Sunday, November 29, 2015

Possible role of menstruation

  When an animal gets angry or fearful or stressed, they respond immediately: they run, kick, scratch, bite or kill. Simple.
    In Leoanard Shalin's talk on his book "Sex Time Power", he mentions how Gyna Sapiens ;) are the only species who menstruate as we do. He also mentions men want sex far more than other species. My theory is this: Men release alot of built up stress through sex. The sexual frustration is a symptom of intellectual and emotional frustration. There's also stress in the whole courting process: will she accept me or won't she. There's anxieties caused by insecurities. Men believe a woman does not love him if she doesn't have sex with him quite often, so he's conquering his own insecurities when she accepts. He thus projects the energy of "I have conquered you" at and into her, which is a stress to her, an assault on her sensibilities. Stress is toxic. Sex is thus toxic. Toxicity is detrimental/damaging and thus a "sin against"/"missing the mark of" well being. Is not his frustration his "not finding a solution" thus "missing a mark"/solution?
   So now we have all those toxins being poured into the woman's reproductive system. It is already scientifically known when a woman is not ovulating, the chemical make-up of her bodily fluids destroy sperm. So, within her reproductive system are toxins from semen, and dead sperm as well as her own body's toxic reaction to the assault of the perception of conquering, all of which could poison her. There is this strange persistent belief amongst men that "blood washes away the sins of men".........
  And honestly, when I am sexually active on a regular basis, I always look forward to the cleansing tide of my monthly flow.
   Amongst the species, ours has a unique purpose for sex which presents a unique problem which delivered a unique solution. Easy, peasy ;)

The New Feminine who is bringing forth a New Masculine THIS YEAR!

      Over the years a picture of the world has been forming but always came out with a bit of bitterness as "This SHOULD be....." and "We SHOULD...". This year the bitterness is finally leaving me as I have learned one of the greatest retardants in our education came in early childhood when we were taught to always "compare and contrast". I picked up on the idea that learning to count and keep track has led to our sense of lack and experiences of scarcity in a VERY abundant reality as it creates limits. I have had a deep drive to explore, in order to gain understanding, abuse and do we leave it? Our entire world is governed by it. What would a world look like without it?
     Most haven't got the faintest clue what it means to be sovereign and with the rise of the love and light movement, the idea is hardly even mentioned. Sovereignty is a key element of a free and cooperative/communal society. Instead of turning outward to "become one with all that is", the key to oneness is going within and allowing ourselves to "become all things"/allow ourselves to be exactly what is needed in any given moment. That means we do not judge the action taken or word spoken but the appropriateness of it in the situation/circumstances presented. Sometimes it's that "sucker punch to the stomach" that hits our very core and makes us think about what we are doing. Sometimes no response is exactly the right response when someone is in emotional crisis. The habit of explaining ourselves is unhealthy. When it is requested in a narcissistic society it is not so they can understand you better because they like you or want to be like you, it is because they want to know how you think so they can undermine it. And this "game" of power and control has gone so deep that once we get the big and obvious out of the way, it becomes a very subtle dance of nuances only performed effectively by the highly intuitive and deeply sensitive.
    None of these dances of nuances are done to fight against a no longer desired system, but to withdraw ourselves from it while accepting it's right to exist. It is not a dance that can be done on behalf of others. One must dance their way free themselves first, establish relationships based on wholeness and sovereignty, and release the rest.
   My understanding of the feminine journey matches that of "Peruquois"'s song "Priestess, Goddess, Woman" ( video ). I received an evolution beyond the "she sends her daughters to you" approach expressed in her song "Mother Earth responds to Forbes 500, Mighty man" (video ). She had descended again from the realms of the gods and won't be sacrificing daughters to touch the hearts of only feeds their resistance to change. They get all they want from the feminine AND the power in controlling her. Time to burn the bridges WE built and let them do the building instead. THAT would empower them.
  One of the biggest controls men have is the "biological right" to their children. Guess what? Even that is undermining them rather empowering them (see post "Who's the daddy?" ). Helping someone places both helper and the one helped in positions of servitude and enslavement. Power/authority/governing places both parties in positions of dependency, victim-hood and victimizer, which is why sovereignty is the only answer.
   The world coming forth will end up looking like this: breathairians living freely, nothing bought, sold, bartered or traded for: everything shared and given. No contracts, no long-term agreements: lives lived from moment to moment. Communities will be temporary and people frequently nomadic/transient.

I recently discovered some videos by Leonard Shlain discussing his writings that explain how he came to alot of the same conclusions I had about education leading to the downfall of what we shall now call "Gyna Sapiens" (I was seeking something like that, thank you Leanard, lol) and femine-masculine/male-female relations. They are "The alphabet verses the Goddess"( ) and "Sex Time Power" (video: sex time power ).

Oh, and the NEW holiday I shall be celebrating: WOMBDAY
Origins of Wombday

Another NEW holiday I'll be celebrating:
I'm still feeling around for a name for the midsummer celebration when She lays bare, blossoms forth, in all her glorious bounty, initiating the longer look of the masculine (longer days). Naked before him--Naked Day.....hey, summer: warm, we could all use a bit of running around naked before one another.....which brings me to another topic I recently uncovered within myself:

People's naked bodies are only ever seen in porn or marketing rather than in the homes and social settings where the "private parts" find their uses. So, my naked body parts are displayed in my home now so my children don't get the same unspoken messages about our bodies and sexuality as I did.

Also, I'm not seeing religion existing any longer. Existence is a companionable cooperation between spirit and flesh/physical/material. The spirit being the more masculine and feminine consciousness coming from physical, Worship is praise and appreciation: something we give to everyone and everything that draws our attention. So spirit worships me as much I would it. We won't have the traditional perception of a god and goddess or gods and goddesses. We'll be companions in co-creating our realities, each an aspect of divine expression and facet of divine perception/interpretation of those realities.

I guess that's the gist of what I've been "uploading" from the Earth/Divine Feminine after this fall's "downloading" from the universe/Divine Masculine. Looking forward to working with the NEW Divine Masculine this coming year!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Why I am not a "Spiritual Success Story"

      There is enough information coming through freely in all flavors and natures. Something within me resonates strongly with : you received freely so you give freely. Maybe that in me, needs changing. Either way, I have noticed whatever is shared freely is enough. Give me a vibe and there is no need to tell me how to get there to that "enlightened place" or "enlightened state of being". The wheels begin turning and every experience I need to get there comes in and my inner being comes into alignment with it. I unite in a state of oneness, our emanations mingling rather than "tapping in" to anyone or anything. So, I obviously resonate with those who do the same: they are their own spiritual gurus, get more than enough of what is delivered freely. They are self-motivated and self-sustaining spiritually.
     Every life I've touched has been enhanced. I'm open enough a 'channel' to let whatever come through is coming through. There isn't anything in the realms of spirit I cannot do and plenty of that I simply am not moved to do.
     The way "Spiritual Success Stories" are financially supported is this: They "channel freely" so those of us who will 'get it' can access it. Then they offer seminars and retreats and books one has to pay for....for those who don't 'get it' and probably never will. They're baggage but the baggage pays the bills. This serves me because it has made all the freely offered stuff available to me, so I really cannot condemn it. It is simply something my soul cannot imitate.
     The core of every significant spiritual teaching is "the kingdom is within you". The prelude to the Book of Toth says it is within you and everything else beyond that written in the book is to distract and entrap those who refuse to believe that one simple, basic, universal truth. So, in essence, to be a "Spiritual Success Story" one must be able to come up with "distractions" and "traps" for the baggage to literally buy into. It just doesn't resonate with me. The discordance in vibration is so strong, to be near those who like to have spirituality to "tickle their ears" make me literally, physically nauseous.
  I often think it is a GOOD thing to provide them with "the opium of the people" as religion has been called. It keeps them focused on "doing good deeds" and keeps a semblance of civility. They'd all be committing suicide or acts of terrorism.
   Then I think how it must feel for the Earth to have THAT crawling all over her skin and think what this world maybe could use is a little more death and destruction. Flies in the face of what "spiritually successful people" are calling for, but hey! they're feeding baggage so they can feed their spiritual egos and bellies. I don't think any one person has to start a movement of mass destruction. I think shutting down the feeding tubes of ear tickling would be enough for mankind to do it to themselves: just let them self-destruct, already, will you?!
   Another aspect to the whole being a "Spiritual Success Story" is that is requires lots of money and status. Money requires this system of things and status requires people in need of my 'services'. I resonate with a world that everything is freely shared and given and people of well-being. The desire to be a "Spiritual Success Story" perpetuates everything they say they're here to cure. They don't want the system to becomes obsolete, they just want it to work in their favor. And who wouldn't? Material luxuries and conveniences...very attractive and associated with ease and grace.....everything spirituality is supposed to promise. Until our perception of those things change, this system remains and we all continue to suffer.

Friday, November 20, 2015

New Revelations of Me. I killed a sacred cow.

    This conveyance of a dream is simply the beginning of story that has the happiest of endings.....of a "best experience EVER"...which of course means I shall be drawing more of these 'best experiences EVER' ;)
    I woke in the midst of experiencing being let go and being able to go get my son to bring him with me (months ago I had the experience of walking alongside woods where a man was taking my son for educating and while I waited in the house across the road women showed up on brown horses to taunt me about how that man was never bringing my son back). The house which I went to in order to get him was dark and full of people. The man was not immediately present (though knowing him now I know he was watching). His new girlfriend was the one to greet me and I requested the keys to the vehicle he has promised, a big black truck. She handed them to me and as I arranged the 'key' it bent and was worthless. She laughed and said "oh, those are the wrong set, here they are these" and handed me the right set. I went outside to pull the vehicle out of it's parking spot. It was parked at the very edge of a hill on a mud-soaked ground in the rain. I knew even moving it an inch would cause it to slide down the hill. But I have faith and hope in what I am creating and so I took a chance on a miracle. The truck slid over and began to roll. I woke up fully there......all my hopes and dreams rolling down, being crushed and demolished. I recognized the technique.....fulfilled promises that would never work out for me because of the way they are delivered, there was ALWAYS a mockery of my efforts under this one. And he did it all because he knew I would get discouraged, see nothing present to 'save' me, begin to march off on my own, being frustrated because he would stop others from offering help and then I would CRY OUT for help and he would be the one to answer me, another cycle beginning.
   I allowed myself to feel lost and just breathed it in, remembered to love the one feeling this and this time: I WENT IN. I was expecting nothing, but did the work. Yes, there comes up the little girl afraid the make him mad, what kind of punishment it would bring....because "we had ruined the truck he gave me". No, we didn't, He had rendered it undrivable, he ruined it. It's his usual technique. We still have our feet. Love the little girl who is in fear, she has good reason. That reason is no longer valid, but the way will come, we have to trust. Then the teen version who is always dissapointed in my weakness and 'stupidity for believing' and dragging her into another round of deprivation leading us to humiliatingly cry out and get trapped again. If I want to be lorded over, she'll do it for me. Love the teen who has come to witness my once again being humiliated but with a hint of respect and interest this time because ALREADY the energy is different.
   So I am doing the inner work, dancing and singing of joy and recent awareness of having drawn something different, the something different so close I could feel, taste and touch it energetically. I couldn't feel it in that moment, but I reminded myself it is there somewhere and everything in-between is just experience needed to get me there. While doing this I saw before me angel on his knee holding out hands in offering: a set of truck keys. The release was HUGE. No more "I can't accept", I CAN and I shall appreciate this moment of realization. And the greatest significance was that he was there on bended knee offering with no strings, no connections, no conditions, no expectations, just making it available. And that IS all it ever has to be: the making of what I created being made available to me. And even greater still was that in the past any time an angel would apear he would fade away saying "I'm sorry, I can't..I'm not worthy". This one was no where near the energy of "worth". Which means there is no longer any question about nor assertion of my own self-worth.
  As I rejoiced thoughts began to come that had tried to enter before but I resisted out of fear of being 'sacrilegious'....I was bold enough to say the other day what I was given to perceive about the origins of god. The implications of it are that feminine birthed the masculine and if humanity is to be representative of that model then masculine is to serve the feminine and thus men are to serve women. Immediately the smell rose up from within me "evil".....a warning. But I was given to remember the last time I wrote of something "sacrilegious" with resistance and fear of retribution. After a time it validated outwardly. And so I became bold again, in a soft loving way of appreciation and allowed my imagination to become full of this concept and all it's associated ideas, playing with them until they were in the "right" energy for me: soft and honest and simply accepted. If this experience thus far as been of "good is bad and bad is good and ass backwards", then the opposite is men are to be subject to women. But that would be dualistic, to go into a COMPLETE opposite.
  So while men's purpose is not to serve women, the only purpose they would have in a woman's experience is to show her a reflection of her qualities, to paint the picture of her by creating things that reflect what her presence does for him. Does her presence make you heart feel as if it has wings? Buy her a private jet. Does her presence feel like being in the presence of a goddess? Built her a temple (house) and an alter (a bed) always remembering she is not YOUR goddess, she is A goddess. Does her presence feed your curiosity to explore divine aspects she embodies? Bring her the best of foods.
  And THAT felt good to me. And I began dancing and singing in joyous embracing of me and what I was feeling. Then I noticed the picture over my dining room table. "The Last Supper" it is known as. I had asked for a washer and dryer. I had asked for clothing for my children. Then I had given to me an idea to test a theory: ask for the picture. It was there in twenty four hours. In my mail every day came "Our Daily Bread" and every publication involving how to worship God. I said "Sorry my brother, but you must go and take him with you". I took the picture out of the frame, rolled it up gently for the intent was not to disrespect and I put it in the recycling bin. In it's place I put my own picture in that frame, above it something that looks like the sun and below it something that looks like a crevice. THAT is a temple and so it is in it's place of honor. My son asks "Why are you taking that picture down?". "There is a new god in town". "It's Mommy". Not a bit of resistance in either of my children...soft and easy. This means there is no resistance in me. There is no proving of anything. There is only acceptance: this is the way for it to be. The rest of the evening my son cannot kiss or hug me enough. My daughter is free of tension and anxiety she had been demonstrating. In the dream she had also been present in the house I was leaving, though not in the house in which I was retrieving her brother.
   It was given to occur to me something else this evening: Going outward is beneficial, but at the most outer of places, the most highest of consciousness comes the formless, oneness detached from self-awareness. Going as far in as I did, the deeper we go into the darkness, the closer we come to once again realms of formless unconscious where there is also no self. God was birthed to reflect back to The Dance her qualities. "As above, so below", "As on Earth, so it is in heaven". There is nothing "out there" that did not get it's origins from "in here", the core which is an exact representation of the core of all being. One must know one to know the other and expand both ways in order to BE AND "SEE" most fully, most completely. Something like that anyways, that could just be a beginning of another revelation. Below is the picture on my wall before the "sun"and "crevice" were hung..we'll keep it internet appropriate for now ;) The day is soon when a woman's body is never inappropriate except as marketing material ;)
Thanks for reading!

The Warrior is innocence exaggerated

    Lo and behold, way back when. I was young and whole, innocence complete. I wondered what I looked like and a birth created another aspect and that aspect called it's self "God". God began to extol my virtues and I wondered what that was which he was seeing. "Innocent? What does innocence mean?" And so God began to show me. He showed me a warrior and a maiden in distress. He showed me This warrior and I saw magnificence and strength and glory. He showed me the maiden and I saw soft and gentle, elegant, gracious, sweet and having a place of belonging. I began to have responses and the responses grew into reaction and the reactions into enchantments...all varying degrees of exaggeration of innocence. Only in the presence of the exaggerated and the opposition to it did I become disenchanted with disenchantment came the desire to cease the exaggeration with that desire came the awareness of the beginning of a reaction and thus the catching of a beginning of a response and then an awareness of that which was in me that was the source of the response and then, only then did I truly know what was contained within me and "what I look like".  Now there is depth to my qualities because they and I are aware of the fullness of our existence.
   Whilst I would love to peer upon the warrior in it's glory and magnificence for an eternity, there can be no peace in his presence or her presence for to have a warrior one must have war and in this module of time and space, peace is wanted. The only way to achieve peace is to lay down the warrior within me and release reactions that stir him/her into manifesting. It is time to lay down the sword and allow the "cards to fall where they may" in deep faith that no matter the outcome, every outcome is O.K. I shall not even use peace as a weapon to draw war to me for to vanquish.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

There is violence in the world because the Earth is PISSED

     I once saw a movie about Christopher Columbus and in it the Natives attacked. The special effects made them seem animalistic in the noises they made as if 'possessed' by animal spirits and something in me clicked......yes. That is the way it is. The Earth and it's spirits "possess' the animals. If the animals aren't enough, they 'possess' the humans themselves.
   On another occasion, I walked past a tree and I sensed a dark entity swoop out from within it. As I walked past a man he turned and aggressively said "HELLO!", demanding acknowledgement. Only now I understand the two incidents were connected. I had passed by the spirit that had been living in a tree and it was pissed because I hadn't acknowledged it and so it 'possessed the man'.
   Recently, I was needing some release and went into the woods and communed with some trees. Later, as we were driving over a bridge, the man I was with asked if I remembered the name of the bridge he had told me the day before. Immediately I could feel anger and power demanding expression from the base of my spine. She was pissed. "Why should I know the name of something built by men that will be washed away by the water it crosses and probably be renamed within a decade?!" "Do YOU know the name of the ground that supports that bridge and the water it crosses?! The water that rises up into the sky and settles in the ocean only to rise again and fall into a stream that which makes up most of your body and will continue to be here throughout eternity?!".
  And yes, today it clicked: the Earth herself is possessing men, allowing pollution to bring everything not in alignment into illness and ruin and extinction. She recovers fully, for her own well-being she is not worried....already Styrofoam-eating worms.....she has abilities to create/birth things we have yet to see.
  But in the same vein, she should not have allowed  it to get to this point. These are the lessons we learn coming out of duality, learning what it means to be a sovereign being, our rights and responsibilities.
  If we, as human beings, are also to be sovereign, we must choose how emotionally and spiritually available we want to be to WE want to be channels of her anger? Do we want to be slaves to her shifting from one extreme to another as she finds her way into wholeness?
  Or do we find our way into wholeness and be that stabilizer and equalizer she can come into alignment with?

The Dark Personal Journey

    So glad no one reads this anyways, lol
    Deep breath. Release with tears.
     Where to begin? It's never at the beginning because the awareness that it is the end of the story never comes until it IS finishing.
     Had a one night stand. Plenty of "you go girl" support from female companions and even a "damn! that's more than I'm getting" from a guy friend......and that's when it began to click back to what I now know WAS the beginning.
     The guys I'm drawing are just like those I grew up with. Having come so far, I believed, energetically I could NOT understand why this was happening.
   Mixed messages and hatred and frustration with them is something we have in common. Neither of us, male or female knows how it is that we send them because we ARE strong minded, persistent, direct and therefore believing ourselves clear. "This is what I believe I am wanting, this is what I believe I am needing and you don't love me if you don't give it to me" or "there is something wrong with me".
   Tenacious would be another term to describe us. We dig into a path and there is no distraction. A good quality unless someone is giving us no for an answer and then our sharp minds are looking for any way around it. We'll suffer loss from delivering an ultimatum rather than give in because we believe we're "right". "Steadfast" would be the "light" side of that quality..steady would be the center, probably.
   I see all that now but I didn't when this day began. I just let it all in as it came, let it move around and release it's hidey-holes throughout my body. Deeper and deeper, further and further back.....
   When I was a young teen I lived in a small town with a bar on every corner and one in-between. All of us children, practically, were children of alcoholics. Don't need to say more, I'm guessing. The boys were brutes, testosterone overload. Passion that terrified even themselves emotionally. The hang-out house was where 7 brothers lived and included all THEIR friends. I was "one of the guys"; tomboy but not "butch". I was there when they went on their pumpkin patch raids and general mischievousness. I was there when they'd "talk shit" about the "Bloody Mary" they "did" right out on the grass in the back yard during the party the night before. I knew I never wanted to be "one of those girls". At a local club a stranger to the area said something really rude to me and I threw his drink in his face. He no sooner raised his hand to hit me in response when I was wooshed out into a jeep and driven off to safety while just about every man in that club jumped that guy and his friend. I had no idea. But all that ended with senior prom. My mom and one of the parents of the guys arranged for he and I to go together. He thought that put me in 'date' category and he got "all paws". I was suddenly 'one of those girls' and heart-broken. I told them to go on to the after party without me and I became a loner from then. I guess that's when I began to look at myself as one who would be disrespected instead of protected. That's were I gave myself injury.
    I guess that's what needed releasing before something new could begin coming.
    Didn't help that as they opened their mouths with their patriarchal ways the 'goddess'/earth aspect would rise with powerful passion from my tailbone area to attack and defend. This bit of clearing may take a few more days, glad I don't have a 'following' to impress. Just when I thought I had gotten there.....I just love those guys, though. Tough, strong, devoted...just fucked up in the head from childhood, wanting so hard to love and 'be good to you' but always end up being abusive to various degrees. Sexy beast, wounded warrior, overwhelmed kind of masculine! Can't just kiss it and make it better. Wish it was that easy. They have ALOT to offer.........insecurities making us touchy and judgmental, sigh.......then judging for being judgmental, lol and I've been called not at all judgemental, lol..shows ya how far we, as a species, have to go on some leve;s.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What is God?

   This is a conveyance of experience and what you do with it is completely up to you.
I woke this morning to the vision of a man standing there, he felt a jolt of fear and up out of him through his heart rose an energetic bubble which lodged in his head. O.K. had no idea what that had to do with me, so I went about my morning routine and things began to come to me....memories triggered.
  One was of years ago when I was channeling alot, I channeled a simple statement: "God did not know it's self as God until it entered the mind of man". Back then I thought God was something floating about in the universe and so this meant it arrived at Earth, entered the being of this creature that evolved a unique neuropathway that enabled "God" to perceive it's self as God. Cool. Arrogant, maybe, to some, but cool. I had long gotten past needing to share what I was given and any implications it might have in relationship to how other people would take it. I just write it so I 'remember it', involving the various cells of my body, giving it roots in my physical experience and thus this reality.
  Next was triggered the memory of another vision where I saw a congregation gathered as in bleachers in a stadium. they were sitting in something like family groups and seemed to have an over-all color to each group. As the gathering interacted, entities began to emerge from the various family groups and flow down into the arena. The merging of consciousnesses was causing the "spontaneous" birth or creation/coming into existence of things like fairies, trolls, angels, etc.
  So, I pull these three things together and I get: upon feeling fear and in response to a yearning for help an entity forms in the core of our being and lodges in our heads with the express mission/purpose/intent of guiding man/human being. This entity merges with the entities of other men/human beings to form even more entities that leave the body. And of course, that entity will conform it's self to any definitions and perceptions we have of what god is or should be from our own beliefs or those we accept from others.
  So, indeed, God of this kind is created by men/humankind. This is not to say it is an "illusion" or "figment of one's imagination". It's a real entity/body of conscious energy. It just happened to have it's source of origin with man/human being. It is not the actually source/creator of EVERYTHING, though if at it's core, as every other cell and entity it is given to remember what it was before it took form..if the core of it remembers being a spark of that which we all DID come from, it would identify it's self as that in it's entirety, which it probably could become if it wanted to. And it probably could merge back with it, which I call The Dance. And poof! it's gone......and we're on to other things. Blessed Be!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Little bit of girlish fantasy

  Let us play a bit of girlish fantasy and a wee game of "What if"........
  What if the Earth woke from her womb of dreams into an avatar of a human being? What if the Earth within the human being realized her place amongst the stars, her sovereignty, and the state of everything? What if the Earth in her girlish dreams awake decided that the wood that was made into buildings remembered it was of trees and began growing? What if the Earth in her state of girlish dreams awake in a human body decided gold should be made king and silver his queen? What if in her girlish state of dreams awake in a human being the Earth decided her hero, her champion has and always shall be the black goo and shall have an avatar, too? What if the Earth decided the dark shall have it's crop and with it her peace and that for the light there simply wasn't room so they should take their stock and leave with it, too? What if the surface of the Earth came to life and conscious of it's own presence and all of it began playing? Imagine all the fun we shall be having!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Repeat of right and why every contract/debt is invalid

1) We have the inalienable (unconditional) right to life which means the inalienable (unconditional) right to everything required to sustain it.

2) It is legally recognized that any agreement/contract/treaty made under duress is INVALID. There is not a treaty, agreement, contract made in recorded history that has not been made "under duress". Furthermore, anyone who convinced you of a need to agree to ANYTHING to get food, get a measure of security, get a measure of comfort for yourself or for your family is guilty of what is legally called "coercive persuasion" and "undue influence". Any person/entity who has attempted in any way to convince you that you must do ANYTHING is guilty of a legally prosecutable offense.

No law, treaty, agreement or policy legitimately exists beyond these.

The clown is cured, the light is cracking and it's rippling through all the dimensions

  The "out of touch" masculine is healed, which made the oppressive light crack which made it more responsive to the opposite which is in return more responsive to it, opening the way for the hoardes at the bottom who just needed to be loved. Wonderland is now part of the real world, Alice has healed it.
    You're welcome. Love does not get offended.
Now this human vessel needs to rest.
oh, and the imitators are now getting real

A little Halloween Magic, relationship style sign language, etc.

      It was a busy night of alchemy and clearing, remembering and revealing. We'll begin with the 'magic'. Our household's sleeping schedule has shifted, as is normal for us during this season. We happen to be living in an apartment building this time with neighbors above and below us. I do not worry about us being up at night with the neighbors above. They sleep in the room at the end opposite where the children are playing. Downstairs, however, they sleep in a room at the same end as where the children are playing. I used to never worry about the children running or dropping things or scraping chairs as they move them until we began staying up later and later. I did not want to oppress them. They were doing nothing wrong. I did want to be considerate of my neighbors downstairs, however. The self-arguing was becoming relentless: "when I sleep nothing disturbs me and as a rule, it is only on the edge of sleep anyone IS ever disturbed by noises. Once asleep, people are asleep unless they are having trouble getting to sleep due to something going on within them." Then comes in;"Most people don't sleep as well and easily as I do" and "It's impossible not to hear that!". Of course law of attraction kicks in and the children get bursts of energy no matter how much I try to affect it by getting them out while it's still light and holding off any sit down entertainment for later at night. Then I would resist THAT because I knew it wasn't going to solve it because it was not resolving the root issue. Then the neighbor said it was starting to bother her. Then I noticed I could hear them louder and louder as if the floors themselves were becoming thinner and thinner. I knew it was me creating this but it had gained too much momentum, Some aspect of me was too resistant to my wanting to change it. Vibrationaly, the neighbors were primed and ready for conflict: she's toward the end of a diabetic pregnancy, just took the pacifier away from her two year old so her days 4 times a week are doctor's appointments focused on why she should worry about her diet. Stress like that on top of pregnancy leaves her exhausted and then she's dealing with a son who is suddenly liberated from repressing everything which leaves alot more energy to express: less sleep and more active. All that stress and exhaustion is leading to eruptions in the marital relationship. They're primed to explode and I'm making myself a very good target.
     So, I'm holding space for Halloween, terrorized children and inner children, focusing love on that idea. It begins to get later and the nightly routine of "how do I deal with this?" begins to set in. I asked my "team" for help with this and immediately a song began to form. I could feel the sweetest, most innocent and loving energy filling me. I could sense a "bubble" forming made up of this energy to redirect the anxiety and thoughts surrounding this to. My inner most child-like aspect was at the root of this. It had been taught that to love was to be considerate of other people's comfort zones. So, to try to make it stop being sensitive to the effect the children's noises would make on the neighbors was telling it not to love and to not love is against it's nature. It had been ingrained with it's constant infringement on parental comfort zones, etc. It was a habit too ingrained for it to just stop and so we were creating a  "buffer zone" where the thoughts could get all the love needed to transmute them and the inner child-like aspect would be relieved of any pressure to change. OMG! The relief began to change it immediately and hours later as it changed, it revealed a "higher" aspect dwelling just below the collar bone on the right side above my breast that had always responded to anything new the inner child-like apsect learned by wanting to "sharpen it's teeth" on something: created an experience ot use whatever new coping method had been introduced and practiced. It's thoughts were redirected to the bubble as well. I realized through all this that these dynamics had ALOT to do with my relationships, especially amongst peers as I got bolder in expressing "my truth". I could begin with love but I would harden my heart during expression and end with love once it was expressed. This kept me kinda distant and unperceptive. Now I know I do not have to "turn off the love" nor force that child-like aspect to embody it. Everything will pass through that bubble of love, coming and going for as long as it is needed.
    Relationship style sign language: 1) when they speak of those they are most familiar/intimate with (parents, children, lover) they will look upward and maybe even raise a hand as if to heaven. Energetically they have placed the other "above" them. These are those that idealize others and those they 'love' are usually acting out at not being fully acknowledged or recognized. The devotion to that idealization is so strong, the unaware will wonder how the other could be acting out so "unreasonable", "un-appreciatively", "inexplicably". 2) These are those who energetically place those they are familiar with behind or below them. When they speak of them they are either pointing dramatically downward at their side and a bit behind or have a chest puffed out protectively. They ar either playing the hero or victim, depending on their needed perception at the moment because they are trying to convince another of their abilities and/or rights in the relationship or they are trying to get pity or some sort of assistance/attention. They decide what the other is supposed to be and do it so intensely others who are unaware that the one expressing 'protection' is being defensive due to insecurities about their effectiveness as parent/responsible or loving child/lover. They may not, therefore believe the other's perception of being controlled, neglected, betrayed, or abused. If the one expressing is playing victim in order to get attention, they are so intensely the victim their victim is perceived by the unaware as so ungrateful, unstable, or even crazy, unappreciative, neglectful, abusive. 3) This is the one who will speak well of the other in a relationship but when you speak well of the other they shrug the shoulders or turn or lift their head removing eye contact, maybe even adding that it's not important. They dismiss the other as soon as something "more interesting" is wanted and that is usually just someone they haven't found fault with yet. They dismiss anything unwanted until it's unavoidable and then they dismiss the person. So, to get into a relationship with any of the above, you can expect to be 1)idealized and neglected 2)"saved" and victimized or 3)easily dismissed. there is a fourth option, however: 4) this is the one who when he speaks of children, parents, past or present lover they hold them before them, spread their hands open and maintain eye contact easily as they speak of them, They know and appreciate every nuance of the person and that person's preferences. If a relationship didn't work out they'll be honest but not resentful about the other's dysfunction and know exactly what in themselves drew them to the other one without self-degradation. Number 4 is what I want. Won't settle for less. It is what I deliver and practice. That is how I know about number 4, it's how I express my relationships ;)