Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Detox time!

     Clearly (to those paying attention, who have eyes that see and ears to hear) the things holding us back are leaving and this can be a painful time. Physical dispelling of old, stuck energies...memories and the emotions they hold. It may be you're spilling it all to "the wrong person". It isn't the wrong person, they were placed there just for that specific moment and if you can observe the movement of the energies, be honest and frank about how you're feeling and state that without projecting/accusing/blaming, you set yourself free, you heal yourself. I have found a "heavy hand"-decisive decisions-are required. We must clearly choose without sugar-coating it.  
      After a lifetime, it seems, of my 'luck' drawing good things and having to sit and watch as they are intercepted, snatched away, pass to someone else near you who you know is not drawing such good luck.......sensing the floodgates opening so that luck can finally come in, sensing all that has been denied being re-routed back to exhilarating which brings up relief which brings up the toxic emotions that come with witnessing and experiencing injustice. Crying, puking, all leads to places in the body that carried constant ache feeling light and empty, yet full of the cleanest, purest energy in constant movement. Old sagging muscles begin to flex and again begin to support the core of the body with renewed vigor.
     As the old goes and the 'bad luck' goes to those who deserve it, the world is going to see some major changes! Sirens are going like crazy in our small town. Those who wielded power by manipulation, control, abuse, etc are feeling it slip away.......they are about to begin getting their due. It is a silent time because it is a time of transition. As the transitions begin to take root, then the storm will come.....much needed "rain" upon those unduly deprived and "hail and brimstone" upon those from whom it's true due has been withheld.
     The world is about to be turned right-side-up again! Oh glory days! Do not look back at what is happening to those being "left behind", look straight ahead and keep your eyes on your prize. If you cannot see it as clearly as those of us who are intuitive, just close your eyes, sing a hymn, close your days and wait for the storm to blow over. Listen to no one, you cannot help anyone for to reach out is to be pulled off the boat, if they were getting on, they would be on by now. Just trust and love. Don't even pray, just listen and let go............direction is coming. You're in your life raft and it will carry those it is meant to,.
     We find ourselves saying things we used to and did not want to"warning our children to be quiet so as not to disturb others, etc.....all these things feel hollow, they were not our truth and so it is we must stop speaking them. When it feels hollow is when you know you're safe to let it go. Our fears concerning those things is are gone, we do not need to bring them back by repeating the behaviors back into habit again.
   By holding back the "bad" I have been holding back the "good" along with it. I am released from being the test; one of the "little ones" sent in for people to react to, feeling that undeniable gong of condemnation when they react poorly to me, the relief of blessing when they respond well. Released from crying at the judgement they've brought upon themselves, feeling like I was somehow responsible, should have/could have done more to prevent it, mourned their loss, the loss of them. Let the gong sound! I know who will die in a car accident due to their treatment of me and mine: I've already seen the headlines. I know who will die a miserable death of decay as they are harangued by the harpy they chose over me. I know who will arrested for raping a child, I have already seen their end. I haven't allowed these judgments to pass through me for I didn't want to be responsible, judgmental, not understanding, not compassionate, not kind. I have held back justice and reaped injustice. It is now time.

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