Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Fly in the face of experience, my friend

  So many decisions I would make, beliefs I would practice, etc were based upon my experiences. "In my experience......." I would convey some profound, deep and accurate insights and information. Now I am choosing to consciously create my reality and choose it exclusively based on the feeling of my inner being. The "consequences" of choices that fly in the face of my past experiences are rewarding and almost invalidate past results entirely. It is the way I feel about me that determines the response of the world around me and my overall experience. It is truly amazing. I am elated to be liberated as I consciously choose to fly in the face of experience, excited to be released from previous definitions and all their limitations and succeed. That which would NOT work for someone else DOES work for me. Someone once asked me : "so it's OK for you to do that but it's not OK for me?". Boldly I agreed; "yes, it is how and why I do it that makes it appropriate and how and why YOU do it that makes you doing it inappropriate". It's not only our motive but how we feel about our motive that determines results/consequences of our decisions. We do indeed create our own reality.
   They say it is insanity if we make the same decisions expecting different results to manifest. Something in me persisted, however. Results aren't guaranteed. I simply did not know how to change the results. Now I do and a part of me is validated. I KNEW.  I trusted. The day came. "Hang in there, this time the results will be different". They were and my reality began to change. Steadily and in fits and spurts.
Delighted...... Amazed.....

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