Thursday, July 13, 2023

Twin Flame Update

      Honestly, I had completely forgotten about that particular aspect of this incarnation. 

     Catch-up: came in with a soul contract for a twin flame. So, there are two versions of the oversoul bee-bopping their way to get together, triggering themselves into awakening so the awake version can clean it's mess up and move on. The twin to this one decided it was a no-go. Fast forward 15 years and the soul decides it's waking hell or high water. It chooses another vessel to play the trigger twin. That other version of me does the intended job and I am off and running on the awakening path once again. It's elaborate. My focus in inward. Period. We've got all the time in the world, but no. I'm done. 

       In comes that wandering spirit that is the other, "masculine" version of my soul. "May as well settle in"; I tell it, "you need a body to escape this yourself, and this is as good a one as any. Most of the work is already done". So, my twin tucked inside, I'm still letting it grind away at the calling in, integrating and expanding. With absolute clarity, each day brings new experiences of exactly what is going on, who, what, when, where, how, etc. It's as natural to be aware of anything because everything is my natural state of being. The mechanics aren't difficult when we are the embodiment of it. 

      Although I am aware that my true nature moves and creates with the mind in conjunction with feelings, I am also aware that my "super powers" are capped for me until I am in that purer state and won't blow shit up accidentally. Not that we're afraid of that happening. It's because we're here to clean up messes, not create more. 

    So, yup; that's where we are at: twin energy tucked in, painful nights, blissful days, sprinkling of tears, tons of understanding, reacquainting, acquainting and we're well on our way to our next intended destination. I know a bit of what it feels like, a sense of what it looks like, but the details are in the dark so I can experience authentic pleasant surprises. Whether that will include the twin claiming a body for it's self after all: I'm getting teasers. The last vessel it chose to come in as a lover sent a response to an email I had sent like 6 months ago. The idea that he's too young was tossed in by spirit, so I don't get hung up on it. Perfect!

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