There is enough information coming through freely in all flavors and natures. Something within me resonates strongly with : you received freely so you give freely. Maybe that in me, needs changing. Either way, I have noticed whatever is shared freely is enough. Give me a vibe and there is no need to tell me how to get there to that "enlightened place" or "enlightened state of being". The wheels begin turning and every experience I need to get there comes in and my inner being comes into alignment with it. I unite in a state of oneness, our emanations mingling rather than "tapping in" to anyone or anything. So, I obviously resonate with those who do the same: they are their own spiritual gurus, get more than enough of what is delivered freely. They are self-motivated and self-sustaining spiritually.
Every life I've touched has been enhanced. I'm open enough a 'channel' to let whatever come through is coming through. There isn't anything in the realms of spirit I cannot do and plenty of that I simply am not moved to do.
The way "Spiritual Success Stories" are financially supported is this: They "channel freely" so those of us who will 'get it' can access it. Then they offer seminars and retreats and books one has to pay for....for those who don't 'get it' and probably never will. They're baggage but the baggage pays the bills. This serves me because it has made all the freely offered stuff available to me, so I really cannot condemn it. It is simply something my soul cannot imitate.
The core of every significant spiritual teaching is "the kingdom is within you". The prelude to the Book of Toth says it is within you and everything else beyond that written in the book is to distract and entrap those who refuse to believe that one simple, basic, universal truth. So, in essence, to be a "Spiritual Success Story" one must be able to come up with "distractions" and "traps" for the baggage to literally buy into. It just doesn't resonate with me. The discordance in vibration is so strong, to be near those who like to have spirituality to "tickle their ears" make me literally, physically nauseous.
I often think it is a GOOD thing to provide them with "the opium of the people" as religion has been called. It keeps them focused on "doing good deeds" and keeps a semblance of civility. They'd all be committing suicide or acts of terrorism.
Then I think how it must feel for the Earth to have THAT crawling all over her skin and think what this world maybe could use is a little more death and destruction. Flies in the face of what "spiritually successful people" are calling for, but hey! they're feeding baggage so they can feed their spiritual egos and bellies. I don't think any one person has to start a movement of mass destruction. I think shutting down the feeding tubes of ear tickling would be enough for mankind to do it to themselves: just let them self-destruct, already, will you?!
Another aspect to the whole being a "Spiritual Success Story" is that is requires lots of money and status. Money requires this system of things and status requires people in need of my 'services'. I resonate with a world that everything is freely shared and given and people of well-being. The desire to be a "Spiritual Success Story" perpetuates everything they say they're here to cure. They don't want the system to becomes obsolete, they just want it to work in their favor. And who wouldn't? Material luxuries and conveniences...very attractive and associated with ease and grace.....everything spirituality is supposed to promise. Until our perception of those things change, this system remains and we all continue to suffer.
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