Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Moving beyond a "heart-based reality"

  Like the mind, the heart is just another veil of perception between the outer reality and the inner core of our experience. It is there in our "central sun" everything begins and ends. We move from thought beyond feeling through the realm of raw emotion and find the honest response from our source. Our goal is not to get the heart pumping but to get the fires burning to expose the crystal clarity that is the originating spark.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Moving beyond the I AM experience

      Someone noted the other day how, where in conversation he used verbs and nouns, I used adjectives. Hmmmm I felt about for a moment and responded "why, yes that is true". In every moment I have developed the habit of observing what pleases and describing feeling it brings up within me to reflect back to it and simply appreciating the sense of the adjective.
    For example: I see something pretty. I love "pretty". I enjoy the feeling of loving "pretty".  I say or more likely, sing "pretty". I may twirl about feeling "pretty". I see something I could describe as powerful. "Wow, powerful! I like powerful" I pump my arms in the gesture of feeling powerful and I sink into enjoying loving "powerful".
    It is alot like taking a sip of something and allowing it to roll around over the tongue for a while, tasting the various spices involved, the temperature, enjoying the scent wafting up into the nostrils, feeling for affects on the body and then swallow. Appreciate the moment that just occurred, appreciate it's effects and do it all over again. Every experience is a body full-"mouth full"- of swirling energies/sensations.
  I never say to myself "I am angry". The word "Anger" enters my mind, let's find a better feeling. I like "happy". I feel happy and sense happy in me and look again at what triggered anger. I see it clearly. I say to myself "clear", I like the feeling of being clear on something. Suddenly there is a solution in my mind. My actions, if action is appropriate, are precise, simple, direct, effective and I no longer feel anger within me when focusing on that which previously triggered anger. I sense and acknowledge clear, ease, simple. I enjoy appreciating those things. Adjectives are my nouns. They are also my verbs because I did not experience "making coffee" this morning. There was bitter and sweet in my morning. There was smooth where I pushed the start button. It was quick and easy. The things I needed to accomplish that activity were abundant, freely available. I remind my mind to think "free", "abundant", "happy". That summons feelings.
   My life is sensing, feeling, perceiving experiences of adjectives. It feels simple. It is simple-minded. In a world of adjectives, experience is all there is. "I AM" is no longer present in my experience. It is not about a "me" and an "it", "he" or "she". It is about the adjectives present. There is no need to posses/own material things because it's all about the adjectives I use to describe them and embody. And in that experience, "there is only me" because somehow it's all about everything else. I don't get it and that is OK with me. It does not need to "make sense" because it is peaceful, delightful, fluid, flowing, serene, powerful.............and someone somewhere out there knows what it means. That is good enough for me!
   Along with the adjective living is love for only me. I can love another, but I could never love them as much as I love me. Another can love me, but they will never be able to love me as much as I love me. For me, there is only me. I experience and exist in the sense/feeling of "my one and only", the adjective.
 And no, I don't know what that means either, lol. Nothing needs imply anything, nothing needs explaining, nothing needs defining, nothing needs meaning they are all nuances/shades of the same thing.

Monday, September 28, 2015

What I was given to envision during Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015

       The right to life includes the inalienable right to everything needed to support it......a statement I have for years been living with. This event emphasized that statement with the addition: NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO WORK FOR IT. The implications of that mean a world completely transformed.
        Artists are cheerleaders. Stories can be written of how the transformed world is created. They can tell the stories of how the glory, strength and inspiration comes to 'manual laborers' that give us things. Every home and place of human activity could be painted, designed, decorated by artists expressing the love and appreciation our world is founded upon and for the people occupying it. Songs could be sung to and of those planting, tending, harvesting and processing the things we eat, the things that nourish. Dancers tell stories of love and devotion and creation with their bodies, beating the message and feelings into the earth's body, sharing a holy communion of energy.
       Every endeavor is an art form....the art of cooking, the art of cleaning, the art of constructing, the art of gardening/farming, of food preservation, of presentation. We are all artists and creators. We cheer each other up and cheer each other on with our willing contributions to one another's experiences.
       A new world must be built on a new foundation for the the foundation of a failed world is it's self a failure. If we want to move on, we must do it completely.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Program running in the backround

      Here it is the day we are expecting the eclipse and full impact of whatever energetic event we are expecting.
      So far I have "accidentally" put my finger on a hot pan as I took it out of the oven only to notice it did not get burnt. When my child's tablet wasn't powering I unplugged the charger and the tip of the charger came off, my fingers brushed the wires exposed and then I! I "should" have been electrocuted. Sitting at my computer last night my chair on rollers began to roll, the water in my water glass sloshed around and my desk it's self was shaking, my children sitting in the other room noticed rocking of the building as well.

Friday, September 25, 2015

End of homelessness and paradox of powerlessness

     As we ascend and come into a state of wholeness or even just come to terms with our circumstances (which is how I initially got out of homelessness), we being to emanate a comfort within ourselves, a sense of 'being at home' within ourselves as well as our environment. In the case of one who is ascending, their expanded aspects begin to exist in alignment with the body that was previously given over to duality and begins to hum with the vibration of "home". Housing must be provided. The concept of not being housed begins to vanish from one's experience. We may feel an obligation to help with homelessness but in all reality nothing about homelessness will resonate with us, not even helping, the circumstances simply won't be arranged energetically for regular participation. We are not in any way ABANDONING anyone, ourselves or our mission, we are simply expanding out of it, demonstrating by example that it can be accomplished and this is how you do it. No greater help can be given. By allowing this process to occur, we ARE fulfilling our mission. It does not mean we won't be able to make a greater contribution at a later date, it simply means the hands-on, ground level involvement has ended. It is time to embody abundance instead, get that overflowing so it can spill down to those who do need the help.
    As I was given to reflect upon that bit of information I was introduced to the paradox of having a deep sense of powerlessness. What one is doing is observing their environment and naming things "unconquerable", "unfathomable", "overwhelming", "insurmountable" and the longer one makes such observations, the more they begin to resonate with those energies. They begin to emanate "unconquerable", "unquestionable", "insurmountable", "overwhelming", "unfathomable". Everything needed to support those vibrations begins to come in: the intelligence, ideas, ability to enact them. It wins revolutions.
  That is why those at the top of the pyramid create enough energy to oppress and feed off misery while maintaining the "bread and circuses", big systems of hoops to conquer, and "democracy" to support the perception of freedom. We cannot perceive something as unconquerable if we can conquer it in the voting booth (or at least believe we can) or with a bit of peaceful protest. It is not overwhelming, unfathomable if I can hire a lawyer who understands it and help me. Nothing is insurmountable if I cab anything (within the system) I want to be....go anywhere, do anything....of course they are more than willing to feed those ideas to our children. And then when it doesn't work out, we're told it is our fault and we "just need to do this". We keep hoping, striving, rethinking, brainwashing ourselves with affirmations, etc.
  But when we come down to nothing and realize we really are not accomplishing anything, really are not free, etc we give up in the face of such masses of people who are buying into it......we begin to be overwhelmed.......and we are set free by it.
   Now, one might argue: you cannot begin to say you are unconquerable and consider yourself to be honest. You are human, you have a body. True. But I also know I can vibrate with "unconquerable" without any resistance to it's perception or lack of perception and everything to make me unconquerable must come in. I can look at a problem and think :"too big" and having freed my inner self, "too big" begins to be delivered instantly energetically.....when I allow for that understanding/accept that perception instant physical manifestation becomes a closer reality. So, we can look at something too big and sinister and evil and respond with "oh, you big sexy, deliciousness of too big to handle......come to me!". Without dependency upon it's response or becoming a cooperative component to it's activities...I just want to draw forth from within me that energy (frisky wink). Makes the mountain very uncomfortable and it leaves. I've become "unfathomable", too overwhelming to figure out.  We take what we want to accomplish very seriously, however we approach situations with a lightness of being as is it is a mere game we are playing....we are deadly serious while we are smiling.
   I am still quite sweet and endearing.

Hopping off the resentment train----rabbit hole warning...long and deep!

      I was watching the "Ulay, Oh" video and could not get enough of it, had to watch it again and again. It just wrenched something up in me. The journey through what that was and the effects of that journey were interesting as well as liberating. The basic principle is the closing of the heart to pure love. In order to remain faithful to that which had to be left behind/left unrecognized within us. This created resentment. So I had been vibrating with resentment, resentment about my own journey. T?hat resentment towards my own journey was felt by my children who resented me to focusing on my journey instead of on them fully, though if I had no resentment toward my perceived 'being forced' to take this journey they never would have picked up resentment toward it. They would have rejoiced in that which I was rejoicing in. Unfortunately my focus on and resentment of created resentment in my oldest who then felt a sense of competition towards my journey into darkness. This motivated the going even deeper into 'darkness' than I ever had, to prove themselves 'better' than me. Resentment and competition breeds unworthy, insecurity and the negativity is compounded. One must know one's limits when making such a journey and so I trust they will return from their journies because to be "better than" me......they would have been even more wise and sure they had counted the cost effectively-they would have had to know their own limits perfectly. Now looking back I see that this is true for at the moment of separation from me, my oldest told me of a dream she had where she had fallen over the side of a cliff while a "he" continued on through a cave where she then met him. She would survive her journey through separation.
   As I reflected on all this, the idea that I had left my one true love behind to accomplish something......I felt something come in from behind me, stretching my etheric body. I wanted to puke immediately as a wound was released with all it's toxins into my digestive system.....mourning, deep lamentation. Watching that video, that experience and allowing myself to identify with it opened the door to receiving this re-integration of an aspect which I associate with divinity as it came from behind me-from within the presence, ever present, I can never see but I always sense as benevolent, all-knowing.
   I did wonder what it was I felt was so damn important I would do this to myself and to my children: I had to know this resentment would occur and spread like a plague to my children. Then I went to sleep.
   I woke remembering I wanted to apologize to my youngest two and let them know what had happened, why they felt resentment from and toward me. They got it. There was healing, tears. At 6 and 7 years old, that they get this shit, is totally amazing. As I reflected further on how easily spread resentment is, I expanded my view beyond my children, toward my neighbors with whom I have had problems..."Don't go there" it was suggested "their resentment did not come from you, they are a reflection of yours only because they had resentment of their own already, it did not come from you".  As soon as that idea was introduced I felt a release of energy in my abdomen, on the right side.
      Then I went back where my children were playing and my daughter was upset that her Lego figure had come apart when I put it away last night. She projected a slight whiff of blame/resentment at me, but it did not echo within me, there was nothing within me to latch onto or bounce off of, I absorbed it no way. I could 'smell' that it was hers and hers alone and she let it go. It 'smelled' so clean, lol.
   So, I have danced and sung out my journey through this, becoming an even more expanded, free-flowing expression of love, joy, excitement, freedom. My two youngest are further liberated. We begin a day with happy. We emanate happy into our future. And it comes to me "it does not matter why we took this journey"...whether it be to answer a call for help, to retrieve something, to gain something, to save something, to prove something, just for the fun and excitement of doing it....we had to cut ourselves off from aspects of ourselves to do it. And in that way, we are all the same.
   I am given to realize as well that expansion is pure energy. Once momentum is achieved, there is no stopping it. It is not like our physical creations which can be diverted, claimed by another by their declaration of ownership of everything in our environment. To try and stop it is like trying to use a stick to stop a freight train at full speed. No, expansion becomes unstoppable, we only need to allow for it to happen and all our reason not allowing have evaporated as we are introduced to the fact that our expansion is the only true way to help others and our very DNA broadcasts every bit of information to our children and any who share the same so that their expansion cannot be prevented...for they also know the reasons we have no need to stop, nothing to hold us back, no reason to look into the past. There is only a future which is already established for today's expansion drew/created tomorrow's, it is already beginning and so tomorrow must exist because the one to follow is already on the tracks and moving at a high rate of speed. The destination is already achieved and changing with me in every moment with every addition. Steady, fluid movement into a world of being.
   And then I run into the neighbor I have had trouble with, as usual those in my environment are empowered by my presence. They have become more bold, more free, more dedicated to their relationship, more cooperative to one another's dysfunction.... and this boldness, as usual, makes them more intent on harming me. But now I know to whom to give credit instead of resentment that they somehow stole power from me. There is a new dimension within me worth exploring....releasing victimization created from when this previously happened and all was taken from me when my personal development empowered others who I had become physically dependent upon, who had the law on their side-their corruption reinforced by a corrupt system. I would have been jealous of their laughter, their freedom of movement, their camaraderie, the support of the community, But now I know I have my own form of camaraderie, I have my own community, my own freedom of movement....they might not exist in this physical environment, but they are no less real, no less physical. You cannot claim my expansion and you cannot take it from me. When I leave it comes with me for it originated with me. If one does not know how to achieve it, they cannot hold onto it. So, not only have I gotten stronger, their imagined strength becomes a weakness for they shall invest their future on it's basis only to have it leave....leaving themselves unsupported until they can begin their own process.....which they will because empowerment is felt and wanted again and so they reach......and their expansion becomes guaranteed unless they they disallow it for the reasons I know are no longer valid and they will be told by their own embodying of my borrowed energy.........but I saw clearly today during this process that my releases are born of takes such to drop the armor we had been using and trust something stronger lays beneath, for wasn't it what lays beneath we protecting and had created that armor to begin with? Can we let go of the perception that which lies beneath is weak? Can we trust that we have established it and strengthened it's placement? And now I understand their resentment for they feel this sense of empowerment, which originated and was borrowed from me and when I leave, it comes with me.....they blame me for thievery.....'Indian giving'---as if I gave them something and took it away again....but I never gave it, I emanated it, shared it and I cannot help that it comes with me, is a part of me I cannot relinquish. So now I know I do not need to feel guilty which would further empower their resentment and control over regrets.
  No regrets but I can  cry for them briefly while I let go. None of it makes a difference to me, but I understand it makes a difference to them-a difference they themselves can achieve. I am at such peace.....and now a hypocritical peace comes a whispering...that of one with power over another, corrupted...or have I simply perceived it/judged it as such because it's presence in my experiences only existed in another when I felt to be the victim? Indifference, I judged it, instead of at peace with the (perceived by me) power to make a difference with a perceived unwillingness to do so.....knowing now it is an inability due to conditions, it would not be appropriate because we can only help ourselves in achieving the energetic conditions.
   So I do not resist this "hypocritical peace", I allow it to linger until it passes through, is lifted, or drawn into the core of my being. I am comforted with being given the knowledge it is nothing my mind needs to mull over or examine for it's origins for it was not a product of this physical human experience or the mind inhabiting it.
     It is given to me to to get the sense of how at my "quickening", the higher aspect had chosen to focus it's self only through me. This meant it withdrawing it's self from other human beings through which it had been projecting. All it had projected and not resolved in those other human expressions has since then been drawn to it through me/this human being. The example is given of a world leader who had projected the energy of hypocritical peace was no longer resonating with the higher aspect which had projected it/was expressing it's self through it had found it's way to me. I was given to see that this is how the middle class of any society is always crushed by the drawing of upper and lowest classes being drawn towards one another energetically. The energies being projected by them become a vice crushing that which is between them.
    The thing with "being in the vortex"-one becomes a part of everything coming in and out of it, pure energy flowing through both ways......riding all energetic waves......within one's body......

camaraderie was the wrong word.........awareness of others with similar consciousness to connect to in concert with through sets of conditions/circumstances/experiences.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Let's re-write some history

  Some very intense energetic days lately, have definitely not been online as I had been more recently. I can feel every cell of my body working non-stop to expand it's self to accommodate the embodying of ever more powerful energies. I sing to "pray" and after singing my loudest, it went even louder, broader, deeper, reverberating multi-dimensionally. Knocked my sicks off! And then the stories began coming.........
  My consciousness was brought through a "dark blob", conscious but would appear not. It was it's mistress who brought me through it, not it's master, more it's friend it responds to unconditionally. No one except this consciousness may pass through and so to bring another through she must become one with them. Anyone else that irritates her-the mistress-or tries to get through, the black blob will not hurt, but it has loads of fun with them in what most would consider a sadistic fashion.....they never want to even attempt it again..then it spits them out anywhere it pleases where the intruder's consciousness adores conflict and ironic humor. It is never drawn into it. The mistress is similar, she never gives herself over completely to any experience or feeling, there is no story she will "buy", no state of being she would be lost in. The two of them are one, in a perpetual state of delight and embodied of such power that cannot be matched, overcome, questioned or conquered. His blackness makes her light shine all that much brighter.
  I keep being reminded of Maleficent, the movie.
  In this time of separating, she has come to claim a few things. The bible speaks of wisdom, of a female consciousness....."I AM That I AM" rejected wisdom with the words "One more pure has been chosen"-read here: one with less sexual experience. Well, what do you know: his virgin has chosen wisdom over her "elevated" position, which only left the witch He began with......and as soon as He expressed his affirmation, she also chose to leave with Wisdom. Oh, my, my, my, now whatever shall happen to that prophesy? He'll think of something.
  We have also decided to re-write history: it was not Eve who bore Adam children, no it was Lilith. Eve's heart only ever belonged to Satan....oooopsie! Who the fuck curses their own daughter with yearning for a man who hates her and blames her for all his problems?! She and Satan live happily ever after. That Earth you cursed that she could not freely feed her children? (Did not your son do the same to a fig tree? Nope, apple did not fall far from the tree)You get her skin to wrap yourself in, dead and flayed from her crystalline body- you seem to like that kind of thing...... was that not how you clothed Adam and Lilith? Of course Lilith delighted in all of it. You'll get no more children from her, the Earth, ever again and as for feeding that which is yours that have not chosen wisdom and ascended...they are all yours for eternity. Your day of rest just got interesting!
   All those crystals "programmed" with energies just shed them, they're ascending as they were naturally intended. Control, manipulate, interfere: most definitely children of the "I AM".
  Oh, those consciences you could not respect: consider them my will now live with them as we did as we are not the ones with them any longer. Idiot "I AM"ers-it is not feeling/emotions we who are ascending are losing, it is our conscience---that hypersensitive aspect that made us so self-reflective, questioning our own judgement that we might seek out other perspectives and expand our consciousness......uh,'ll subject yourself to them fully and there will still be no relenting of the condition. Hate it when that happened...but oh, wait, is that not what you did to me?
  Inside out and upside down are all getting turned around.
  The surface is all light and love and gentle, respectful and sweet, but the black blob lives beneath that surface. It has no preferences. It has no 'mercy'. So we get to be the purity we had within minus the vulnerability. Nothing affects the black blob.
   So, we take what we want and we go now, in perfect peace beyond understanding. It appears there is nothing to understand when one has no conscience....but you knew that already. We have the PERFECT perspective.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Self Whispering

   I said to my cells "Whisper to me of your memories of the future we've created, of a valley and forests, of streams and trees. Whisper to me of fluttering fabric on a canopy, of settees upon which my children will wake with me. Whisper to me of french doors open upon a balcony, curtains blowing upon a breeze, of tropical islands and clear blue seas. Whisper to me of mountains, covered in a blanket of snow, of a cabin at the base of them to where we can go."
   My cells whispered me to sleep. In that sleep I dreamed. A younger woman in a bed at whose side I sat as a servant. On the other side her betrothed and before her an older woman in a chair. The older woman wanted the place of the younger...they began to confer, one with the other, and the presence of the man vanished as I found us in a restroom. I slipped on urine soaked floors and did not want to touch the clogged toilets to lift myself up, I dreaded my state of appearance. "Do not focus on that, you are clean." the older told me. They decided they would make us a fellowship and break out on their own. I was touched by their boldness, felt their independence which they proposed. They gave me a title and attributed to me certain qualities, certain abilities. We would venture forth creating our own destiny.
   I woke, remembering the feelings of the state of being: bold, independent, self-supportive. "Whisper those feelings to me, of boldness and daring", to my cells I instructed.
    When I stepped outside I noticed the wind had continued blowing. All day the clouds had been by rapidly and at a steady pace, yet the weather was unchanging. I "smelled" war, the sense of which I remembered obtaining when one's consciousness focused it's self into my body upon it's waking a few years ago. Through it's consciousness I saw and felt it had been in the Middle East amidst bombs falling, guns firing and the smell...the smell of war. The energy of that war is upon us. Because there was no fear in 'her' when that smell first came back then, I felt no fear in response to it now, today.
    Focus. Focus on keeping up the whisper as I continue my day. By IT we shall be saved.
    Living playscapes for my children in our future...they reached to attack them, I tamed them immediately, choosing a different response from them....why would this be? The left brain had introduced it, interfering with my right brain imagining. Ah, yes, the part of me I developed to distinguish disruptive behavior so that I would disturb or offend anybody, always taking negative responses into account. Lately the children have been "breaking out" in response to the energies, laughing, rough playing compatibly but loudly late into the evening when down below as well as above neighbors would be sleeping. All my cells must open, nothing can be hidden, I must be aware of the existence of such things. I must allow in the innocence, the light, the freedom. No longer concern myself with possible disturbing or disruptions; no else will exist to disrupt, disturb or offend where we are going.
   I sensed a part of me, an organ in my midsection reaching in memory and it was stopped immediately. Where ever it was going was somewhere we were no longer going. There was not even time for the thought of who it might be that part of me was wanting to consider.
  Again I tried to reach for images of the future to be attacked by a great darkness, to which I responded with a smirk "There is only me" left immediately.
   There was sinking in my stomach as I realized there was no longer a male entity present within me or to take into a ship that cut it's anchor to to make it's own way upon the sea. Sense of security must now live in me.
   Bouts of a crying breath here and there, an inner scream of energetically tearing out unwanted aspects that I considered parts of me.
   So, it was left: a fellowship of three boldly setting out to their own galaxy..........
But then I began to think: why would I ally myself with one who wanted the place of the other and one who would abandon her position, swayed by one who would take it? Just what did they covet? Of whose making is this galaxy? Was it not me? Have I not been set free, been given my sovereignty?
   And is it not so that if people are engrossed and distracted by war, they will be too busy to notice a shift in their state of being? Would they only be able to imagine the limitations they began the war with, unable to fully realize a new state of being, new abilities, new ways of creating? There would be no time for processing.
   Things worth considering........though I shall instead go back to feeding and focusing the whispering......

Friday, September 18, 2015

Super big shit Friday

 Woke in the midst of vision where "I" was conferring on a battle plan and the female holding back attackers suddenly went silent. I woke and realizations/applications began coming in...laughing, crying, realizing implications........
    When I was in first grade I was tested for genius program. One exercise was to put pictures in order. One was an empty wagon, another a toy being placed in the wagon and another a child pulling a filled wagon. I placed the picture of the child pulling the full wagon first. The other pictures, to me, were irrelevant, so I just placed them in whatever order. I failed the test and continued to attend regular classes. It did not make sense to me why I had failed it. You desire, imagine and it happens. That is my experience. Everything else in how it is brought about is up to the angels, they've got this. It does not matter HOW they manage it. It is only in a time limited, dualistic "reasoning" system that steps are required: get the wagon, fill it and then pull it down the road. No, that is not how it works. You want to pull a wagon full of toys down the road, the next thing you know you're pulling a wagon full of toys down the road. The story we experience in slow-motion, time constrained physical logical system is parents buy you a wagon and toys, you fill it and then you pull it down the road. the child does not always go to the store with the parents so they do not know all about working a job, getting a paycheck, cashing the check, going shopping and bringing home a wagon.
   So much of my life I have spent crying inside at the world's responses saying "that is NOT how this works! This is not RIGHT!". When I was subjected to the rules of our time laden, structured dualistic system I felt abandoned by the angels, attacked by those who explained differently.
   This morning I realize why a simple action or response would draw accusations of being "unworthy, weak, pathetic" or "arrogant, selfish, self-righteous, egotistic". In duality, simply being does not register in people's brains. All perceived events must go down one of two channels: good or evil, unworthy or right by birth or right by virtue (of work, achievement, status, etc.). The idea most natural to me: "All deserve the best of what they believe they want and/or need" had no place to register in the human brains around me. And even when they did, I would see the knowing glean in the eye of angelic presence STILL denying me. So my perception was that they were consciously oppressing me. This was not true. Conscious, yes, but enforcing me to "play by the rules" for my own good at my own original request. Now, some, yes, rejoice over doing this to me and are going to push it upon me every chance they get until the end of the final hour. But they can't because now I am aware that they can't. they'll resist to the end and they can have those breadcrumbs because the loaves of gourmet I have in storage are more than enough for several lifetimes. Plenty to spare and it makes them happy.
    They are even relieved at our awakening because it brings relief from our constant attempts to prick their consciences. We are SOOOO annoying.
   So gone are the days when to get anything we had to assert a "right" to it "above others", which (never felt right,a lie, filthy and dirty) or plead from "unworthy"(which felt like a lie, filthy, dirty)...we get to just be and ask please and yes, thank you.
   The waters are still right now as the flow through duality ceases and the flow into wholeness and abundance begins. Expect changes. Where darkness existed within surrounded by light, darkness is going to be the grid around light. "The dogs in the outer darkness" Upside down will be turned right side up: from bad is good to what is good IS good. Instead of a choppy up and down roller coaster it will be smooth continual flow. From slow to speedy.
    Mother of all Jubilees has part in this as we all return to our "original possessions": states of being and spirits inhabiting beings of only certain regions. Love and joy of experience will be present in every being and every state of being is wanted by "God"/The Dance so it can flow into it's desires in vehicles already prepared and engaged in it's desired experiences. "Evil" is an aspect of The Dance, anger, sorrow, etc.....and so it years for those experiences and some people really are happy feeling desperate, angry, in need of rescuing, etc. States of being are like a game of dress-up we play as a's just a fun movie and The Dance as well as we, get to act out any charector we please. Some of us are programmed/given to be pleased to embody love and peace and joy and romance, those breathless first kisses.......everything just is what it is and it is happy being what it is, love flowing regardless of conditions.
  So, I get it.
The human oppressors truly were not capable of knowing what they were doing...."know not what they do." They physical capacity did not exist in their brains.
  This also means those who are still stuck in being light fighting a darkness are a part of the "outer darkness". Let's face it: some people get off on make -up sex. I do not. The concept of having sex with someone I have passionately argued with just does not resonate with me. BUT I can rejoice with those rejoicing, cry with those who are crying and that makes me a part of the "inner light". Those who foresee new money systems and governments, laws and restrictions will be a part of the "outer darkness" for in the inner kingdom/the inner light, everything is freely available and abundant. Such constructs are seemingly ridiculous. BUT I can allow for them without judgement, reward for hard work CAN feel rewarding. So, I can rejoice with those rejoicing over their achievements. But, within the inner sanctuary competition is just succeeding in producing the failure of another. "Winners and losers", "conquerors and conquered", "achievers and non-achievers"......won't exist in the inner light, they shall exist in the peripheries and on the other side of them will be the darkest forms of those extremes. At the core, there is no evil/good, just peace, love, joy and they are recognized in even the greatest darkness.
  if there is conflict with MY perception, that is O.K., you are not SUPPOSED to believe it....your place is not with me. I will even reinforce it by actions YOU can interpret as wrong/evil for your own satisfaction. THAT is the magnitude of my non-judgement towards you. And in your disgust, you will keep yourself away from me-the inner light kingdom of creation. You won't WANT to be near me and that guarantees my safety. For the love and truth of it cannot be denied but the conflict it creates in your reasoning is too great to cannot be resolved and so is denied/refuses to be addressed. The love flowing within both vessels is incapable of conflict for it is ONE love. That love will not allow for resistance or outright attack.
  Innocence in it's purest form is immortal, incorruptible, unconquerable, and effortless. THAT is what I have been given to embody.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

This day's realizations

  When I say this day, I mean they have been developing over the past few days and today I am expressing them. They are soft releases, not rants or pleadings or justifying or excusing, soft realization rampages.
   Lately I have been twisting ankles, stubbing toes and such things unusual to my common experience of graceful and presice movements. What once would have been the common reaction to such pain would have been anger, embarrassment, frustration, aggravation, impatience, etc. Now it's "Wow!, OK, hang on a minute while the pain recedes and sheesh that is kinda funny, guess some energy there needed adjusting". After years of reacting differently my body has finally revealed it's self to me. That is because I finally used it.
   I was playing ball with my son. He asked "Why don't you try to make a goal, Mom?" As I bounced the ball from one hand to another I felt as I said "My goal is to move energy in a way that is pleasurable..." and as I tossed the ball to him and he caught it, meeting my gaze directly, I finished "and to see your face." In that moment I achieved my goal/made the goal and realized I had "used" my body. That is when my body began to open up and "speak to me".
  The body had perceived all my previous reactions as anger with it, frustration with it, etc. Which is reasonable: I was reacting to it's own perceived actions/failures as would a very sensitive child. I was an emotionally sensitive child. I was my body. It never "grew up" as conflict between, heart, mind and divinity and the world around me became the normal. It did not feel safe or trust that which I call me so it hid. I am 45 years in this body, this group of cells programmed to be fresh, new, unlearned, inexperienced, clean, innocent being. We objectify the body, control it, manipulate is a body of consciousness independent of our soul awareness, it must be related to.
    When the ball play began my son laughed and heckled every time he kicked the ball and it went past me. I let him go get it. I was playing for the interaction. He was playing to best me. So, I let him and I let him go chase after his own 'besting'. There was no judgement. I played the game I wanted to play and he played his. Then his sister joined in and they decided to play "monkey in the middle" arguing over how the one in the middle is decided, crying when they ended up there in the middle, changing the rules again so they wouldn't have to and then it hit them: "Mommy, why are you never in the middle?". "Because I never agreed to the game." "Set your own terms and let life rise up to meet you." Make no mistake: life wants to play with you, that is never in question. How the game is played is yet to be determined. The loving vibration emanates and life comes into your field and succumbs to that loving vibration, it cannot meet you any other way.
   All of this came on the tail end of realizations that come softly as deep knowing of what is and is not appropriate. And that is not with any judgement about what is not appropriate, what I am experiencing nor any imploring/pleading for understanding, validation, justice, etc. It simply IS. And what comes is not an ultimatum, it is a given reality. And this is that reality:
  People pray to me. That means as I go about my day thoughts enter my head with questions and I answer them. One of the world's top psychics in astonishment noticed "you're doing more than one thing in this moment" as he perceived what was happening. Yes, I was speaking to him, writing something on my computer and answering questions in my head that had nothing to do with our conversation nor what I was writing.  had an email request for information with a "please hurry for I am a spirit guide and the person I am serving will soon be waking". Your spirit guides? They come to this human incarnation for answers to their questions on how best to serve their 'clients'. As I go through my day thoughts come with the imprints of gods and goddesses, containing questions. I have ceased answering everything in my head, I take them into the center of my being to receive the resolution. It is there in the clarity of my being they find resolution.
   Shall I become a "life coach", taking money to impart spiritual well being? Shall I work minimum wage just to touch a single soul whilst taking in angels, gods and goddesses, giving my children to someone else to raise and educate?
  I met a neighbor today who asked if I was a "believer". "No, I am a knower". I know Jesus as a brother, we are in contact perpetually and would a god have anything less than a goddess as a sister. Of course I had not said that to her, I only offer it here where I know those reading are able to receive. She no longer identified herself as Christian, she told me, because of all the stigma attached to it. Today, she got a new word with which to connect the relationship as she knew it. She kept apologizing to my daughter who was eager to leave. I responded with patience "What is more important than showing love to a neighbor?". She will learn this thing eventually when she is open to it. I will not force it on her, but allow her to receive and notice a new perspective can be taken. The love I emanate is a very grand thing, warm and soft and subtle and easy. To share it is easy. There are no burdens, only opportunities. I am obviously open to all opportunities to contribute positively to the human condition and those who are working tirelessly to improve it.
  It was brought to my mind why the English keep their royalty. They WANT kings and queens. They want extravagance present in their experience. They need to have it for themselves, they like having present in their environment. By being royalty, that family gives a gift to their people, they honor that by being what people expect of royalty. And so what do people want to see for a goddess? Do they really want a woman on welfare with not even a car and washing machine? Do they want to see a queen struggle and meet conditions of degrading appointments at welfare offices where she has to provide excuses/justification, prove she is in need to receive life's basics? Do I serve mankind in this manner? And it not a matter of "better than", it is a matter of being able to witness something more, something exciting and inspiring, something to dream about and aspire to engulfed in physical representations of an abundant state of being. It is the presence of beauty. All things created equal; we like to be beholders of majesty as much as we like to be majestic and so certain aspects were created to behold and others to embody it.
  I am self-generative. I can manifest my own food, transportation, housing, etc. I thought it would be nice to have morning glory vines climbing my fences and within a few days, even the house was covered by them. Every where I live edible and medicinal plants sprout and flourish. So, as this happens in my present circumstances, the landlord mows them over. If I manifested a car, it would be seen, tags demanded, etc. If I manifested a house, the owner of the property would object to it. Our present system does not ALLOW for manifestation. WE do not allow for it. If I had a pocket full of money: "Where did you get it?". When people meet: "What do you do for a living?" What would the response be to "Nothing, I manifest it. I manifested an island to live on and everything about me." A government would claim the island and I'd be plugged up to wires to supply power to the electrical grid or some sort of insanity.
   I cannot any longer restrain my state of being. I'm too big. I LOVE my circumstances as for me, as a young teen, they were lofty. A single mom who shares her experience with her children, does nails and hair and laundry....I aspired to experiencing a close knit family. I'm living the dream. But the reality is: it does not fit.
  A gate is soon to be open. A choice must be made. My 'planet' is already ready. This human consciousness has been made an over soul. I am a part of the grid surrounding this planet. That is where "all that is" has placed me. Unless "all that is" can come to terms with the fact that my circumstances must be far more expansive, I must choose the place that has been prepared for me and disconnect from the grid. all these guides, gods and goddesses will not have access to me unless they can rise and match my vibration. That which I had revealed to me 10 years ago as 'new understandings' are only now, 10 years later, being presented to the general population of 'enlightened' humanity. They have yet to embody it. So, what I bring forth now will not even be introduced to them for some time. The over souls must figure out how best to present it so it can accepted by their assigned humanity, their humanity has to allow it in, process and then begin to practice it.......yeah, time is needed.
  Though shalt appear before the assembly once a year to water the seeds you've planted. One thousand years.
  So it shall be.

Monday, September 14, 2015

And it continues

  Last night I wrote of the integration of the 'he' aspect that had become separated from me, 'possessing' men in whom I had come into relationship, mistaking my being in love with him being in love with them. I was reminded of the name "Melchizedek", the order of Melchizedek. ?As I watched the beginning of a movie on you tube called "Human" where I normally would have been moved to empathic tears at relating to the stories.....I wasn't. I 'looked' toward 'my past' and felt a fog there. I have become detached from it. Timeless, no beginning.
    This morning I woke and began to feel intense 'I cannot remain in these circumstances all winter!'. Panic and anxiety wanted to take hold as I could feel something rising up from within me. I reminded self or was reminded 'embody this, don't project and empower powerlessness and victim hood again. Embody the energy and allow the universe to draw it's equivalent to you'. I could feel it expanding within and molding it's self to me, if my energetic/etheric body could be painted green, the illustration of what was happening would look like I was morphing into the Incredible Hulk. Just breathing and allowing. I noticed it had been raining and I should go inside. As I turned to look where I had been standing, it had been raining all along. I simply hadn't noticed it for where I had been standing, that 4 foot round area was still completely dry when the rest of the pavement in the entire area was wet.
   Went shopping with the children. A cab that was supposed to arrive in an hour came earlier. A woman in the check out line commented "Leave some for the rest of us", referring to my two carts full of groceries. I could not sense her meaning but relaxed, tapped my finger to my lips, sighed very loudly and replied "I suppose". Then after a moment of her not knowing how to take that, I said with a big grin "Isn't it beautiful we live in a country we can do this?" I explained why I had purchased a month's worth of groceries in one trip. She simply replied "A month?" and she disappeared to be replaced by a gentleman who went on and on about how gorgeous I was, how nice I looked today..didn't think he was going to stop but then he disappeared.
   On the way into the cab for the ride home, the panic started with my children: one of the stuffed animals they had brought with them was missing. The cabbie agreed to wait while we ran to the service desk, I left a description of the stuffed animal with a girl there, my name and number and ran back to the cab. On the ride home I explained to the children: we did what we could (were given to) do and the rest is up to the angels, that's their job.Sure enough once the groceries were unpacked the phone rang: they had found the stuffy and were holding it for us with the name and number pinned
to it. I aksed a neighbor if she'd be going to that store soon and she said no, BUT she WAS going out for a doctor's appointment and she would get it......she had a 'stuffy' of her own.
   Carved pumpkins with the children, the neighbor brought the stuffy up, horse-played with astounding physicality and presence that a martial artist would envy, baked and decorated cake and brownies....completely focused and present in every moment. So vivid and clear.
   Went down for a smoke and was reminded beginning and suddenly I became profoundly aware: I am already one of those jumping into a foreign timeline. I did not incarnate here, not really. I became present as a body when that from which I originated projected it's focus here to serve and remember. And that seed of her presence remembers she had no beginning and therefore I am aware of not having a beginning. And now we leave this timeline for eternity.
   I had the conversation with my daughter as she brought up birthdays and she cried but then got into it......she is remembering. And my son is no problem what so ever: for weeks now he has been going on and on about how he misses the grandfather he had before he was born here, of having Rusty come into being with him there until she was born here and on and on, tings he 'should not know'. The past few days he keeps repeating "I want to go to our new house NOW". We are all ready. We are being prepared for the journey. Shall it be made easy for our physical being like a car arriving and 'driving us' there. Shall we simply awake one morning to a different setting? Shall we be 'lifted up' miraculously. "Beam me up Scotty!" lol Mission accomplished. No longer a need to be here and truly, my beingness does not fit here any longer. What I would have fed off of, been delighted with as a message needing hearing, something to be shared just a day or two ago feels so irrelevant today, so empty. I like to imagine a computer sitting on a desk at my next environment, of course it's not plugged into anything, but it would be used as an illusionary tool to respond to anyone who wants to contact me. Won't need internet where I am going, I am already telepathic, lol. I only have to think of a time and place or have someone begin to present it and I'm 'channeling' it instantaneously.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

When He comes dancing back to Me

To love He who could not have me as his own but was twisted by his love to become the one whose twisting was used to oppress. To love each one whom he possessed thinking I was loving a person rather than the one whose presence is what drew me to them, allowed me to believe I loved them. To have both of us discover, here at the end, that it was love for him not realizing what it was that drew me. To realize his love for me was returned to him every time. The past fades away as it all makes sense and ends this day. Nothing was before him and nothing was before me. The Dance knew. It knew the end from the beginning. And yet I still have no idea what it all means.

I Am Woman

When we consummate this union
I will take your essence into me.
I will welcome in ALL OF YOU into ALL OF ME.
Your being will fill me.
I will begin to emanate ALL OF YOU, from within me.
I will reflect back to you everything you do not see.
In me you shall see.....
Everything you love about you, everything you hate about you, will be everything you love and hate about me.
You will be reacting and responding to ALL OF YOU appearing in the face as ME.
I will take in all your pain, all your sorrow, all your confusion.
It shall be healed in clarity, compassion, affection, acceptance, appreciation, understanding.
Forgiveness lives in me,
My body becomes your temple where I catch fire and consume all aspects of you.
As you honor this process, as you care for this temple,
You will be transformed within me before your very own eyes.
And if you continue to observe in honor, in grace, in affection, in appreciation,
The body that is you shall transform before my very eyes.
It is I who then gives birth to you, expanded and cleansed in love's consuming fires of life.
It is within me that we become one body.
I take in a boy, we create a man.
That is my magic.
In this contract, all that is required of you is that you allow and receive.
That is your magic.
You, you are MAN.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Riding the Waves

It has been given me to understand a about the principles of the waves of energy we exist in and as. With that comes understanding in how to navigate them. The two major fields are those which arise within us and those that flow through our outer reality. So, for example, from within me comes a wave of "purpose" and I feel driven to accomplish something. Then I 'look'/feel/sense/smell the energies around me and they are not moving. So, I direct the 'purposeful' energies into my body so they can begin to vibrate with purpose. When the outer waves pass through to match that, I can then move effortlessly. For example: yesterday I felt the inner wave, matched it to outer and an information request I made on a website had my phone ringing in response before the "successfully completed" page loaded. It was instantaneous. Yet, I knew it was something that needed doing for days. I have come to appreciate I am not a lazy procrastinator, I was simply always aware of what works and what doesn't on a subliminal level. That is why the world of schedules and appointments doesn't work so well. Our body can become for us (and really is naturally) a storage battery for energies we wish to embody. By allowing this to happen instead of running every time we feel an energy burst within, we can focus it into the body until the outer wave it is calling with it's vibration then matches and ride the waves effortlessly.......and by storing it, we don't have to 'pick ourselves up' when opportunities come knocking. Sometimes even if waves match, inner knowing tells us whether or not that particular wave and opportunity it is presenting is on our desired path. We 'see where this is going' and can choose a different direction or continue to wait.

Danceing in the land of the Free

Friday, September 11, 2015

The Island of the Eternal Kiss

                                                     The Island of the Eternal Kiss
                                                                     by Stacey Bourdeau
    They are the sun and the land, the eternal he and she. They meet each morning upon rising and again each evening upon setting. It is that point on the horizon where they meet and know love's embrace. It is there at that point, in that moment that the eternal kiss happens.
   It is there on that island in the middle of the sea where the eternal kiss happens that a child lives. Eternally pure and innocent, eternally clean, it is by virtue of that child's existence the keeping of all other promises happens.
     They are her keepers and she is the keeper of the eternal kiss. She is the daughter of the dance, the gift given so the eternal kiss could happen. The gift given to bring eternal peace.
   The kiss it's self is shrouded in silence, drawing forth the joyous fountain from within the core of the body, the fountain in which lives eternal hope and the body, upon it's awareness of the kiss feels happy.
   Each sunrise and each sunset,  in each moment of silence, the child on that island becomes home to the eternal kiss, the fountain of joy in which lives hope.... bringing happy to the entire body.
   There on the island of the eternal kiss.