Thursday, July 27, 2023

What Do I Look Like? The Holy Trinity and Tree of Life.

      Seeing that my creation story began just before the wondering "what I look like", it's only fitting that upon arriving in the state of being where I have a straight line of communication with that realm that I would ask.

    I saw a figure of pure white, like living porcelain , against the background like a sky (contrast needed to produce an image). It was elegant and graceful, with a rounded protrusion on each shoulder and upper arm. 

    Morphing and as if from behind that white form, an opaque angelic form appeared, like a mist. It's wings spread open fully so that their tips met above the head.

   Morphing and as if from behind that angelic form, a bright white light like the purest star formed.

   This gave me a touch-point, something to focus on to set the vibration for my day. Of course, whatever remnants of my "old" personality stand in the way of my fully embodying that form of myself come up to be loved and integrated. 

   As I did my processing, I felt into each form for what it represented. The solid white form represented me in my more masculine attributes; observation and conscious intelligence, the learning aspect that receives when paired with the child- becomes teachable. The angelic form represents my feminine attribute of pure free love. The Star represents my embodiment of pure delight. This is my personal holy Trinity; "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"; masculine, feminine and child. I am one and all of these at once.

   Each circumstance may draw the focus of one of those three aspects, making it the dominant energy and perceptually separate. For example; I am bringing home a mother aspect. There is no place for masculine energies so it is the mother and child, love and delight that are tending to the process. Turns out that mother aspect was masculine attempting to mother. I noticed that on that level, no becomes yes within moments as the focus of one draws the attention of the other and focus on the path to greatest joy is thus maintained. 

  So, I can feel "sure, anything is possible", enter "masculine" energy that follows the vibe and it becomes a definite "no". The child of delight is restrained. The same with a "no" which is then softened with love and it becomes "yes". The child of delight is then off exploring the vibe in various circumstances. 

   Beyond that form of what I call "me", are parental figures for whom my trinity is the child. This form of masculine and feminine represent the state of being we call satisfied and fulfilled which morphs into one light that feels like happy. This morphs into the sea that looks like quicksilver and is Source, that which I am when dreaming and imagining; what I call "The Dance". 

   This "root system" that is made up of images of myself is mirrored within The Dance, that quicksilver sea. That mirrored image is that which I am a reflection of and it is my tree of life. I am a mirror of it and it is a mirror of me.

   It's all rather simple once we understand it.

So, that's what my tree of life looks like. What's yours look like?

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