This morning after I did some clearing dancing I felt a power come in feeling the image: " Near a bonfire on the top of a hill declaring :"Come! Come dance and summon your power! You are about to be betrayed and abandoned!". "
Again? lol almost boring this pattern of feeling sure of something and then having the rug pulled out from under me, betrayed by "the powers that be"......
O.K., so I have learned for the modern 'prophet', when asking for whom the bell tolls? the answer is always "You!". O.K. So I am about to be denied an opportunity: have been given the keys to a truck that will roll down a hill the moment I try to back it out of the parking to speak.
There's a "flip side" perception of these things: I am about to be released from an agreement that would not have fully served me and probably required I compromise some part of me and I'm going to be let go, set free, liberated, left alone (relief!).
Thus armed and comforted with an alternate perception, I allow myself to undergo the emotional journey of being betrayed and abandoned, the devastation, the feeling I was deceiving myself, believing an illusion, fooled and thus foolish, insecurity about my own judgement, feeling my way: does any of this anymore even resonate? Dance with it and send love into the aspects that would feel it anyways.
I am also armed with the knowledge that when we do not resist what we see coming which may be fear inspiring, when we allow ourselves to emotionally experience the reality, it neutralizes the potential so it does not manifest. We just experienced it and so the physical manifestation is not required to manifest.
Even if it does manifest to some degree, we are already prepared emotionally and can maintain a clarity to help see the solutions before me.
Underlying it all is an anchor of peace which allows me to undergo these things fearlessly, feel safe enough to ride the waves of emotions that may be coming and THAT is the power that needs summoning, the power to not lose faith, life-force, energy, wind in my sails, or identity in those defining, rug-being-pulled-out, end-of-the-world, whirlwind moments.
So come, come dance in the fire with me! Summon your fire, summon your power! Life is changing!
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