Friday, July 24, 2015

You know when you're on the leading edge when.......(conversations with the human component)

   This meant to be funny, an exchange of laughter over the things we get ourselves into and the reactions of the human component to them!

     You're looking in the mirror every hour in amazement as the infection from a tooth swells steadily so the whole side of the face is swollen and heading north into the brain and yet there is not a stitch of pain, only a frustrated "O.K. What are you wanting me to do with this? Are we waiting for the miraculous healing to prove something to those around me or are you wanting me to go to the doctor's to introduce my energy to other people? And you know how I feel about that scenario, I don't want to be proving anything to anybody and I don't want to meet my soul mate due to a car accident or major trauma or" to the glow emanating from within and expanding all around you. "Fine, I'll go to the hospital-you bitch!" lol

   You awake from camping outside of Las Vegas touching the expanded aspect of self to see what she has been up to, getting a summation and responding "Girl, you have got to set some standards for yourself so I can have some of my own! You know you do this shit and I've suddenly got men coming onto me because they recognize you in me.....whore!" lol

   You're lying in a hospital bed, lung collapsed and other full of lesions so you realy are breathing "your last breath", digestive system shut down so there is no nourishment and you are literally starving to death and the only thoughts going through your head are "dammit, what is the good I'm supposed to get from this?! OK, the nurse was just mean, I told her I didn't appreciate it- I stood up for myself. Are we done yet?", not an inkling of belief death is And then when the digestive system kicks back in and the lungs astound the doctors because x-rays and everything show them to be like nothing ever happened to're relieved that part of the journey is over with, it's time to get up and get going and everyone around you is treating you like you're still sick! lol My body just miraculously arose from the brink of death, you have x-ray proof and the return of physical fitness and you think I should be "careful?!" lol
   You're on the edge of sleep and see "the hand of God" present you with a gift: a picture of a beautiful white horse. "Thank you, it's beautiful", goes through your head. "I'm glad you like it, I told you I was going to get you the white horse you've been wanting." "Huh, what?! You tell a girl you're going to give her a white horse, you don't just give her a picture!" "Well, here, choose one from any one of these fine brown ones." "No, thanks, I'd rather have none". and to self "The nerve of the bastard!" lol Who talks like that to "God?!". Apparently a self-secure daughter......
   When you're dancing in a club and the expanded you is putting on the seductress glow while you have the conversation in your head: "How could I ever respect a man who would respond to THIS?! Are you serious, this is the one? fine. I'll just have the fun...... but I'm hating you for this"
   You're aware of the conversations of spirit and the arrangement of the interaction planned for today and the other human companant reacts explosively....."What the hell just happened?! What do I do with this?" Get the sense of how when the other human component woke, their brain felt like it exploded and it was too much to handle. "Well, fuck, fuck, fuck what do we do now? Never mind, I don't don't want to know. Not interested! Next!" lol
    You're interacting via vision, receiving suggestions on how to handle two differing male components: Have sex with the blonde one while the dark one is bound and forced to watch, that will get his passion flowing! O.K. Can't really get into that.....Oh, forget it, forget both of them. Both of you can just fuck off until you get your own acts together, one of you wants me to suffer deprivation to make me a martyr and the other steals all the abundance I generate because he's covetous. You both suck! In the mean time; I've got this. Who talks to gods like this? lol
   You're usually harmless son has scratched someone's car with sand and you tap into the owner's energy and sense a universal "kick me" sign. Then you tap into the energy of the car and see it carries a universal "scratch me" sign. You realize fully the Law of Attraction is absolutely real and darn it all, your highly aware child was absolutely correct in scratching that man's car-that will rack up some bills if the person is not like this guy who said "I take care of my own stuff!", lol

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