Saturday, November 26, 2016

End of the existential crisis

This will be brief: with end comes integration which means all the discomforts of transmutation. These include exhaustion, nausea, muscle weakness, etc for me.
    Basically it came to me in the illustration of the one known as "Jesus" most popularly. He was known as God, the Son of God, "Rabbi", etc.
    We struggle with being known as "awakened" or "ascended" and/ or "master". We struggle with whether or not to e paid highly. We struggle with not being acknowledged for who or what we are.
    Another human being or even a spirit dis-incarnate can only recognize what shows up on their radar. If their radar only goes as "high" as healer, well then that is as "high" a being we shall be allotted in their experience. If "awakened" or "ascended" people are only known to be "virginal" figures who speak in vague/etheric illustrations, no one who could possibly have had sexual intercourse and is "earthy"/plain speaking could never surpass "nice person".
   So, mankind places limitations and conditions on their own ability to believe. One who insists on being recognized as a "Master" places conditions and limitations on their own ability to serve.
   To some, I shall e a woman with whom they feel a connection. This is them resonating with my interconnection. Some won't even recognize that much. Some will believe as much of me as their belief system allows. To them I might a "chosen one of God". Those who believe in healers will believe me as such. Those who believe we are all divine sparks will see me as a lively one, and so on.
   Jesus made salve of mud to cure the blind. Not because the mud had magical properties, but because the blind people in these cases could only perceive a "medicine man". For a Roman leader who believed him a healer with authority who could order a healing from a distance, Jesus did just that. For others who believed in our own divinity, they heard and preached the same message, to which his apostles complained "He's not one of us!".
    End of existential crisis: be O.K. with being seen, recognized, acknowledged for only so much according to the recipient's ability to believe. No matter what, we are planting seeds. Seeds of experience need time to take root and grow. They WILL return to "their vomit", ut that does not mean a healing was wasted. It lives on in them.
Let it go and let it grow ;)

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