Monday, November 7, 2016

Time dissolved

  I woke this morning with my 'expanded self' coming in with the comment "Another day, my goodness they are so repetitive!", lol This was followed by the reflections of the relationship between the eternal non-physical and limited physical aspects. The physical would normally react insecurely, getting offended at the eternal's observations. Throughout the day I 'smelled' ideas that would have normally been embodied with angst experienced due to them: must be ready to respond within a certain amount of time, etc. I did not embody them, however. I chose to let them go instead. The physical still experiences a bit of sense of lack as oneness is embodied with the eternal aspect every day upon waking, but the relationship is open, communication honest, compassion extended between both aspects. Talk about walking in another's shoes to gain about in their hair, their skin, their heart and brain? Ahhhh, to be a spirit and see it that way! No overlord observing from a distance forcing the acting out of what 'should' happen. No, oneness with consideration for the perspective, lending trust leading to surrender and love flowing unlimited, unconditionally. That is where we are going! The giving up of treasures by each! And in return the physical feels what it feels like to be eternal, outside of time and days and seasons.............
  Along with this, every time I go shopping I get way more than usual for the 'money'. Recently I got the sense of money just swirling about above us in the ethers, just spreading it's self as summoned, drawn in at every opportunity it is given like leaves blowing about in a cyclone on the wind.....

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