In the beginning was The Dance. It was all feeling and flowing, inspiration to desire, a moving toward and into that desire, an experiencing of the fulfillment of that desire, which inspired another. Over and over, all formlessness and limitlessness. From within this Dance the desire to be seen was born: "What do I look like doing this?"....BANG! Creation began..........
Firstly: you are created of feelings.
Not of emotions, but of feelings. Emotions are responses to feelings. Those feelings are responded to by thoughts which are translations and interpretations of feelings.
You are The Dance experiencing it's creation.
The body is your antennae where The Dance intersects with the physical world around you.
Your body has it's own consciousness and intelligence.
The feeling that created you is Desire.
And you, you are the answer to a question.
The question is: "What do I look like?".
Which is why we spend so much time preoccupied with how we look, which makes wanting to know what we look like perfectly natural.
Everything around you is also an answer to that question.
Everything with eyes is me looking at you through your body.
Everything without eyes is me feeling you through it's body.
The first thing you need to know is this: "But,
I love me."
You also need to know the feeling of being alone and "Oh, no, it's all just me, then I guess it doesn't mean anything..." created the desire to not be alone.
That desire IS a reality. You, you are NEVER alone. Never, ever, ever,
unless you want to be.
The body is aware of everything going on within you as well as everything going on outside of you.
The body is the veil through which non-physical becomes physical.
The body IS consciousness and self-awareness.
Hurt or deprive the body from either side-from non-physical or physical- and the veil grows thicker, more dense.
Love or increase attention to the body from either side-from non-physical or physical and the veil grows thinner, more fluid.
Each individual is three people: everything in the non-physical, the body and everything outside the body within the physical.
So it is with everything else we are perceiving:rocks, trees, animals, angels and evils: they are each and all 3 people.
To travel through veils is to travel through energy centers of a body. In the human body these energy centers are called commonly called chakras.
Awareness begins from within the lowest chakras, travels to the highest becoming recognized and defined and then goes back down again to become created.
The Earth has energy centers within it, as does everything upon it.
To manifest something you want, one only needs to send their desire through these vortexes.
We don't have to work at this. Desire is so pure and clean it travels at amazing speeds to amazing distances. It never gets lost.
Finding the result of that desire can be a fun game of hide-and-seek where we use the directions of "hot"(feeling well) and "cold"(feeling not so well) to guide us in our thoughts and actions.
Finding the result of that desire can be easy for that which you wanted also wants to be with you! You just need to be still and satisfied and happy.
Some people call energy centers vortexes.
One aspect of knowing what we look like is understanding what we are seeing.
Knowing when we are angry or afraid feels like and invisible punch to the stomach from within,a terrible, ominous dread.
Knowing when we are sad is a sinking feeling.
Knowing when we are happy is smooth and easy.
Knowing comes right after understanding, sometimes seemingly right with it.
Knowing almost always comes after a feeling of sadness.
The sadness is because "not knowing" must leave to make room for knowing.
So, we feel sad, then we understand, then we know.
It is normal to be sad for "not knowing" to leave. It is a part of you. Do not worry about "not knowing" and "not understanding", they go to live with their friends who are just like them and they will feel useful again while living with them.
Sadness has another purpose, too. It holds still our beingness so that understanding can inject it's self without hurting us.
Gaining knowing is a natural process similar to physical growing. We take in information (food we eat), we process the information (digest the food in our bellies) and what no longer serves us(can be used by the body) comes out through the physical body (at the other end as a bowel movement).
"Not understanding" and "not knowing" leave in various ways, depending upon the person, place or thing it is leaving. In the human they often leave with crying. Sometimes sickness, sweat, bleeding, or vomiting.
When we are stubborn or ornery and hold onto "not knowing" or "not understanding" beyond it's use to us, that is when we feel conflict, become uncomfortable and develop dis-eases. We are no longer at ease with our bodies.
When we release them easily and regularly, we experience complete well-being.
Learn what you need to at your own pace as much as possible in order to navigate your environment-the world-your physical experience, but ALWAYS be clear within yourself about your inner reality. They can co-exist as long as each perspective is respected.
You are here to play.
You are here to explore and choose your own preferences.
Preferences ARE allowed.
Hello, little one.
You are unique.
Nothing is being done TO you.
Everything is being done FOR you.
Every circumstance is an offering being laid with reverence at your feet.
You are free.
I've got this!
I am getting the sense that in our modern culture, the word love does not carry the energy intended by prophets of old who told us that the answer to everything is love. I believe the modern interpretation of the word "delight" is more accurate in carrying the energy we are seeking.
Our feelings are our own and originate within us, so we logically do not 'feel like I want to be with you forever'. It is more accurate to say to someone "The feeling of forever is in me while I am sharing this experience with you, and it is my desire to feel this feeling again and again!."
To want something is to covet what we do not have. To desire something is to be in want of the experience we are having when we are feeling the presence of the feelings we believe we will have at the attaining of something. In other words: desire is wanting what we already have.