Friday, July 14, 2023


       It is said that everything in our lives is a reflection of us. We can see trash and think "neglect" or "waste". We can see little green sprouts in the desert around us and think; "I'm growing!". It's all true. One thing represents a success, another a failed attempt, etc. 

       It came to me this morning: the root of it all is overwhelm. First, we're overwhelmed by emotions, thoughts, perceptions, sensations and then comes responsibilities and needs, etc. We're not lazy, unmotivated, uninspired, unintelligent, foolish or any of it. We're overwhelmed. 

    One is overwhelmed by material things rotting in warehouses while another is overwhelmed with a lack of it (the going about obtaining it). We can slow it all down if we can trust the process. There just hasn't been much example of how to do that as far as I have seen. We open our eyes in the morning and are immediately hit with physical sensations and thoughts before we even open our eyes. When the fuck are we supposed to even begin to look for an example? It has to come to us.

     From whence could it come? Anything approaching with any sense of purpose or intent has us on guard and uncertain if not terrified and angry. It has to come in and simply exist amongst us or near us and prove it's self harmless. It has to let us rest, get used to it, let us dip our toes in. Soft and subtle has it's uses. It has to be in overwhelmed without being overwhelmed. 

     And so, we have it.

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