Saturday, July 1, 2023

"All I've Ever Known"

        "All I've Ever Known" were the first words in the title of a YouTube video on my recommendation feed. That stopped me. I wrote those words down. As I reached for the what part, "Love" was already there. 

     "Love is All I've Ever Known". That hit firm, yet soft. It softened my heart. All the constructs around that fact dissolved. 

       A little girl shuffles her foot in the sand, eyes to the ground, letting go of the hurt that triggered her story of trauma and drama. 

      She is wrapped in warm arms and lifted up into their cradle. A soft cheek against hers and tears mingling as one. 

      She bypasses embarrassment and shame.

      All her excuses are gone and she feels much better now, just a little bit drained.

       She is warmly welcomed home.

     Then it comes that she had gone into the game where friends had gotten lost in. The experiences are very real, however the illusion is not and that is how it came to be so difficult to separate the two so we could remember who we are, what we are and what we were doing.

      She remembered that is the way she works; she does and the why she chose to do follows, though the only why is always "to fulfill the desire" and was the reason already there to begin with. The connecting 'whys' that lead to each step if we must have them, tedious as that can be, to satisfy the creative writer playing in logic and reason; the making of sense are what follows.

     Doubt, fear, questioning: 'what if?' in contrast to the desire is the creating of an illusion to explore the what if, while the path to the fulfillment of the desire lies in wait for us to bring our focus back to it.

      She realized that these 'brothers' had to have the answer to why first and often as well; a tedious diagram (though they're too prideful to follow it without their own what ifs and whys distracting them from the their own insecurity at feeling the need to ask) before moving on anything. Well, these brothers were the false ego created in defense of her dazed and confused self when she found herself waking up in the game because she had no idea what to expect playing at wearing blinders (in limitation) for the first time. Oh my.

    The brain is a catcher's mit for supplies for each leg of the adventure. The ego; a myriad of tools. Who knows? (Rhetorical) It'll all develope, like film, and become more clear. It'll pop in when it's ready. Those who know already caught the drift and realized it's all a game that puppies play to prepare them for adulthood, which is being a giant kid who doesn't get lost in the games. We don't ever outgrown play. It's an inherent quality of every divine being.

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