Monday, October 17, 2016

Subjection to the weaker conscience and domestic violence

  For every advancement of what is healthy in relationships that comes into my present experience, something of the old and painful comes out along with understandings surrounding it. What came in was finally a man who didn't use a 'parenting' tone while expressing an understanding of my priorities. That was so delightful a flutter like a baby in my womb happened in response to it. Not butterflies in the stomach but actual life in the womb. I found that interesting.
  What came out was memories of being attacked and verbally abused for things like not shaving (if I wanted to date a man, I'd be gay), smoking (wow! You're so pretty. But I like the taste of a woman and smoking changes it), telling an older woman whether or not I was on birth control was none of her business when my "significant other" preferred I 'keep the peace' instead (shhh, don't say that!)........
  With it I understood not bending to another's weakness is perceived by them as an attack on them and so, in their mind, they are committing an act of self-defense. Thus the abuser perceives themselves a victim subject to "embarrassing" or "unpleasant" aspects of the one they expressed a desire to be in a more intimate relationship with. Then I remembered each of these men identified themselves as Christians. With that came memory of the scriptures used to guide relationships by priests, ministers, pastors, elders, etc. : 1 Corinthians chapter 8. There it explains how some view eating of meat dedicated to idols as a sin, that they are those of a weaker conscience, and so as not to offend or stumble them a mature Christian would not eat the meat around the one with the weaker conscience. The message is to avoid behavior that might offend the less mature. Is that not what we see in abusive relationships? And these interactions were initiated by these men. They initiated contact solely to make sure their opinion was known to me what they did not approve of about me. So what would possess a man to believe he has the right to approach a woman solely to attack her? Could it be scriptural admonitions to be vigilant, shepherd, correct the congregation, subjection by women the 'weaker' vessels?
  The root of the immature ruling over the more mature, the weak over the strong, didn't grow out of Christianity, I'm sure. I do know Christianity isn't helping uproot the dysfunction or helping with prevention of damage, however. Yeah, if I were Jesus I'd be pretty sad, too.
*as a side note, I've noticed women who demonstrate an inability to tolerate the existence of something different from their belief system as well. The entire Christian based culture creates a perceived attack (persecution complex/paranoia) in the mere existence of that which they find offensive and thus a perceived right to attack it 'back'. Even in politics, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they after law, fear-based

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