Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What if spirits changed places?

     I had been really sick with high fever, congestion in the lungs, etc. As the infection receded from the deepest parts of my lungs I woke one morning feeling like a newborn who had just left the womb. Sounds were more pronounced, 'intuitive' feelings clearer and a thought was introduced: "What if each day there was the potential for a new spirit to be in the body?".
   Illness is the releasing of fear in many cases, the killing off of whatever "resonates" with the "killing agent". So, new, more "enlightened", love-based cells take the place. Some believe it can go so far as mean a change in our very DNA. As I cried each morning during the worst of this illness, it was all my fears wanting expressing and so I expressed them. Now they no longer resonate with me, really. Things people would normally say do not "hit me" like they would have and things I would normally not say out of fear of how they'd be taken roll right off my tongue and are received outwardly un-resisted.
  If the body is a veil, a place of stored and accumulated memories worn like a space suit, a spirit comes in and can only be aware of it as it's self with such and such memories. "I am not me" cannot enter one's being really because one can feel one's own essence has not changed. "OK, I am me, but...." and the only thing accessible is the human memory. Any spirit has no choice but to be in charector unless the vessel/human body has memory of being taught other potentials and ways of retrieving self knowledge. The idea that spirits can come and go from bodies and even be in varying numbers is not new: "WE are Legion" was the response "Jesus' got when asking 'a' spirit to identify it's self. The idea of "Walk-ins" is not new or all that unusual either in the 'new age' movement.
  The point is: if a different spirit can come in, it might be worth a try to express new things, make new choices a spirit who was there yesterday might not have had the strength to make. Maybe the spirit who gave a body it's smoking habit is no longer in residence because it no longer resonated with the new cells or DNA, so you pick up a carrot stick instead of a cigarette? Walk outside instead of heading for the shower first thing in the morning. Change just one wee little habit and see.....have changes happened in me and I am just not practicing? And with each change, each 'evolution of a vessel, more and more evolved spirits would be drawn to it, not just for occupying but for interacting with, moving that vessel 'up' in physical reality.

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