Monday, September 14, 2015

And it continues

  Last night I wrote of the integration of the 'he' aspect that had become separated from me, 'possessing' men in whom I had come into relationship, mistaking my being in love with him being in love with them. I was reminded of the name "Melchizedek", the order of Melchizedek. ?As I watched the beginning of a movie on you tube called "Human" where I normally would have been moved to empathic tears at relating to the stories.....I wasn't. I 'looked' toward 'my past' and felt a fog there. I have become detached from it. Timeless, no beginning.
    This morning I woke and began to feel intense 'I cannot remain in these circumstances all winter!'. Panic and anxiety wanted to take hold as I could feel something rising up from within me. I reminded self or was reminded 'embody this, don't project and empower powerlessness and victim hood again. Embody the energy and allow the universe to draw it's equivalent to you'. I could feel it expanding within and molding it's self to me, if my energetic/etheric body could be painted green, the illustration of what was happening would look like I was morphing into the Incredible Hulk. Just breathing and allowing. I noticed it had been raining and I should go inside. As I turned to look where I had been standing, it had been raining all along. I simply hadn't noticed it for where I had been standing, that 4 foot round area was still completely dry when the rest of the pavement in the entire area was wet.
   Went shopping with the children. A cab that was supposed to arrive in an hour came earlier. A woman in the check out line commented "Leave some for the rest of us", referring to my two carts full of groceries. I could not sense her meaning but relaxed, tapped my finger to my lips, sighed very loudly and replied "I suppose". Then after a moment of her not knowing how to take that, I said with a big grin "Isn't it beautiful we live in a country we can do this?" I explained why I had purchased a month's worth of groceries in one trip. She simply replied "A month?" and she disappeared to be replaced by a gentleman who went on and on about how gorgeous I was, how nice I looked today..didn't think he was going to stop but then he disappeared.
   On the way into the cab for the ride home, the panic started with my children: one of the stuffed animals they had brought with them was missing. The cabbie agreed to wait while we ran to the service desk, I left a description of the stuffed animal with a girl there, my name and number and ran back to the cab. On the ride home I explained to the children: we did what we could (were given to) do and the rest is up to the angels, that's their job.Sure enough once the groceries were unpacked the phone rang: they had found the stuffy and were holding it for us with the name and number pinned
to it. I aksed a neighbor if she'd be going to that store soon and she said no, BUT she WAS going out for a doctor's appointment and she would get it......she had a 'stuffy' of her own.
   Carved pumpkins with the children, the neighbor brought the stuffy up, horse-played with astounding physicality and presence that a martial artist would envy, baked and decorated cake and brownies....completely focused and present in every moment. So vivid and clear.
   Went down for a smoke and was reminded beginning and suddenly I became profoundly aware: I am already one of those jumping into a foreign timeline. I did not incarnate here, not really. I became present as a body when that from which I originated projected it's focus here to serve and remember. And that seed of her presence remembers she had no beginning and therefore I am aware of not having a beginning. And now we leave this timeline for eternity.
   I had the conversation with my daughter as she brought up birthdays and she cried but then got into it......she is remembering. And my son is no problem what so ever: for weeks now he has been going on and on about how he misses the grandfather he had before he was born here, of having Rusty come into being with him there until she was born here and on and on, tings he 'should not know'. The past few days he keeps repeating "I want to go to our new house NOW". We are all ready. We are being prepared for the journey. Shall it be made easy for our physical being like a car arriving and 'driving us' there. Shall we simply awake one morning to a different setting? Shall we be 'lifted up' miraculously. "Beam me up Scotty!" lol Mission accomplished. No longer a need to be here and truly, my beingness does not fit here any longer. What I would have fed off of, been delighted with as a message needing hearing, something to be shared just a day or two ago feels so irrelevant today, so empty. I like to imagine a computer sitting on a desk at my next environment, of course it's not plugged into anything, but it would be used as an illusionary tool to respond to anyone who wants to contact me. Won't need internet where I am going, I am already telepathic, lol. I only have to think of a time and place or have someone begin to present it and I'm 'channeling' it instantaneously.

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