Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mishmash as we end the dance with death to begin our dance with life

      The inner "innocence" is so very aware of absolutely everything! There was so much buried there, overwhelmed by the heaviest of stuff we never even fully heard the more subtle pains. The inner innocence does not miss a single thing: like a child hearing things while watching TV in another room, we believed they never heard us utter. It is that sweet. We believe what we eat won't hurts us, "it's all just energy", but unless you're thrilled by the smell and thought of death, an innocence who has experienced living right alongside divinity knows it only as cannibalism and self-mutilation. Meat packaged in plastic does not fool it: meat is dead body, Meat is dead me. It hurts whether or not we perceive the pain so very, very deep it beyond the radar of most minds distracted and overwhelmed with self-concern.
     And so my mind has instead become preoccupied with the opinion of the innocence rather than that of the world of death which will never be pleased. The innocence delights and thrives in the attention and appreciation of all her subtleties.  She is trusted. I caught my brain training it's self with word association, an exercise played by psychics to sharpen their intuition: when a word is introduced just say the first thing that pops into the mind. Not only was my mind sharpening it's translation and understanding skills, we were all enjoying the entertainment value of this practice!
    Speaking of romantic: scripture tells us "God" put everlasting life in the hearts of men. Not that he gave them everlasting life, but he gave them the desire to achieve it. He did this knowing it would fulfill the desire of the dance! A "man" doing something grand, creating something that never before existed simply to fulfill his "woman's" desire! Romance is not dead-it is the essence of life!
    Deeply connected children, in whom The Dance is living the experience of it's creation, need to hear "But, I  love me!". There are other things they need to hear, as well. They need to know that the shear desire to not be alone and for it to be "only me" has indeed created the existence of other entities and physical beings! They truly are never alone(unless they want to be). The inner perception that everything is just me, leaves out compassion and acknowledgement and recognition of the suffering of anything else. Everything feels like excitement to them for they know very little fear: fear and excitement being the two sides of the same energy wave/"coin". They think the animal they are traumatize is as excited as they are and their sensing of more excitement than their own that they are generating is a wave it's hard to stop riding-momentum is rolling quickly! So many adopt a thought structure of compassion because they hear it from parents, but sincerity, true belief and knowing will only come from experience.
    Funny story about aware children: "The dinosaur story" Two children, a brother and sister go on a trip to an amusement park of some sort. There they see a dinosaur. The boy chooses to have his own experience but his sister chooses to have the experience society dictates. They come home and begin to play. Suddenly they are crying due to arguing. "Mommy, she says I did not see a real dinosaur when I did!". "They were just robots!", sister asserts. So, mother separates them after telling them "Brother, you saw the real thing, sister, you saw what you believed could be seen according to what you were told is possible". To her son, she offers comfort. He is correct, he saw a dinosaur. "And it rode on the roller coaster and everything!", offers excitedly and relieved. The easier task accomplished, mother goes to daughter, seeing she is in defensive mode, afraid to be told she is wrong, afraid she going to get in trouble. "It is OK, sister. Everything is all right. Sister, what is most important for you is to know what you need by listening to in here(hand spread across sister's belly). Sister, what do YOU want to believe?" Tears of release, she saw the dinosaur, not just a mechanized version of it. Peace. And two very liberated and excited children!
    Recently I had been given a "BTW" which was "Without separation, there is no unity". Then I got the explanation: Where there are less than two things working together, there is only singularity. Where there are two things working together toward the same purpose, there is unity and oneness.
     The stem cell is formed with a mother. That cell has the knowledge and ability to become whatever it wants to be (an ear, a mouth, a tongue, a heart, a leg, a toe-anything). The cells formed by the stem cell would have all the qualities of a stem cell stored in their memory. It impossible for the cell to NOT know how to become whatever it wants to be: to heal and regrow things. The desire to, is they key. Why would a body want to heal if there is nothing in store for it but increasing misery? It would seek oblivion and thus death comes to the body. Give it something to look forward to and it it will be all it can be!
    More on children in whom The Dance is experiencing it's creation: These children need to have their empathic nature explained to them. When they are playing with an animal and it squeaks and then suddenly the child has the urge to throw, shake or bounce it: they need to know that is the animal's way of telling them "you are irritating the hell out of me and I just want to throw you!". When they get whiny and irritated when you're needing a break from them, it needs to be explained to them "you are feeling my irritation and desire for a break". Too long out in the public IS going to drain them. They will begin to feel everyone else's misery when they lose their intense focus on why they wanted to go on the shopping trip. Get what you went in for, bring a list to keep focused and get right out again as much as possible. Distraction won't serve you when the children begin to be overwhelmed by those around them.
   These children also need to know their bodies have their own consciousness and should be treated kindly, respectfully.
   Another thing I forgot to mention about them in reference to trying to teach and schooling, shoot even in parenting: children feel things and define them thusly. They identify them energetically. They are growing up in a world where two things identical energetically are differentiated between. So, numbers, to the child, feels like strict limitation. It does not matter if it is one or three. Then this feeling of limitation is superimposed upon things that to them represent joy and freedom: cookies and trees. It teaches them not to trust their feelings or instinct. It draws them away from the energetic nature of things and confines them to limited and fear-based existences full of deprivation. So, vibrational equivalency is important to maintain. Shit is shit no matter how many shits you take or how big or small your neighbor's is. They can tell you whether or not it's a healthy shit-the result of healthy processing.


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