wonder. Yesterday, we woke to bring covered in dust after a wind storm that brought in balmier weather and the thought came; "at least it's not ash". Yes, there are big changes happening out there; I am eager to see them when this over......the softest, sweetest experience is what I had desired for this.

And why a cross? The Mind of God, The Heart of A Child, and The Arms of a.Mother's Love. Why human form? I must have liked it the most. Why female? "I mean, really? Do I HAVE to ask that question?"🤣 

    I suppose I shall arise in full on the third day...."Sweet Jesus!"🤣🤗

  As I dose, I see Slab City; hot springs and canals, it's lands, as the eye of the World and of course, in Africa or (UAE with all it's technology?) there is a corresponding eye. It would be a place with a central water source and two small Rivers or manmade canals running in opposite direction of one-another. I am given to see into and meet that which is in the void.

  I woke to the stenchy smell of a generator that sounds like it's on blast and yet is probably a lot further away than it sounds. This increase in my hearing brings to mind the two human Fairies camped out closest to the hotsprings and all the Middle Earth characters around me. They play such a big role in our growing. Looks like I am just going to have to take the physical suffering of integration while awake as the sleeping feminine aspects awaken to their changed worlds and states of being. Oh, and I do believe the flat Earth and hole through the Earth debates are over🤣 " I Am Ignorance" "I am Awareness"

I see an ancient darkness, "I am Darkness", stir. It swirls with soft light, becomes like a bird, separates from it's soft light to begin to grapple with a brighter light. "Where were they going", I wondered. "Back to the void". "I take what is mine". The Void responds. Yup, won't be going back to sleep; fly is pestering and skin is starting to prickle. "Bloody Hell "

  I did notice yesterday that people who wanted to treat me as an exception and do but with verbally expressed resistance softening and forgetting the moments they included resistance. They're forgetting to resist, which means there's less fear in them and they, as well are healing. I am Happy.

   As I take the dogs for their daily walk, I imagine people greeting one-another with; "The resistance in me meets the resistance in you" rather than "Namaste". As I do, it stirs further imaginings (which we all know is Divine Revelation). "The Void in me meets the Void in You", for even the Void is waking up and The Dance to it's Void Self, so just as The Dance in I that is me, this individual Stacey, knew there was more than only a male god and obscure "Source", The Dance struggled against Her own Knowing that there is more and so it goes within the Earth and Beyond The Void. People waking up recognizing themselves in mirrors, recognizing others that triggers their own recognition. "I Am Recognition". I am aware as the words within myself as I type them casts their spell within myself and everything else. With "I Am Recognition" comes a softening in the pressure around in my head that I wasn't even aware was there. This is softening the glaze in my left eye when I focus beyond Now And Here. Itchy Skin starts, "I Am Itchy Skin" responds. It is humerus for...and "I Am Humorous" comes out of my humerus....our right legs are supported by Humor", "I Am Humorous " responds from the left. "Bloody Hell" observe the Dwarven folk."oh, fuckin' A" says the American. Through this chain of connections, Healing Meets Home. "And It Is Done" and "I Am Done".

As I get up and step out of my trailer, my entire left side feels like it is about to lift off the ground and take the right right along with it......uh oh, oh no, really? As I remember Jesus' Transfiguration (as I meet it) and that he had Witnesses and "What am I in for?", It's two my head..... lightening.....the Earth is Round And it is Flat, it is "I Am Disc" begins to Emerge, I Am Emergence.

With the lightness of my left side, I heard "white noise", the static of the voices in conversation within my body as Recognition Occurs. I Am Occurance and the right side begins to respond in it's softness and rising might, I Am Softness, I Am Rising Might..... everything really IS in Conversation, I Am Conversation, I Am In Conversation and Laughter and Delight, I Am And.

Traits and Attributes are like the elements of the periodic table for the I Am Personality which merges with I Am The Body to create the I Am Soul which we call Ego, I Am Ego.

It is funny as I imagine introducing others from beyond the Void to the concept of what, here in Slab City, is called East Jesus. East Jesus is the Hippie Era's term for " the middle of no where" that one is usually out in, which would be to transversers as they would be would be from Earth. It has nothing to do with Jesus himself (they didn't think). We are Transversers to them as they are Transversers to us on Earth😉 I Am Opposites, I attract, I Am Attraction. We have Waters of Life and it's mate is Rivers that Glow.

Each of us will have a flower or plant exclusive to ourselves, surrounded by the flowers of their elements/traits/attributes associated with them growing in their Domain (such as described by Anastasia in "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" book) so that any body elements needed can be called for when needed/wanted/desired as new children are born, near whom's flower will be birthed to receive them and be taken with them when they go off into the Transverse. I Am Pleased.

All languages have been united in the American English and it's dialects, which shall unite as well. Restoration to Oneness.

Sometimes, just kissing the right person cures all our ills, and if it doesn't - there's a bun in the oven 😉

We shall have huge gatherings during the summer solstice and winter solstice. They will be the greatest shows the Earth has ever seen. Summer shall tell the story of how the new Earth arrived, inceptions occur, mates meet for first times. Winter Solstice we shall receive hints and glimpses of the potentials forming gathered around speaking fires with warm beverages, gifts of promises will be exchanged that represent the what we've been given to see if the new potentials to be the hints and glimpses between the involved parties.💝 Of course, spring will be birthing season and fall harvest. 

The World Flag will be a peacock and lion, a hare and a rabbit running on a backdrop of yellow, white, grey and deep purple. With shapes of all our relations as a border and deep green; it's shape is like that if a disc, will be made of Metal and will be produced by AI when the inspiration comes.

And, once again I have a new is Eva. His will be given to me soon that I may give it to him, you'll have to wait😉

Mother's shall give children to their mates and mates shall give the mother the child's name before the child is shared. 

Now comes an End to The Law of Attraction. Two bombs went off to mark it on the bombing range next door. Synchronicity is replaced with Simplicity which makes the setting off of them too deadly in even the attempt to make them. Such signs mark the boundaries of space and time. The repeat of Information seals that deal.

Summer meeting will turn into covenants being made in the fall. 🍂

Integrity + Vulnerability + Virtue = Invulnerable . I love wordplay 🤗

No more need or want of abortions or money. Everyone just doing what they love. No more looking for signs. Only what they love when they want to love however it is they want to love it.

Now comes an end to the Law of Attraction . As I neared the end of typing that out, two bombs went off at the bombing range next door. Deal Is Sealed. The last two bombs ever heard on Earth. An end to death, an end to Life, now we move on from the ability to Thrive to simply Being Alive. An end When Push Comes to Shove, It Is What It Is and Too Much Love. Now comes Existence, Meaning, Purpose. With the third and final bomb, comes "Because I said so"; Omniversal Father. I have been given to speak; "Ease", on behalf of us all.

Things go from Just Right and Just Fine to "Bink".

From Father Omniverse through Diana; "Time is now Ocean", I am given Slab City is now The Village by the Ocean and I am to be called by my given name, with a twist (in French). 

I saw the newborn, First Insect of our Lives; BEES.

We don't have personalities, we have FLAVORS.

First Gifts instead of last words.

From THE RE-EMERGENCE. What were things are 


Nothing is ever forgotten, it's being aware.

There will be consciousness, being aware will be a no-go zone.

I Great Remember is the begining of our new story.

And this is my part of our story;

I remember writing new posts.

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