Monday, February 22, 2016

Time is up!--A dream thing

  I woke amidst the experience of being made aware that time was up for someone to have made a claim on furniture. The message is not in the form but in the feelings. The feelings were the release of the held breath: "Would they come take it? They still have a few minutes....". We have lived in a reality of times and contracts and set seasons, of clocks and schedules and forms cemented in creating limitations and 'protections' and organization and 'coordination' in lieu of synchronicity and embodying 'safety'. The part of me wounded by reality which caused me to distrust my inner knowing and synchronicity with energetic seasons is healing.
  It began with a young reality which had a predictable stage of development thing going and so outer reality began to reflect it: the moon and stars, weather and seasons. It became predictable and 'comfortable'. It would have even served in the beginning to give stability to budding creation. Just like a woman's menses it begins unpredictable, full of cramps and uncomfortable feelings where a more mature woman's guidance can bring some ease. Then womanhood is fully blossomed and it becomes pretty routine. The day must come for maturity and it's transition: menopause. Predictable cycles cease and the guidance given the young woman do not apply, do not fit, would not serve, are inappropriate. So it is with Earth's development and that of her inhabitants. Controls for the immature were dragged into womanhood.......creating co-dependency, enabling......
  I myself am stepping into a more synchronistic life, being released from the predominant reality, detoxing the predominant way of meeting one's abundance and destiny.....a more loose, fluid experience of time.

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