Thursday, February 25, 2016

A fight for life in the presence of judgement

    This morning it hits me how hard it is to be in the presence of another's judgement.  Someone who quit smoking hitting me with their intention to "save me from the pit" in god's name by telling me to quit......the urge to hide or fight instead of love and sit boils up in me, so I love THAT and sit and accept somewhere in someway that was once me. Drinking alcohol having come from a family prone to overdoing it, I want to be alone with it which makes me irritable when people don't leave "so I can do my thing" without anyone around to comment upon it. So, I love what arises in me. Homeschooling around someone who puts school above all else including the very children he is insisting attend I am feeling the urge to pressure my children to do more schooling, more obviously to prove I take it seriously. So I love and accept that in me instead. And these are no soft, questioning personalities. These are strong who believe in a divine right to be overbearing and have such authority over another in  their environment. Sitting with it, loving me, knowing I once did, choosing different, breathing through the intense fiery struggle within. Removing the power of another's judgement within and over my experience........
   A few hours later and I have clarity. I thought I could be imagining the veiled threats because threats do not resonate with me (higher consciousness) but discernment tells me. Sure enough it was denied and ended with "Oh, and he wanted me to tell you that once my Ambien prescription is filled no alcohol is allowed in the house." Boom! There it is. Yet I see this as my doorway. None of this resonates with me and the walking on eggshells feeling that would arise normally is not present. These circumstances are of my past and I simply need to choose differently. Do not succumb to acting as if I am walking on eggshells, subject to someone else's authority, compelled by passive-aggressive, veiled 'suggestions' with implied 'consequences'/threats.....Love into that fire caused by the impulse to be outraged meeting the habit of subjection, victim-hood, powerlessness. I choose differently.
  It occurs to me as well: this is why high vibe children are so often abused. The implied consequences, mild suggestions, gentle persistence do not register with them. To change their perception, their behavior, to impress anything other than their own self upon them it has to be brutal, 'pounded into them'. They will respond violently as equal force comes up within them to match the amount of force it takes to invade such a high vibration. That is how high vibration violence comes into our experiences sweeping away entire nations.
  So, I'll be buying alcohol if so given, making sure I do not 'correct', 'discipline', or yell at my children, change my routine, etc. I shall persist quietly and lovingly in my chosen direction. I LOVE the feel of my new experiential reality!
    So now I take on the energy of "this is a game", it's time to play, laugh if I 'stumble', meet the resistance with gentle humor not to be taken seriously, express gratitude for the role they are playing as I move my pawn (body) into the position of queen like a universal game of chess whose pawns are bodies on the board called earth. We're playing!

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