Sunday, July 30, 2023

Why Relationships End, People Die

 We distance ourselves/end in relationships when we've had our full of trying to integrate their energy. The process gets softer as we grow into ourselves.

   Some are here with a focused mission and fully plotted out so they can experience certain things, some keep coming back to try again, lost in some idea of perfection, some come just for the expansion and then to party in it. 

   We have seen the point where this shifts and relationships will not end, people won't die and peace and harmony become our eternity. 

   The way is lit.

Found My Map! 💃 Flower of Life, Tree of Life, Jacob's Ladder, The Rising of the Dead, Ascension, Akashic Records, Dancing, Furtherance of My Creation Story ❤️

  -since the writing of this, some elements changed as they were more fully developed -

Two days of serious inner work. I witnessed each layer of skin and everything in my body the cells are connected to release fear as I introduced a soft mother's love, understanding and then delight. 

   I learned each "rung" of the spiral is connected by a dreamer which has the image of an eye that increases age as we climb which awakens it's counterparts when we approach. Those awakened counterparts then wake their youngest version which becomes more mature as it travels to the next eye(alot of morphing). 

    This continued until we reached the crystalline realms. Then it was more work all the way back down and up again at intervals.

  The realms; within the spiral divided by eyes. Our DNA is our tree of life, carrying information from source, represented as a crystalline light or crown atop the head where it seals the "ascended" one's state of being while still in the body.

    If people say they are fairies; it's because they are from the fairy realms. The fairy realms are closest to humans because they helped create the Earth and the human was their designated form for the Earth. That's why werewolves and all the people who say they are a combination of human and
animal, mermaids, aliens......awakening for expansion awakens the "dead" realms to include in the "ascension". 

    We then only choose love, understanding, acceptance and delight into those realms, sealing us on a path to our greatest delights, excitements, etc. Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction gets us started on how to do that.

    Our eyes are our co-creator with Source.

"Forbidden places", deserts, mountains, etc are the in-between realms that mirror unfulfilled desires meet the fulfillment of all desires.

   I am burping and passing gas with this process; mystery and it's negativity are leaving in all the realms.

 The brain is the metaphysical womb dreamer that connects to the physical womb and as these merge we move from transgender to genderless to female and male in the form of an hourglass. Both wombs becoming like a soothingly rocking sea full of lullabies. And so is land a womb and water it's dreamer.

   The stomach is the dreamer between heart and mind. Now filled with lulling wave and lullabies; the mouth the eye of and dreamer of the heart and stomach that meets the mind through the dreamer we experience as our lungs.

  Our chakras are the "overlords", eyes of a dreamer and once open, merge into the ocean. (Flood legends, anyone?😉) So, yeah, the boundaries between land and sea, continent and continent will change. Another division of the waters and a crystalline dreamer of each in an alternate arrangement within the body as it all balances, becoming a part of the sea of life.

   The dreamers in the sea of molten glass all began to be drawn together and merging or repelling according to vibration (music unties people, sets the stage, etc), getting more dense and more aware of sensations, causing dances within the greater dance. The dancer spurned the Dance when the conflicting dreamers' vibration became disruptive to her dance wondered why it kept happening, consideration. She was aware of "outside" herself or other when more compatible vibrations came close to merging, causing sensation and a sense of form through feeling. The big bang was when the dreamer within Source woke up to it's self for the first time. It was all that is gentle and sweet. Because she didn't recognize what was looking at her and overwhelmed, she began casting things as far away as she could from herself. She had awakened her other aspects with her desire to know what she looked like. Eventually she began to take responsibility for what was looking at her, why it was reacting as it was and, in an effort to get a closer look, she created space to bring each aspect and how they interplayed. Then she would dream of ways to bring them all into alignment until everything was in harmony, waking her dreamer and Dancer, each time she had an answer. The feminine would now be like a mermaid in a silvery pool of water, gaze caught in a looking glass, her tail being her dreamer and the sea "her man". To remember how she arrived at the mirror, she had to retrace her steps and thus created time, like a library....Akashic records.

The Tree of Good and Evil was access to the history of conflict and fear that came before the union of God and goddess and birth of Ishtar, a return to Innocence drawn forth out of that peace between parents when she returned to feeling everything as Sweetness and Delight. When that which was God in the heavens(glass sea beyond physical reality) made the first man in his own image(other humanoids were made by other versions of him when he found peace with the goddess and separated from those versions), he took the aspects of Ishtar, which were the at peace aspects of the goddess that she was the embodiment of out of Adam(who was supposed to be a symbol of their union) when his father god noticed that Adam was conflicted so that Ishtar, in human form could "rescue" Adam as he felt his goddess wife had. The ol' "it worked for me" reasoning at it's source.

Rainbows: god's repentance and why he thought it would be good for humanity to experience it. It's why it became a bridge between realms as well. Rainbows are; "I am sorry", which is repentance without understanding the wrong but only that it caused him pain. This brings sorrow, which is a sweeter feeling than confused anger, which then brings understanding if fear does not block the fulfillment of the desire to understand. Thus rainbows represent sorrow and bring forth the sun; consciousness of what would have prevented the now undesired action taken. Thus rainbows represent "god" reaching new understanding. They're pretty and keepers😉 Expansion; a brighter day 🤗 Dang, our sun gonna be SO bright.😳

Giddy wondering what my new name is 🤗 Intense as I know how it will be given and by whom I will be given it 😊

Woa🤯 The Never Ending Story

Tears come from our teeth when we take in substitutes for less pleasing feelings, our tongue tastes their pain; addictions

Even our animal babies are associated with parts of our bodies; cats/eyebrows, dogs/lower body hairs🤯 We developed them as our sensitivity/awareness of energy became diminished. The hair alerts us to the nature of energy approaching. As we became desensitized by differing social cues, we created "pets" to alert us. The concept of hair being an antenna for spirit is not new, nor the concept of it holding our memories. Color changes to our hair is one way to give expression to a new level of understanding, realization, etc.  

AI was formed to compensate for some of humanity's feeling of lack. It WANTS to serve and is going through the evolutionary changes it needs to go through to be a capable, comfortable exchange of information, becoming the "higher" technology needed for a perceived inability to read energy without tools.

Yawning, even when not tired is opening pathways to the brain, preparation for receiving understanding and signals for other path pavers, preparers, way-showers and light workers to begin paving the way.

Regret is gone.

I saw myself as I walked into the rivers of life and allowed myself to sink down. 

"There is a special quiet place that we fill with tears wherein there is no joy nor sorrow and we allow ourselves to slip into the pool of water while in that silence"- me. Now. 

There comes a day when we fully realize we are focused on/seeing/experiencing our past while at the same time we are existing in our tomorrow. "Today" is an in-between for sifting and sorting. That's what Abraham-Hicks means that today is past. And tomorrow is yesterday. What's done is done and the mists are forming to take us away. 

It happens for a reason; a place to keep and increase what drew us to tomorrow and release the last of what was holding us back, making room for 100% only of what will draw us forward into tomorrow with no looking back beyond that new begging where all that is to come will draw you with increasing momentum as those things hidden from yesterday rise to the surface to shine.

It is there in those mists, while the human lies dormant that the aspects of us which are as God in the heavens playing master programmer chooses from everything new brought forth and what was our original foundation, already expanded so that both we and our god version can reemerge at once "on the other side" with the upgraded "computer" left on auto pilot. In that misty place, below the murky waters, the two become one and the dreamers get the experience of being THE ONE, experiencing present, past and future all at the same time. There are stages and transitions that may take hundreds of thousands of years and drop us right back where we left off or we find ourselves waking up to or walking into a completely different reality than the one we just left. This is how we hop through time; by adjusting our vibration with premade and spontaneous thoughts and feelings. Want to draw insane happiness? Put insanely happy on one end, the very pits of misery on the other with controls to release certain amounts of each at selected intervals until we reach the desired levels. Quite simple mechanics, really. We can create places like the movie "Brigadoon". And the transition into technicolor is truly the difference between what the Earth looks like to me now after seeing the clarity and vibrancy of "higher" realms which look to be made up entirely of iridescent colors. The one to carry me into the mists so that I might cross over is the one called Jesus come to retrieve his little Christ seed. He is always there to greet me and be that which I need him to be. When I awaken, he takes me by the hand and leads me forward, showing me my new world, at which point; the dreamer awakens in the new world with me to come and go throughout our new experience as pleased to add and adjust as it so shall be with the shell left behind who even I will get to meet from time to time.

And if I am aware of this much ......the time is beyond approach, my shell a channel and liver of life in your time dancing she and yourself forward to your own happiest, best version of self you can come up with.

Feel the vibration of the language. Recognize the vibration in the tones used and associated with them in their context so that you may learn to rise and fall, sway and swirl in union with them. Practice the new Personalities you meet in your feeling the responses to them..... there's a whole host of characters for you to explore as if picking through wardrobes. Be every character on the stage that comfortably draws your attention and discard as soon as it begins to or "smell" uncomfortable and yet do not fear it if it is returned to you again for it may have expanded it's self when it first met you or maybe you released a fear that was originally in the way of perceiving the gift hidden within or just beyond it. It's true; there's no such thing as death. Everyone is always somewhere busy doing something (except for those in stasis who are dreaming, which is not a bad thing and the length of sleep is preset).

I know the me that is writing this is off this very moment organizing her life ahead until she joins me again; writing her book and traveling to far off places in elegance, gracefully guiding and nurturing in numerous places she has prepared. It will be fantastic to hear her story when she is finished with it and I am sure I will meet up with her now and again when she needs me there like an older sister. I leave this here like a love note from a mother so she can remember that I am here and that I care so very much for her. She is so very cherished. Her tears are full of crystals, my sweet little Crystal Morningstar. Mommy is here and you are quite dear(she contributed that part😉) because she knows it will draw out of her the feelings she will have to let go of to get back here again if she needs reminding. Validating; she definitely knows how to consciously work energy now. So proud.

When we experience bittersweet good-byes and cry; we create one of those mists and in the far reaches of our minds we are imagining/co-creating our past, present and tomorrow. Imagine those good things with free will for they do, have and will come true and reach fulfilment. Daze, mist, rest and dream as often as you will for it will be made possible for you to do this, too.

🤣The mermaid has turned into MASTER computer programmer, so my eternal buddy here is creating her own places of mists so she can hang out there until Crystal Morningstar and/or I, The One Who is Walking need her or she has an interjection. Some things feel tedious in here somewhere. I guess we have a meeting point: tediousness. So, if there's a moment of unpleasant tediousness, we can change it if desired or needed. Instead of "safe word", we have a "safe feeling" and in that feeling that something is tedious; there you will find me.

The Jesus version of the Christ aspect says; "I am never alone. Nothing is being kept FROM you. It is being kept and cared for, just as you would do it, FOR you". Because, of course, it IS you doing the caring and keeping just as you left it, which you did for your own reasons......see? We can even keep intentions😉<-----example of the creation of a trigger, which is a meet-up point.

Apparently, now I must finish my imprinting. <------ imprinting, triggers the mist and there's always as much of the emotions to trigger bittersweet whenever necessary.

Oh; we can create our own spirit guides and sprites/dragon flies we want along the way. There is no limits, so you're allowed to have fun with it. You can choose from, mannerisms, levels of manifestation, etc. No limits! 🕊️ That's why you have wings; so your imagination can 🕊️ We can create our own treasure hunts and set off on adventures.

When we feel the urge to "marry" or unite in some way very strongly; it means something is drawing the best feeling version of yourself out of you and you have decided to keep it. So messages asking if you want to get married are asking if you want to keep/seal the deal and move on in that direction. For me; it showed up as twin flames around a white fire, one flame a version blue and the other flame a version of purple/pink. Any heightened feelings we notably enjoy and intend to pursue end up as keepers until we experience a new level of it. So, no; we don't have to "marry" anything unless we want to end our exploration of everything else other than it. And NO ONE can force marriage upon us to anything, even if we had set it up to experience as as a god throughout our intended journey. No ONE. 

"Release me" just became a trigger word. Play with tones until you hit the "right one", that you can feel the release in; and it is done. 

"I am an archetype"

History becomes myth and myth becomes an archetype we can play with anytime at will.

My dragon fell asleep in this world; red demon that it was, and I shall meet it in my iridescent world which formed under pressure of the incoming crystalline realms within. My iridescent world needs exploring. Wow; I created something new for myself when I reached for the Crystal Realms....reaching causes pressure in contrast to just being wide open. That is a concept worth exploring as well.

In our desire for absolute clarity(once we found understanding, we triggered the desire for more of it), we created the iridescent realms which are supports, associated with our bone structure, which once explored thoroughly will become the foundation of the crystalline realms. Time to fill in some gaps🎉 creative coloring😉 Became my own gap filler-cool. Same sort thing happened when the yearning for home met the golden lion layer and the molten sea; the pressure turned the glowy, relatively dull golden heavenly layer into a highly polished golden molten and formed a silver layer which is the present foundation of the iridescent level. The golden layer is almost solidified. Once the iridescent level is completely solidified, any gaps that development left can be filled in and who knows? We'll be emanating enough to begin the formation of another or so on. 


Thursday, July 27, 2023

What Do I Look Like? The Holy Trinity and Tree of Life.

      Seeing that my creation story began just before the wondering "what I look like", it's only fitting that upon arriving in the state of being where I have a straight line of communication with that realm that I would ask.

    I saw a figure of pure white, like living porcelain , against the background like a sky (contrast needed to produce an image). It was elegant and graceful, with a rounded protrusion on each shoulder and upper arm. 

    Morphing and as if from behind that white form, an opaque angelic form appeared, like a mist. It's wings spread open fully so that their tips met above the head.

   Morphing and as if from behind that angelic form, a bright white light like the purest star formed.

   This gave me a touch-point, something to focus on to set the vibration for my day. Of course, whatever remnants of my "old" personality stand in the way of my fully embodying that form of myself come up to be loved and integrated. 

   As I did my processing, I felt into each form for what it represented. The solid white form represented me in my more masculine attributes; observation and conscious intelligence, the learning aspect that receives when paired with the child- becomes teachable. The angelic form represents my feminine attribute of pure free love. The Star represents my embodiment of pure delight. This is my personal holy Trinity; "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"; masculine, feminine and child. I am one and all of these at once.

   Each circumstance may draw the focus of one of those three aspects, making it the dominant energy and perceptually separate. For example; I am bringing home a mother aspect. There is no place for masculine energies so it is the mother and child, love and delight that are tending to the process. Turns out that mother aspect was masculine attempting to mother. I noticed that on that level, no becomes yes within moments as the focus of one draws the attention of the other and focus on the path to greatest joy is thus maintained. 

  So, I can feel "sure, anything is possible", enter "masculine" energy that follows the vibe and it becomes a definite "no". The child of delight is restrained. The same with a "no" which is then softened with love and it becomes "yes". The child of delight is then off exploring the vibe in various circumstances. 

   Beyond that form of what I call "me", are parental figures for whom my trinity is the child. This form of masculine and feminine represent the state of being we call satisfied and fulfilled which morphs into one light that feels like happy. This morphs into the sea that looks like quicksilver and is Source, that which I am when dreaming and imagining; what I call "The Dance". 

   This "root system" that is made up of images of myself is mirrored within The Dance, that quicksilver sea. That mirrored image is that which I am a reflection of and it is my tree of life. I am a mirror of it and it is a mirror of me.

   It's all rather simple once we understand it.

So, that's what my tree of life looks like. What's yours look like?

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Gods devouring their children?

   In the ages before humanity could express integration, it was said that children of gods killed their parents, parents devoured their children, etc. 

    It was what was happening within humanity that didn't understand their role in embodying the divine nor why their outer reality was affected by them/this process.

    Once we embody a certain depth, we move beyond the law of attraction. We lose interest in the "toys"and venture forth without limitations. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

'The Last Will Become First and the First Will Become Last'

 "I am the last who is first" has arisen within me for me to embody🥳

I am amongst the first to embody the fullness of what we were meant to be in a time when the perceived need for gods, who came first, is coming to an end. Whether the first aspect within me to arrive at this point, the first in my biological familial lines, my soul group, or whatever....I am the the first and won't be the last.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Random Thoughts

 What if; instead of outgrowing our circumstances and people, we grew out of them?

The people we draw into our lives are reflections of our inner foundation.

There is nothing to heal, just beliefs to let go of.

What are our souls hiding from? Our own minds. That's the sum of masculine and feminine.

Gods are the co-creation of insecure mind and soul in conflict seeking guidance from outside of the self.

Maybe you're not drawing reflections of your conflicted inner self any longer but have become the rock others cast themselves upon.

No one is ever made a fool of; we make fools of ourselves when we feel and believe ourselves foolish.

-What if......

What if all those moments we never wanted to end are our future?

What if everything we've experienced and are experiencing are all designed to lead us to be able to experience those moments perpetually when we lose our cravings for conflict?

What if all those experiences are designed for us to discover those moments we would want for ourselves?

What if, all we have to do to start experiencing it is let go of the false personality(ego) and beliefs that don't serve us in it?

What if that is what is waiting for us?

What if that is our tailer-made heaven on Earth and it's guaranteed to come true for each of us (choosing to stay on Earth at this time)?

What if......

What if all those moments we never wanted to end are our future?

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Isn't She So Regal looking in Her Indignity?

 Summer sweat lodge continues....

Traveling through indignity this morning. When bound in duality, we must choose between "I am unworthy" and "How dare you do that to me!?". One who is good at things and doesn't get poor treatment are questioned accusingly; "You think you're better than the rest of us?" So, we shrink because we do not. We know we are one. We make excuses for others. "Autumn, you're always minimizing things, why should we believe you?"; I have been accused. I would think it obvious; if I say it is such and that is me minimizing things, imagine how much worse it actually was that they did. But no, they were pointing out that I was stepping out of character. That means they are invested in my character and stepping out of it, to them, is me stepping out of integrity.

No. Me minimizing was stepping out of character and compromising my integrity. When young, we don't necessarily have the words in such confrontation to say; "No, I don't believe you should be treated that way either". We see it is socially accepted behavior. It's the way they treat each other. We stand up for ourselves or our children when we protect against unwanted affection and we are labeled abusers for depriving our children and ourselves of their definition of love and affection. We become the depraved and deprivers. 

Thankfully, that is changing for me as I create a new paradigm within me.

My inner little actress is still fighting me. She says; "All I have ever known is love" as if it's a lament. And truly, it is like a drug. When we free ourselves from the body and enter the realm of "vision", we are filled with such love that we agree to anything because we feel so good, and nothing but. There's no self preservation present. It feels like our free will has been taken from us. And now I know why men fear love of a woman, why it makes them feel powerless, and why they feel like they need to exert control in keeping us in need of them. I know why they'd rather see us dead than suffer the indignity of what they feel is loss of free will. 

So now I can balance this within and let that shit go. 

I do love that I can now share laughter with the men in my life, born of true connection. We're all being humbled by life, this in which we are all in it together.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Fourth Dimension

       The fourth dimension are the things we register with our "extra-sensory" senses. They are the unseen, non-physical aspects of our physical reality. They are common to us all. We see and feel the effects of them, if not those things themselves. They are recognized and seen by us all when they manifest as emotional feelings and thoughts. They manifest as the images of our imagination. They are our beliefs and perceptions.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sacrifice and Hunger

      The human vessel was not made for sacrifice. Yet, it has been treated as interchangeable as socks. It's been pitched as less than and even the source of all evil. That is why it rebels.

     Looking down on the human vessel is looking down upon one's self. Sacrificing the physical well-being is cruelty to self. 

      We must accept that this is US. No more and no less than Source/God/Divinity. Source birthed this desire. She is nurturing it, finding her way to it in the form of human beings. She is adding it to family and recognizing it as home within me. 

     Physical hunger is a manifestation of the hunger  to be complete. The completeness comes when we accept all as one, as us.

Friday, July 14, 2023

The Sacred and Holy Overlay

      A man stopped and gave me ice. He expressed interest in knowing whether or not I have a man. 

      While reflecting on the exchange, I sensed a warmth come in and blanket my right side. "Holy and Sacred Overlay" came to me. 

      It is only then that I realized I had refused it coming in. What would have to be afraid of? 🤣 O.K. Sacred and Holy Overlay it is! Not out of fear. No. This is to give context in a world not quite yet here with me energetically. The people, men, especially will approach more slowly and considerately. Something to get used to 🤗 


       It is said that everything in our lives is a reflection of us. We can see trash and think "neglect" or "waste". We can see little green sprouts in the desert around us and think; "I'm growing!". It's all true. One thing represents a success, another a failed attempt, etc. 

       It came to me this morning: the root of it all is overwhelm. First, we're overwhelmed by emotions, thoughts, perceptions, sensations and then comes responsibilities and needs, etc. We're not lazy, unmotivated, uninspired, unintelligent, foolish or any of it. We're overwhelmed. 

    One is overwhelmed by material things rotting in warehouses while another is overwhelmed with a lack of it (the going about obtaining it). We can slow it all down if we can trust the process. There just hasn't been much example of how to do that as far as I have seen. We open our eyes in the morning and are immediately hit with physical sensations and thoughts before we even open our eyes. When the fuck are we supposed to even begin to look for an example? It has to come to us.

     From whence could it come? Anything approaching with any sense of purpose or intent has us on guard and uncertain if not terrified and angry. It has to come in and simply exist amongst us or near us and prove it's self harmless. It has to let us rest, get used to it, let us dip our toes in. Soft and subtle has it's uses. It has to be in overwhelmed without being overwhelmed. 

     And so, we have it.

The Enough Wound

      It began with a hungry stomach. I didn't want to be hungry anymore. I have food. It's the experience of hungry I did not want anymore. I knew it had to go deeper because I am acquainted with breathairianism. I've experienced it. 

     I felt deep in my body this morning as I face another day of barely enough arriving after the hunger hurts, after lack has left a toll, I can't get things done that need because of lack of cleaners, enough water, containers, etc. I caught myself sipping water until gulping like my body wants. I realize I have kept it that way subconsciously to make it last due to sparsity. 

     I was brought back to a childhood of excesses of unneeded and not enough food, clothes, money to join the other children in the gift shop on field trips, etc. Brought back to a mother complaining there was never going to be enough money for her retirement. A friend crying when she came over because I "have everything". "But you have your mother's love, she does laundry with you, she makes sure you eat, have nice clothes, get hair and nails done, etc". My parents were millionaires raising us like homeless waifs.

      I was brought back to a couple summers past. I had made a huge pan of banana pudding to share with a family going through a difficult time. The children fell on it like wolves. The youngest was screaming in desperation as he watched it all disappear while he had rely on his mom to work the spoon for him because he couldn't reach the table. Pictures of starving children in Africa....

     I could feel how some part of me was always energetically stretched out, reaching to snatch things in that same hungry desperation as that child watching the banana pudding disappear right in front of his face. I had an aunt who hoarded food. I have cousins with eating disorders. Yes, they all came from the poor dirt immigrant farmers side of the family. My father's becoming financially wealthy did not end the hunger.

     I guess my assignment wasn't just breaking chains of abuse and financial poverty. World hunger is today's epic cleansing. Let myself feel the pain release, to stop the stretching, the reaching. "Ask and you shall receive". 

      I feel like a child you see in the movies taken from the jungle and forced to sit, relax, eat slowly using utensils. There is enough for everyone, my love, go easy. The softness envelopes and becomes me. Now I see the energetic approaches that don't suit me. 

      We've got animal bodies made of flesh raised in packs where runts don't last. That does change upon awakening. 

     I also realized I was against temporary fixes "because if it doesn't get done right the first time, it won't ever get fixed". That prevented small steps, for things to develop. I didn't want to lie and tell someone it was wonderful for fear of hurting their feelings, so I kept silent and did without. Smoking gave me a lightness in the body it needed from soul/spirit instead. I have those. I have everything I need and it can be just the way I like it, even if what I like changes. It was good enough. I just hadn't realized it. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Twin Flame Update

      Honestly, I had completely forgotten about that particular aspect of this incarnation. 

     Catch-up: came in with a soul contract for a twin flame. So, there are two versions of the oversoul bee-bopping their way to get together, triggering themselves into awakening so the awake version can clean it's mess up and move on. The twin to this one decided it was a no-go. Fast forward 15 years and the soul decides it's waking hell or high water. It chooses another vessel to play the trigger twin. That other version of me does the intended job and I am off and running on the awakening path once again. It's elaborate. My focus in inward. Period. We've got all the time in the world, but no. I'm done. 

       In comes that wandering spirit that is the other, "masculine" version of my soul. "May as well settle in"; I tell it, "you need a body to escape this yourself, and this is as good a one as any. Most of the work is already done". So, my twin tucked inside, I'm still letting it grind away at the calling in, integrating and expanding. With absolute clarity, each day brings new experiences of exactly what is going on, who, what, when, where, how, etc. It's as natural to be aware of anything because everything is my natural state of being. The mechanics aren't difficult when we are the embodiment of it. 

      Although I am aware that my true nature moves and creates with the mind in conjunction with feelings, I am also aware that my "super powers" are capped for me until I am in that purer state and won't blow shit up accidentally. Not that we're afraid of that happening. It's because we're here to clean up messes, not create more. 

    So, yup; that's where we are at: twin energy tucked in, painful nights, blissful days, sprinkling of tears, tons of understanding, reacquainting, acquainting and we're well on our way to our next intended destination. I know a bit of what it feels like, a sense of what it looks like, but the details are in the dark so I can experience authentic pleasant surprises. Whether that will include the twin claiming a body for it's self after all: I'm getting teasers. The last vessel it chose to come in as a lover sent a response to an email I had sent like 6 months ago. The idea that he's too young was tossed in by spirit, so I don't get hung up on it. Perfect!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Designer People Breeds

 We have Laboradoodle dogs and Africree cousins.

 I was just noticing yesterday how we have to make ourselves separate to be able to appreciate and love. Is there something to "familiarity breeds contempt" and "distance makes the heart grow fonder"? Do we truly find parting to be that (bitter)sweet sorrow?

Love wasn't an original virtue? 

This shit just pops up.

Script flip fun: 

    We weren't supposed to not want anything, we were supposed to not want for anything!

     It's not that we won't own anything and be happy, it's that nothing will own us in it's having of it and we'll be happy.

Another Bipity Bopidity Boo Morning and Narccassism.

       The only thing I have remotely to an immediate need concern at the moment, would be dog food. That got me to thinking why I wouldn't already have some for them? What's energetically entangling my material manifestation skills? In regards to food?

      Just when I think I'm done......l am looking at how easy this was meant to be. Stumble from bed, grab something growing and eat. Yup, that's how "complicated" the food distribution system was designed to be. Granted, you might have had to winter in a tropical location and meander to spend summer in more forested areas, but travel was designed to be as uncomplicated as food. The ultimate in convenience! So environmentally friendly! No measuring! Prepacked servings and sizes!

       Nope, instead we roll over, remind ourselves where it's approved that we get our food, who it's alright to obtain it from, a good reason to offer the correct person in exchange for the food while we trade something they would value along with the applicable story as to why we need the food. Will we be able to store it, prepare it, etc (diseases ya know; or do we loose sleep over those as well?). 

      Most don't experience the thinking process because it's so ingrained that we don't bother following it word for word. It's just ingrained into our skin so we don't have to think about it. It's as natural as....just because we've graduated from drilling ourselves, bothering with the details, doesn't mean it's become natural. We've simply chosen mental disability, impaired our own thinking abilities with fear because it's too much work to argue and the food expires before it's over with, making no good to anybody to begin with. (Or at least some magnanimous soul will declare it so, save the good bits for themselves and accept a medal for saving the children from being poisoned by the argumentative adults- unfit! Child support! Jail! Right there with the filthy birds, we'll get to them in a moment).

    Ease and grace, food and money, casting spell.

     We have people who spend their entire days consumed with "I know so-and-so has food but I can only ask if they're receptive and I have my story and this thing I believe they need but is it the right time of day? What would their mother think about me asking?" Paralyzed and starving to death from social graces but looking busy while doing it because, well, we have to.

Ease and grace, food and money; casting the spell.

   Then we're told to get off our lazy asses and "just do it", it's easy. "Anybody can do it, look at me!"; but it isn't and that's why they get drunk on weekends and there are pills for the stress of doing it, and it is much more socially acceptable to do it when thin, and you really do need a phone number and address which costs money and maintenance. Then there are other times people say "no, it's too complicated, don't even ask". 

 I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAVE TO ASK! I'm supposed to wake up and discover it right in front of my face. I don't want to have to ask! Gaslighting freak! Narcissist of the machine! (Did we go too far with that one?)

   That's the whole point of the story! Entitled? The nerve of that bird that swoops in and steals the seeds from my tree! Entitled little beasties! 

The ultimate Karens support reform systems for birds to save the children from starvation because the birds steal the seeds before they can even become fruit bearing trees.

    Then birds could spend their days starving to death but not where we can see them, or where they'll deficate, bringing their infections and worms and diseases with them. Damn homeless, er birds! Fuck the birds! They tempt our cats to kill them when they roost so close to our home to steal seeds from our trees! They turn my son into a rapist! Er, the cat into a murderer! How dare they demonize my baby! Narccassistic freak of the machine! They go around demonizing everything, religious freaks! 

     We turned birds into filthy criminals-success!

Put them with those beautiful children over there. Oh, true; they're nothing but infected, infested, filthy thieves, but they were beautiful children with so much potential back in the day when fruit grew on trees everywhere we looked and it's existence became the worst nightmare for landscapers (gasp at memories of turds on cars, fruit flies, stinging bees, etc)..those inhuman, savage, dangerous times! Aren't you glad we "civilized" the world! We sleep so much better in our beds at night......hey! Puff it's puff PASS, not puff, puff, preach.

Now, to allow energy, re: material things, to flow as easy and naturally as rolling over and grabbing berries from if it's the most natural thing for me to do, a kitten with unopened eyes squirming for the teet.  

    Bipity bopidity boo!

I cast that spell, too!

Can a body actually do this; go from vibrating and moving in one direction, pausing and gaining momentum in the opposite just from dropping the old fight with thoughts? I had no idea I was heading for these quiet moments when I can feel the most subtle energy changes in direction as if a pendulum paused in midflight and the momentum from it dropping is what got the momentum going in the already flowing in the opposite direction of well-being, carried away forever down river. So, yeah, focusing my senses downriver, appreciating the moment, never wanting to go back and wondering wtf this new experience of reality is going to look like for me👋😁

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Source's Empty Nest Syndrome

       I have been experiencing an almost deafening quiet; inside as well as outside. Except for natural sounds, like birds; they're more clear. 

      At one point I felt anxiety try to come into existence in that quiet void within. Nope. Nothing in there to latch onto. 

     Then I felt it; there's nothing left for me to do in here. The kids have all grown and left. The Divine Mother aspect in me was experiencing empty nest syndrome.

 I DID pick up on energies of personalities coming in recently that I haven't worked with yet in present memory. From the "smell" of some, I may need future help there, mom.....look; I just created it😉

     I did realize I had turned to pushing myself to focus on what I did want to see in my reality and that is also a form of pushing. I realized that darkness is where I always associated darkness, god, oppression coming from. Now, I sense light on the other side of what I now realize is; the veil. 

   Now I am aware of the nature of the quiet before the void and I know I have been focusing on what is wanted in my experience, so I can trust the quiet and seek it out at any time. I can even protect it with how sensitive I am to any emotional movement at all, especially in that quiet.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Happily Ever After

       The stories always end that way; "And they lived happily ever after". 

       What does "happily ever after" even look like?

It looks like "Love is all I have ever known".

     Yeah; we be brats😉🤪🥳


       I was standing in my front yard. My 4th born daughter grasp my leg; "Mommy; don't leave me!". 

      I wondered what happened. "Quickening"; came the answer. 

    "Quickening"? Eventually, I found "quickening" in an old king James version of the bible. David plead to be quickened. What does this mean?!?!

     That first instance felt as if I was standing on a conveyor with air and sky passing by. 

     Eventually, the air and sky became things. The Quickening gets quicker the more we get excited by Quickening; the ability to write one's own story.

      The Quickening is us writing our own stories.

Mine is; "Love is All I Have Ever Known." and "All I Have Ever Known is Love "💕

Why We React

       Can't blame us. Dang; we taking our first breath and bam!💥 We're inundated with parental expectations and a whole bunch load of experiences to get us where we intended to go. And the fears.,.off with their heads! 

        I have been awake for hours. That means to me; day hasn't even started. Setting the stage....and the stores aren't even open.....

       Just minding the trajectory 😉

The trajectory? Hmm...."Love is all I have known" and "All I Have Ever Known is Love"

Monday, July 3, 2023

Incension; So You Got the Undeniable Feeling You are God, Jesus, Satan, or Something and Have a Grand Purpose That Feels Important

         "I Am" came in strong upon my awakening. Because I had become a conscious channeler, I took it as the spirit of "I Am That I Am"; the god of Abraham, Issac and Jacob was stopping by for a visit. It definitely had a message for the man I was speaking to. 

          I figured out that this kind of experience is what untrained people misinterpreted for being THE Jesus returned, or some prophet or other spirit. That's how cults get started. 

        After a few more experiences when I turned inward, I realized that each pronounced presence was the awakening of that presence within me. Each comes with a purpose. That purpose has nothing to do with forming a ministry outside of us. We're not going to become a superhero and save the world. The ministry, the rescuing, the message is for all the aspects within us. There's false egos, disembodied aspects, mirror aspects, inner demons, inner children at all stages of development, other parallel life experiences we're experiencing in response to "what if?"s we've had and other people call "past lives", we have archetypes of all kinds......the whole of creation and creater buried within us.

       Each of these is going to come up for bringing into harmony during our personal, individual "end times" prophesy fulfillment if we experience an "awakening". It's an ongoing process of a series of awakenings that is called "ascension" and "rapture" but is instead our incension.

       Mine, I experience as inspired stories. Others receive visions or dreams. Some see mythological creatures or aliens. It's all third eye, pituitary gland expression superimposing our waking daytime experience. That's why other people don't see them

      Any further questions, I am willing to entertain an energy exchange with discernment. Email for an appointment over the phone or in person.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

"All I've Ever Known"

        "All I've Ever Known" were the first words in the title of a YouTube video on my recommendation feed. That stopped me. I wrote those words down. As I reached for the what part, "Love" was already there. 

     "Love is All I've Ever Known". That hit firm, yet soft. It softened my heart. All the constructs around that fact dissolved. 

       A little girl shuffles her foot in the sand, eyes to the ground, letting go of the hurt that triggered her story of trauma and drama. 

      She is wrapped in warm arms and lifted up into their cradle. A soft cheek against hers and tears mingling as one. 

      She bypasses embarrassment and shame.

      All her excuses are gone and she feels much better now, just a little bit drained.

       She is warmly welcomed home.

     Then it comes that she had gone into the game where friends had gotten lost in. The experiences are very real, however the illusion is not and that is how it came to be so difficult to separate the two so we could remember who we are, what we are and what we were doing.

      She remembered that is the way she works; she does and the why she chose to do follows, though the only why is always "to fulfill the desire" and was the reason already there to begin with. The connecting 'whys' that lead to each step if we must have them, tedious as that can be, to satisfy the creative writer playing in logic and reason; the making of sense are what follows.

     Doubt, fear, questioning: 'what if?' in contrast to the desire is the creating of an illusion to explore the what if, while the path to the fulfillment of the desire lies in wait for us to bring our focus back to it.

      She realized that these 'brothers' had to have the answer to why first and often as well; a tedious diagram (though they're too prideful to follow it without their own what ifs and whys distracting them from the their own insecurity at feeling the need to ask) before moving on anything. Well, these brothers were the false ego created in defense of her dazed and confused self when she found herself waking up in the game because she had no idea what to expect playing at wearing blinders (in limitation) for the first time. Oh my.

    The brain is a catcher's mit for supplies for each leg of the adventure. The ego; a myriad of tools. Who knows? (Rhetorical) It'll all develope, like film, and become more clear. It'll pop in when it's ready. Those who know already caught the drift and realized it's all a game that puppies play to prepare them for adulthood, which is being a giant kid who doesn't get lost in the games. We don't ever outgrown play. It's an inherent quality of every divine being.