Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Planting and pruning

While wondering what I would do with the money for May, I sensed my old camping shovel that had a pick on the other end and I sensed an ax, nice and shiny. I wondered about a tent, would we go camping? No was the answer. OK, so will I be moving onto some land and be gardening and chopping firewood? Then I got it. No, it's spiritual. I'll be planting seeds and lopping off branches. No tent was needed because I would not be establishing residence. Whether location or simply energy, both being a possibility, we would be moving eventually.
   Already the expected resistance I spoke of in my last posting is coming, but it is accompanied by encouragement and people suddenly backing me. For example, I received expressions of concern about my income being stopped but those whose approval I need to stop that from happening are enthusiastically backing me and seeking out ways to prevent it from happening. This would be an up and down cycle for me, if it weren't for one thing: I have learned to temper my reactions and channel them with dancing and singing, moving them within and from the body. My body is really exhausted, though I don't feel tired. It is simply doesn't want to tolerate taking on any more violations. We are acutely aware of tones of voice, threatening expressions even in the form of "warning" something is going to happen if we don't do something. My mind is becoming incapable of considering tomorrow, never mind worrying about it or yesterday. Planning, appointments, etc., while I am capable of making them simply have no resonance in me. "Are they serious?" it lingers. "Who needs those things?". But we tolerate them at the moment because that is how we eat in this system until a more free flowing income begins to be generated.
    And the earth it's self is unfriendly, having taken on the energies of the people dwelling upon it, or could it be the reverse; people are reflecting the earth's attitudes in response to them? No generosity, it seems. So, we cannot really look to her for provisions, she only responds to those of the same vibration and my vibration is a bit higher than hers is, so to her I do not exist. Observers of wild edibles had noticed something: certain edibles always grew where people frequented. Things like clover, etc. grow abundantly along footpaths and roadsides. Whilst if one wanders off to where people rarely visit, less edible growing things are available for harvesting. The earth responds to people so she can provide for them whatever they need. Which also means if they need discipline, she'll shake it out of them as well, unfortunately.
   So, we shall be planting and pruning this month of May, sprinkling seeds along our way.
And as I look around me, I see the dandelion, clover, burdock and plantain growing around me. The earth reaches out to enlightened beings as the plants reach for sunlight and we reach up for enlightenment.

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