Monday, April 15, 2013

Exploring cycles:werewolves

   I had recently wondered if our inner children: products of our brain's development at various stages (whiny stage, biting stage, etc.) come up again and again in cycles until they have reached full maturity.  I reflected that in domestic violence programs, they always introduce the cycle of abuse: the emotional cycle of an abuser. Then I am reminded of how men can be moody. It's easier to see a cycle for women whose cycle is marked by monthly menses, but may not be so easy to recognize in men if we are not paying attention. Then last night it hit me. When people are living close to the earth, not so alienated from nature, women begin to menstruate with the arrival of the full moon. I realized that could be the source of legends of werewolves: if close to nature, a man's cycle may be just as connected to the cycle of the moon and thus become moody or "wolves" at the same time the women are menstruating. A perfect time to employ a moon lodge! The women are separated from the men and thus not "devoured by them" as they receive inspiration, nurturing and guidance from Spirit, other women and community. 
     Scripture speaks of when "Israel" has received discipline and begins to be in subjection, 'maybe I will return to her her new moon celebrations'. Could it be that new moon celebrations marked the relief of tensions between the sexes as the men ceased being wolves and men and women could come back together with celebrations and rejoicing?

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