Sunday, July 26, 2015

Waking to a new reality

   I woke in a dream in which I had waken in another "dimension". I kept noticing a leather key chain on the ground when I looked down. It had a different emblem in gold on it every time I glanced at it. I only recognized one face among the group of women I was waiting with. We were there to pick up our children from a sort of daycare/playgroup. They all knew me, but for me to have had a different past of which I had not experienced. I did not remember having the past they projected at me. To my self I wonder, "What do I do with this?". The response was "Go with it". I wondered if the key chain kept appearing because it held the key to a car; "Do I have a car in this reality?". As I looked at the key chain it became a smiley face as I received the statement "The keys to your car are already in your hand". Sure enough, there was a car key on a key chain in my hand! I awoke to physical experience with mixed feelings of panic, anxiety, relief and delight. I woke knowing three things:

1) Source WANTS to be unaware, awakened human beings living simple, uncomplicated existences. I have experienced that desire and so I know of it's existence. Some people are walking around with universal "Do not wake!" signs.

2) Source WANTS to have the experience of being gay and transgendered in communities against them. Source WANTS to have the experience of being gay and transgendered in communities coming to embrace them. It has already had the experience of communities allowing, embracing, accepting and making room, even special places for them in primitive cultures like Native Americans. This tells me there are many who are wearing universal "Do not disturb signs": do not hate those who hate the gay and transgendered community and do not hate those who love them and do not hate those who are neither hot nor cold about them, nor those who are simply tentative. That is why scripture says "interpretations belong to God": Source knows exactly what it wants to be within each human component. It is also why scripture says "let the evil doer continue to do evil and the righteous continue in righteousness". An overblown sense of righteousness is as evil as the evil it sees. This is all by Divine choosing.

3) The only past anyone will recognize and acknowledge of me begins today. If I try to bring up my past, I will be rejected. I shall be expected to be that which I am: a fully aware human embodiment of Divine expression. I am 'God's spokesperson' (As we all are, of course). If I hesitate, it will be demanded. I may as well get used to it.

   So, I got the words "solemn gathering" as I stood outside for a smoke while the children played in the mud. 'OK, guys, we are going in to clean up for solemn gathering. A candle on one side of a threshold and a candle on the other. Strips of toilet paper and another small square for each of us (the ritual coming to me moment by moment). We all gather around the first candle which is lit. I tell the children of a journey I took in meditation: "I walked down a path in the woods. At the end of the path I came to a house. I went into the house, the nice warm, friendly, cozy kitchen and sitting room. I explored the rooms upstairs and then I went down the dark stairs into the dark basement. In the middle of the basement floor there was a whirlpool of water. I jumped in. I went down into the water all swirling and swaying and pop! I dropped out of the bottom onto a beach by an ocean. I was told I would find treasures in the sand. So, I dug for treasure and came up with a seashell. I dug again and came up with a small chest. I wondered what I could give in return. "Give me your pain" was sensed. And so, I did.' Taking the single square of toilet paper I began to tear off tiny pieces, explaining these pieces were gifts to God representing all the pain of our past. They hesitated, so I began" this little piec is when someone called you a baby". I spit on that little piece and placed it upon the strip. "This one is when that boy was mean to me", I spit on another piece and placed it upon the strip. "This is when I was really, really scared", spit and drop. My daughter got right into it. My son suspiciously and reluctantly wadded up his small square and drooled a bit on it. He was waiting to see how it would feel. He hesitantly and suspiciously dropped it on his strip when encouraged. We folded the pieces into the strip and headed for the toilet. My daughter and I dropped ours right in, my son taking a second. "Who wants to flush it?" My son leapt for it. He had gotten a whiff of what was happening and was now excited. He wanted to blow the first candle out. As we sat around it and prepared to blow it out, a quick breeze blew it out in an apartment where all the windows are closed for it's rainy and cool. Before there could be resistance about the event, I pointed out "That was God blowing the candle out to let us know He appreciates the gifts.". My son looked up in amazement "Mom, I saw God's face in the candle!". "Yes, son, you did". We went and lit the second candle, representing the beginning of our new past that we would now live.
Ritual can be a very powerful tool!

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