Another Sabbath's gifts. Have been given to see how it is quite possible that the whole bible is a recording of the human inner process. Adam and Eve in the garden of innocence, what happens to us as we commit our first act of rebellion, the travails of puberty, the adult in middle ages, and finally, maturity...which is the hope we all hope to reach if we are enlightened. It is the journey of spirit and body, God and it's children.
And this, which we want to keep in mind that vision and prophesy have a flair of the dramatic:
The end of the cold war came because the U. S. had agreed to prepare it's people for the incoming of a communist take-over. By introducing the indoctrination of communist mentality to the next generation in/through public education, they've prepared the ground for their invasion. There is less resistance when the people invaded discover how much they have in common in the way of thinking the world should be.
This has led to a separating of people from the public system. Those who will resist "on behalf of everybody" as well as those of us who understand the principle "let the unrighteous continue in unrighteousness and the righteous continue in righteousness". We are not to resist our invaders and we will have relative peace. They are here to be tools in the harvest which is now coming. The angels have already begun the harvest of spirits, now it will take those hiding within people.
Either that or it's all my own inner process: the end is near and the last vestiges of evil/dysfunction are about to be removed from me. Which, is just as exciting, in my opinion.
Further 'enlightenment on this subject' as I read Dr, Mate's "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts". Here are my most recent reflections as I review his writing:
According to Dr. Mate, research shows that for each incident of trauma experienced: family violence, parental divorce, drug or alcohol abuse in the family, death of a parent, physical abuse or sexual abuse, for each one, the risk for early substance abuse is two to four times more likely. Five or more ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) makes one seven to ten times more likely to abuse substances. Seizure is also associated with sexual abuse. "Zoning out" for up to ten or twenty seconds is a symptom. Interesting, I do that all the time. Have never been diagnosed with seizures. Abnormalities in the corpus callosum, common in trauma survivors, causes a disruption or "split" between the two halves of the brain, the processing of emotion, particularly when under stress. It is a symptom of personality disorder and a kind of flip-flopping of emotions between idealization and intense dislike of another person. I have seen that not only in myself, nowadays to a lesser degree absolutely, but especially in those I have been in relationships with. The heart (one side of the brain) and the mind(other side of the brain) in conflict as one side wants to be understanding and the other is logical and recognizes bad behavior (according to it's opinion): right and left brain not working together in forming a single opinion, or simply remaining parted on priorities? Actually, while that may be so, I have learned to love, but from a safe distance where appropriate, so that split can be healed. But, I certainly did have an "all or nothing" mentality as a defense mechanism, I think; they were all for me or out the door when hurting me. "Love at first sight" should be a warning label, then: this person is brain damaged, proceed with caution around them, I guess. Certainly don't want to be in an intimate relationship with someone like that. Though I can say I never did have a love at first sight experience within me, I usually ignored men, gave them my whole heart and presence, giving up everything for them, did the flip-flopping between extremes when things began to become unstable then out the door with no remorse and crying due to lack of understanding on my part for their extreme hatred. Dr. Mate writes; "Extreme circumstances breed extremist brains". I have noticed in myself and others who have experienced abuse what I call an overblown sense of righteousness. It is a black and white thinking and the pursuit of underlying principles. The persuit of underlying principles is not such a bad thing, but the attributing them to absolute good or evil is where it gets dangerous, disallowing for the potential appropriateness to a particular set of circumstances. Black and white thinking relieves stress in abuse victims, simplifies things. But because it is so limiting, they use justification for bad behavior, inventing "good" underlying principles they aren't feeling. That, or they must resort to hatred to enact 'wrongly' in order to do the right thing appropriate to a set of circumstances. So, an act of love has to become an act of hatred in order for them to accomplish it. Dr. Mate then goes on to discuss stress and it's effects. Quoting another doctor, "A child who is stressed early in life will be more over-active and reactive. He is triggered more easily, is more anxious and distressed." Boy, did that describe how I used to be to a "T". Dr. Mate explains how trauma also effects hormones and how "situations or activities that for the average person are likely to bring satisfaction are undervalued because......they have not been rewarding-for example, intimate connections with family."
Explains why I never went looking for a "Mr. Right", (laughing), though I did go looking for an ideal group of people and fell victim to high control religions and groups based on philosophies or politics. I have also read elsewhere of what they call the "god gene", carried in people who are mostly to seek a god. Earlier in this book I noted how research showed trauma affected genes. Is it more likely then that trauma can cause the development of a god gene and that is why people who have experienced trauma are more likely to go god searching? (though admittedly, the article I read said the gene could be found in the fertilized egg of a woman before a child is formed....trauma in mother would determine genes of babe, wouldn't it?.....God said 'formed before you were even in the womb'....woa, am I on to something? Knowledge given to man long before such scientific methods could 'discover'/discern it. Either a natural god-like knowledge or God within us, writing our inner story as a history. Profound either way, I think) Discipline can be traumatic if we do not understand it. I have been entertaining that the bible is a record of our inner developmental process, beginning with innocence destroyed by our first act of disobedience in life, God's relationship with people becoming much like adolescence, and finally the rejoining of mind/spirit with body in the book of Revelation; the promised health and long life of a body with a sound mind/healthy spirit; a completed soul, unfractured/not existing in the tree of knowledge's fruit: extreme good and evil. And if "primitive man" had this inner knowledge, this understanding without the scientific language, what does that mean? Is "the christ" a single unified thought process/spirit?...because I have often wondered how it could be said this Jesus was firstborn from the dead, he raised Lazarus and prophets before him raised many other people. Prophets have been "taken to heaven" instead of experiencing death. This Jesus was not the first human to have 'ascended to heaven' unless he is figurative. But what would be the cause of 'mass hallucinations', the reported experiences of people all having seen this Jesus' resurrection? The implications.....! Part of me knew the apostles had been ripped off, mislead in waiting for a literal return of the man they had loved. But I felt it was for a purpose, so they would leave us a message that would not have spread so far if it was not so very urgently presented.
If it is in our collective memory, I will find it (she winks, He always gives me the answers I ask, just a matter of when). The soul is in the blood, the blood goes from mother to child, memories in cells from before we are born, genes.....the knowledge of the first human beings, their memories, their understandings passed along physically and interpreted by 'feelings' which we translate into stories? But how did the first people ever know from where we came and what was required for inner peace unless it was there from the beginning. "Self-fulfilled prophesy" comes in here, which would explain why every group, every society, every community, every country and maybe even the world experiences it's own "Armageddon" sooner or later. Mankind as a race as been living a self-fulfilling prophesy from it's collective memory. How very interesting. Further, if man evolved from animals...the bible does say "all of creation is groaning" awaiting for the end of this this why animals are part of this self-fulfilling prophesy, they share the same cell memories? That would mean the story of the bible is not just our individual inner story, but the story of evolution-known and foretold from the beginning of creation within the body of the very first creation. The individual and group "Armageddons" also experienced by animals as extinction? Is self-fulfilling prophesy based on experience of evolution or caused by prophesy? Which came first, the chicken of fulfillment or the egg of prophesy? Answer comes: both came from their source as it's desire was developed, the desire being to become observer of self.
Chapter 19
This is where Dr. Mate gets into the topic of genes. But before I move into the chapter, a dinner break made conducive some further reflections: Are mass hallucinations and collective consciousness the result of us picking up on electrical pulses in the brain of others we are naturally alert to because we find them stimulating or otherwise important to our development? The hope for the future, even if relying purely on evolution is this: evolution/enlightenment always results in a new, improved creation from that which survives evolution/enlightenment. The survival of the fittest, which is always that which has met challenges/dysfunctions and overcome them. And in our cells' awareness from racial memory of what is required to succeed in evolution/enlightenment, is this where we get the assurance (such as bible writers claim) of a pre-destination for success/salvation? Is this common knowledge what inspires people to recognize those succeeding and declare them prophets and saviors, knowing through them, their evolution, the entire species is saved? Is this what triggers access to even deeper cellular memory and understandings? Is this why those not 'destined' to make it resist it; their cells recognize their own brain's limitation and to keep it from being overloaded they can tolerate no exposure to it? And all this electrical brainwave activity emanating out from people all around us would certainly be one explanation for why I get a burst of energy and clearer thinking around three in the morning when everyone else is in deeper sleep. Oh, and virgin birth is easy to explain. It is still practiced in the middle east. Young women are taken into 'harems' of relatives so they can be protected by the other women, I suspect as victims of rape and to protect them further from it. I suspect men go along with it to cover their own butts from accusations and shame. O.K., now back to genes and why the case for even their involvement in addiction does not make the potential for recovery to be hopeless.
Ah, so it was the press that exaggerates the relevancy of discovered genes to be associated with behaviors and personalities, so even the 'god gene' is a misleading in being responsible for behaviors. Rather, as Dr. Mate puts it, "Genes certainly appear to influence, among other features, such traits as temperament and sensitivity. These in turn, have a huge impact on how we experience our environment. Which would explain, in my opinion, why it is that children of abused people, though themselves not abused, continue to pass down dysfunctional personality trait tendencies. They are pre-disposed by their parent's altered genes and/or brain training and then pass that onto their children. It explains how addiction can come from a "sober" family. Dr. Mate writes: " has now been discovered that there are only about thirty thousand gene sequences in our DNA-even less than in some lowly worms. 'Our DNA is simply too paltry to spell out the wiring diagram for the human brain', writes UCLA research psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz. Far from being dictators of our destinies, genes are controlled by their environment, and without environmental signals they could not function....It is the environment within and outside the body that determines which genes switched on, or activated, in which cell. 'The cell's operations are primarily molded by it's interaction with the environment, not by it's genetic code.' the cell biologist Bruce Lipton has written". Epigenetics: the study of how life experiences influence the function of genes. "Women who were pregnant at the time of 9/11 World Trade Center attacks and who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of witnessing the disaster passed on their stress effects to their newborns." My reflection: a single disaster can create the birth of an entire generation of dysfunctional humans and as our world becomes so interconnected via the internet, the traumatic experiences are shared, dysfunction is spread and will be passed to the next generation. Dr. Mate writes how trauma in the womb due to a mother's stress accounts for ADHD and I had wondered if it also accounted for autism (Dr. Mate does not mention it, yet anyways), both of which are on the rise. he mentions how adopted children are predisposed to be at greater risk for dysfunctions simply because a mother who would put her child up for adoption is one who is experiencing to much stress due to being pregnant. I like this: Dr. Mate writes ".....we can accept or assign responsibility without taking on the useless baggage of guilt or blame." That is the leap I have been making-hooray! Dr. Mate writes at the end of this chapter "...our culture has too avidly embraced genetic fundamentalism." Can anyone repeat what the doc said earlier: "extreme trauma creates extreme thinking". No wonder we live in a sick society and when will society supporters like the doctor finally realize it, make the connection. He wrote earlier in the book that a study was done amongst intravenous drug users who, he claimed are relatively healthy and stable because......they were in college, as if participation in predominant cultural normalcy is a sign of healthy brain function. If we live in a traumatized and thus dysfunctional culture, it obviously isn't a sign of mental health and stability!
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