Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Further understanding-a new thread of enlightenment?

    So, the story is, when a bunch of pieces are put together from various sources and "intuition" coupled with guidance......The book of Genesis is a new beginning, not THE beginning. Elohim (gods) re-created an earth that was formless and void (destroyed, had experienced destruction) and decided to make man(the workers, angels) in their image(more like them), so they messed with the DNA of animals, also "men"-living souls.  An unstable combination, this messing with DNA, spread death and sin to men/angels. The Father had warned Adam and Eve, his personal angelic representatives who may have been like "bigfoot" before this happened that death would come to them if they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil-if they took the bait-tried to become like Him by letting their DNA be messed with. The creation of Adam is a different and separate account from the rest of creation. Adam was not made in "our image", but rather by the Father exclusively. It is only in the second chapter of Genesis that the commonly used name for the Almighty Father begins to be seen. So, the sons of god/sons and daughters remade mankind in their image(male and female). THEN we read an account of the Father creating Adam and the eventual seduction and fall of Adam.
    The gods are regenerative, creative, creators of life. For angels to become like them, they would have to become procreative, which would explain why reproduction did not happen before "the fall" of Adam. It would have explained the jealousy of the other men/angels who were all dying. It would supply the motive for the seduction. "Oh, look, we can all bear children and we all have a higher intelligence", "we're not dead yet, so it won't kill you". Even the Father confessed in his lamentation "now he will be like us, knowing good and evil"........why would he not have wanted that to happen if it would have been good for Adam? The Father just wanted one thing, pure and innocent, to call His own. That was taken from him. Now, they were all like the sons of god, full of strife and hearts full of contention. They would be destructive.
    Factor in that the gods showed up every so many thousand years-coinciding with the appearance of this reported Nabiru or Planet X and you see a pattern develop. Every so many thousands of year cycle the Father appears on the scene personally to check on Earth and humanity, his angelic creation. He tries to purify them as they evolve and create a bloodline that would survive the evolution into godship. A "savior" is chosen. Upon one visit, he punishes the angels/men/creatures reproducing with Adamic offspring, wiping most of those results off the earth and saving one that remained pure. Again, he comes and chooses Abraham, making promises and giving guidance on how to become that pure people. Upon another return he chooses Moses. Eventually he creates the one called Jesus. Upon each visit, that is when miraculous events occur on scales at no other time experienced.
  "Satan" and all his angels is the son of god with his creations, the shepherd who does not care for men allowed the thresh them, test them, discipline them, whip them into shape for the ascension/evolution. etc. But he is not the only one interfering. Left behind and bound in the Earth are the "watchers", the angels who interbred with women. Telepathically, they influence all of Earth's inhabitants in rebellion. There were other rebellious sons and daughters with their angelic servants. There are those helpful but destructive due to their ignorance and own imbalances not bound to the Earth, but out in the heavens.
    So, it is about the end of that thousands of years or so year cycle. Humanity is wound up and confused by a countless number of belief systems. One motive is very clear: not just hatred of humanity, but the inferiority and subjection of women. For what reason? Could it be so that when it is revealed that the bride of Revelation really is a woman who will be given dominion over the Earth after this next visit, it would be the last thing anyone would be expecting and thus be believing? Is that how Satan weeds out the men? By tempting them away from the truth that will be right in front of their face?
   Either way, the world is worked up into a frenzy. War is happening all around us, Jerusalem is surrounded. A new Nation, supposedly founded as one under god, is on the verge of collapsing, being completely overrun/sold off to creditors. Is it time for the thousand year reign or is it the end of it?
   Maybe this is all way off or just in need of refining. Interesting to say the least. But scripture warns us to not get suckered into believing the savior never came in the flesh and that we would be told all things were progressing as they always have, without God's presence. We were told the kingdom was like a landowner who went on a journey and returned.
  And contrary to what is said we would become: genderless, we do maintain our genders. We just stop reproducing like "the angels in heaven"...those that had not "fallen" were elevated to immortality already.

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