Wednesday, February 19, 2025



1) as in days of Noah, going about their business, one taken and one left behind. Taken=swept away or taken=onto the ark

2) kept from the hour of temptation. Does this mean from having to choose to take the mark of the beast? In that case, the one taken (in 1) would mean taken to forced choosing.

3)delivers us from the wrath to come, which would be upon those taking the mark of the beast and delivering us (from evil for example) means releasing, rescuing. Deliverance has been through means to escape, miraculous intimidation (such as Israelis being delivered from Egypt), murder, military conquest, etc.

It's during the thousand year reign that 144,000 will rule in heaven then release of Satan then the final judgement,  then the meek inherit the Earth and new Jerusalem comes down from heaven. They must wait until their brothers are martyred and resurrected, so still no rapture implied there. Then there are those who keep his word and never see death at all. This is where I go.......never mind. lol The big picture will come later with clarity.

An animist may ask; "Just because we want to know when ya'll finally be gone"

Taking a name in vain

 When a woman marries, she takes her husband's name. Does she do it for  the sake of  vanity? When we take something in vain,  we take in meaningless, wasted effort. Another way is to quote someone falsely.

Yehoshua (Joshua) as god

 Yehoshua ( translated to Greek is The Greek name for Jesus is Ἰησοῦς (Iēsoûs), which is pronounced "i.iˈsus" in modern Greek.

  • The Greek name Iēsoûs is derived from the Hebrew name Yehoshua (יְהוֹשׁוּעַ). 
  • The name Yehoshua is a combination of YHWH (the name of God) and yasha (meaning "to save" or "to deliver"). 

 Jesus (in English, which should be Joshua, Yeshua being Aramaic) as God, in his god form, as a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and comes out as a being with wings. A god prepared a people to produce an heir for the Father God, sacrificing his only begotten son that the Father God could resurrect him to rule by his side. Through him, we are adopted into the kingdom and thus he becomes our father, his mother becomes our mother so we born caterpillars become butterflies.

and then there's this concerning the name Yahweh:

Our unseen sins

 As I commune in spirit with our heavenly father, it is  granted to me to be given the understanding that he does not see our sins. He sees the pain that causes them. Our pain causes him pain. He heals us of that pain for us because our bodies, our souls would never survive it alone. The poor way we treat ourselves and the poor way we speak of ourselves is the sin against the only one who can deliver us from the pain that which is outside of us would bring upon us.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The power to curse one's own children removed

 A brief whisper of understanding wafted through me as I was cleansed. 

We are born in and through the spirits of our mothers while our  mothers were still within the spirit of their mothers. Jealousy of a son or daughter, the desire in a father or mother to fornicate with their child, the ability to do that which is forbidden; they sought the magic despite the  consequences. So it became that any parental words carried the power of cursing if  we  are born through such a bloodline. "You're going to..." "You're just being...." "You're just like me..." It's in any declaration. Our grandmothers speak it over us when they speak it over their own daughters. It is spoken when we believe, think, say bad things about ourselves before our children are adults.

This must be removed from our blood.

This can only be done by one.

This is why it is said that one must partake of the body and blood. This is why we must deny fleshly familial relations/not derive clout nor shame from them. His flesh and blood replace our biological inheritance.

For, you see, the power to curse one's children is it's self a curse because that one can no longer bless children. A vessel used for curses can not be used for blessings.

This, with appreciation, was given to and received by me only as the only one capable of it, cleansed it from  me.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Montauk Chronicles, Nathan Reynolds, my story

Now that I am exposing myself to materials such as this and others such as Nathan Reynold's experiences, after coming to understand the  symbols of the underground while in Slab City.....I understand my childhood. My blood type is Rh-, which naturally makes me more intuitive and energetically  powerful.  The agents from Mensa came to test me in grade school and I was always  placed in advanced classes. I don't remember what  happened on field trips, only that my  other sent  me off with cheap-as lunches and I never had souvenir money like the other children in my  class. She despised thee special treatment I received from anyone and everyone while wanting to gain prestige by encouraging my talents in gymnastics and horseback riding which  I quit to spite her for it. My father only ever told us about his time in the Marine corps that he guarded the President as the President traveled around the world. As a teen I experienced blackouts  when cornered by aggression and would only become aware of myself a few days  later or just after I had violently  and effectively decommissioned my attacker. This frightened me so that  I avoided confrontation at all  cost. At about 20 yrs old, I became aware that my mother knew  the head of the Albanian mafia, taunting me with it. My  father's asking me if I wanted him to have my ex boyfriend's legs broken because of something he had done, made more sense. My father dying at the hands of a black widow  became obvious. 
I was programmed as a breeder; 5 girls for 5 men  who hate women, a son and you're done. Immediately after my son, a strange version of menopause at a young age, a distinct feeling 'they' wouldn't be happy until I had killed somebody,  and when I proved to be too strong willed to be blacked out again to accomplish  that, the suicidal ideations began. I would be of no more use other than against them. I became aware of 4 "brothers", of similar 'assignments'. 
I've gotten rid of 'the dirty old man' who controlled the part of my mind that knew math and sciences as well as my sexuality. I'm slowly confronting entity controlled barriers and reclaiming those fragments. My healing/energy manipulation centers are autistic, ADHD, etc. Every task that would  benefit me is daunting. They controlled my qualities to place me in circumstances that got me into the  relationships they desired for me.
It's a long journey to healing. I am succeeding.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

My recommendation for government disclosure and my integration

 1) Apology that previous  people in charge underestimated their people's ability to cope, their strength, and their determination. As a result of this lack of faith in their fellow human  beings, they did not fully disclose their knowledge of things outside of mainstream experience.

2) We act now in cooperating with The One True God, The One True Creator, The One True Allah, One True Source.

3) We are recruiting former MK Ultra victims and marginalized people acquainted with gifts of the Spirit to begin development programs for all people in their communities, all on a voluntary  basis.

4) We do this to bring as many of our people through this stage of human history that is called Revelation, Armageddon, The Last Day, (etc.) as we possibly can. 

5) Humanity is already saved, it will survive. It is up to each of to choose whether we and the people in our communities will be included amongst the survivors. Biblically recorded Scripture says that in the last days all your young men and young women shall prophesy. This is those days to train them in how to recognize and work with this gift of prophesy. (Introduce those who will be playing the leading roles)

6) Just as there are good and bad people amongst every nationality and religious practice, there are good and bad beings, humanoid or non-humanoid. We will not practice discrimination by gender, race OR species.

7) In matters of consideration, we no longer separate ourselves in spiritual vs non-spiritual practices, we use discernment in our psychological and emotional intelligence in our interactions with both physical and that  which we perceive as non-physical beings.

8) I recommend all videos and social media accounts be maintained so people can see our own  growing pains and developmental stages so they know we are human just like them. We were just early developers.

Stacey B

Attn: President Trump and Elon Musk