Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Expanding and contracting

     I am contracting and expanding into a physical experience less physically populated by human beings.  

 If one is on a spiritual path, they expand out into the world, get into a "groove" and begin moving through their present physical experience(world). Then they become irritated or bored and less sociable or suddenly not being responded to, one day looking around them and wondering "Where did everyone go?". They are contracting-bringing in all they have absorbed in that journey, organizing, processing and integrating. They are busy little bees! and yet may hardly ever leave their dwelling. The divine will do it for them if they resist it, causing the "burning of bridges" if need be, leaving one feeling abandoned. Once we understand the process, we can choose it, initiate it and go about it more graciously without the feeling of abandonment.
   Then we begin expanding when the integration begins into a "new world", a cast of characters and experiences that help us ground what we had begun integrating. We gain new friends or establish new relationships with old ones. We have new experiences or old ones with subtle differences. We could see new places or simply discover new aspects, details, spaces in old ones.
   I am presently contracting in a world where abundance in all it's forms is siphoned off those who create it by narcissistic control freaks who couldn't create for themselves a pot to piss in. I am expanding into an experience of the physical(new world) where those who create the abundance are so good at it that they can first avail of it themselves, for it is born of self-respect and self-appreciation, to such an extent that it overflows out into the world so generously, no one is ever in need around them. They overflow so abundantly they can share with everyone without reservation, hesitation, condition or dependency upon a return of their investment.

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