Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Dragon, 5 Babies and a Buddhist Headed for Imprisonment

     I was brought from sleep into a vision: with 5 babies I was pregnant. The examiners marveled as they noticed the infants constantly went into a state of oneness, unity and heightened senses. Oh,  this number of babies in the womb at once usually come early, I had better rest. How will I nurse so many babies? As one of the attendants spoke that people do it all the time, I realized they were tiny and would require little amounts of milk, I could pump and easily provide enough for them. Then a man, a Hindi, was being advised, a flash glimpse of a sentence: two choices, his was marked "imprisonment". I remembered in the beginning we were trying to decide on a sign under which the event of the children's birth would happen and I looked back to where the signs had been about to be chosen: two banners, two insignias, white or red dragon. Red was quickly chosen and as it was, there was a sound, like out of a Chinese action flick, sounded loudly. It was written, sealed in heaven.
     Needless to say, this morning I began to scramble for understanding. Not always, OK hardly ever, proficient in understanding visions until long after they have happened. I researched the meaning of number 5 in dreams and thought I could handle the rest. 5 here applies in quickly coming, a change, and I know this is the appropriate application because that was what I had noted while experiencing the vision: they would come early. The oneness, the unity, I was to experience would come quickly and easily(small babies, easier birthing, as small as they looked, like they would slip out effortlessly). The man, a teacher, a spirit under whom I would be governed or guided, to assist in this lesson, this experience which would be earthly rather than purely spiritual as represented by the red dragon. It would involve a human being. The spirit is one that is headed for internment in the fire of transition rather than destruction. When he asked his advisor if he should flee, the advisor told him, no, you can take your time, go easy.
    Eventually as I struggled with what all this might mean was about to happen, I got the feeling I was supposed to go to the store with a neighbor and get her something. Walking alongside the road the children ran well ahead of me. For once I was not overwhelmed. For once I did not take responsibility for the fear and worry they were causing. They were on the side of the road, on the correct side of the white line. I know that does not guarantee their safety should a car go out of bounds, but it was what God had happening. Breathe through it. Sure enough, a small child appearing to be alone running along so close to the side of the road made people anxious, cars stopping, passengers frowning and voicing their panic as they passed me, mouths obviously yapping. Typical of today's society and burdensome to a responsible sovereign, I could no longer carry their responsibility. Speaking out loud thoughts to myself at passing vehicles, I continued down the road calmly with confidence in what I was doing, with what was happening. Their fears are their responsibility......... it began to dawn on me as the episode ended how it applied to the vision and my physical, spiritual, and emotional condition.
     From the time we are young we are constantly stopped what we are doing because it makes other people nervous. It became ingrained in me that I was responsible for the fears other people are having. I am NOT responsible for your fears or worries. God may cause me to be in your experience making you nervous simply to draw out your fear so YOU can deal with it. Yeah, sometimes as a mother I can't always pay attention to what my children are doing. That is where trust in God has to come in. That is where I can allow others to be the hand reaching out to grab them from oncoming traffic without feeling guilty. But if I am on top of things in the big picture, fulfilling my parental responsibilities, nothing bad should ever happen to my children until they reach an age of accountability, puberty, their own sovereignty. Hopefully they have been properly prepared for it. This is where their actions begin to have consequences for them, not me.
    And so I realized how many times I have cramped up my stomach fretting over what everyone else was thinking, what they would worry about and trying to prevent that from happening so they don't take my children from me, judge me a bad parent. At the same time, I was projecting fear into my children, which they would eventually end up resenting and teaching them they are responsible for other people's actions of irresponsibility. NOT going to happen. So now I have lots of that pain that has accumulated from incident after incident of worry about what everyone else was thinking because my parenting (their perceiving a lack of it) was causing everyone else worry and judgement.
    I also realized, God's little wild flower is becoming a full-blown Steel Magnolia ;)
   This last change did come quickly, easily and did involve "attacks" from human beings. Quite the vision to explain a single day's happenings.
   And in the meantime, momma took back her dignity in the form of a letter. And no, I don't care if I am doing things other people might consider embarrassing: talking thoughts out loud at traffic, dancing as I sing walking the roadside or shopping, wearing jewelry in manners people wouldn't find an appropriate application. I'm a mother on a mission: freedom for my children and really; there is no stopping me.
    Duh me. Spirit tagging along for the episode, not as a teacher or guide for me but rather to be guided by the example I am providing before it is "imprisoned" in it's own physical body. I still keep forgetting I am no longer the student.
    Later I realized this might not quite be the end of the story. The "Buddhist" is also representative of my counselor whom I have hired to provide a service in order to secure an income. It turns out that she is a mandated reporter. I am not intimidated by it and was not concerned about my qualifications as a parent. However, something about it "worried" me. Today I realized this specific feeling is not an inspired fear or me being afraid of something, it is a warning that I am in dangerous territory, the circumstances are not appropriate. It was probably appropriate I entered the circumstances unwittingly as I did so that I might come to this point of understanding my own body's feelings and perceptions of them, however continuing in this contractual relationship would definitely not be appropriate and that is for this reason: as a sovereign being I am violating my own sovereignty by contracting with someone in exchange for authority over me. A mandated reporter is required to express any concerns she would have in reference to me, to my ability to make my own decisions appropriately to my ability in making decisions concerning my children. I have no right to give up the authority that has been given me. If I violate this responsibility, this God-given right to sovereignty, I will be punished for it. Thank you but no thank you, I'm walking. This counselor happens to be a Buddhist with Christian religious practices, so the governing spirit over her is Buddhist, the Hindi. He will associate with me until his imprisonment/confinement within a human consciousness.
   I also realized men or male spirits are born into sovereignty, a knowledge of it and for many an understanding of it. However, women or female spirits are born into subjection, or so we would be led to believe. However, when men help each other do anything, neither forfeits his sovereignty. They simply assist one another in a task in whatever way possible without any conditions. "Will you help me with this?" "Sure let me give you hand with that". Simple. Woman was made as a helper for man. He was to ahve in subjection to him the earth and it's inhabitants. That meant woman was also a sovereign being to have all things in subjection under her as well. She was simply given the added responsibility to help him. With added responsibilities comes additional rights. If ANYTHING, man was placed in subjection to woman by God's command and His purpose in her making. "It was not good for man to dwell alone". God saw it was not good for man to be a sovereign being, so He made a being within whom sovereignty would be appropriate. This is where I go "Holy Shit". It dawns on me as I write this. Sovereignty should be perfectly natural to a woman, however we have never been encouraged to practice it traditionally, don't know it's rules nor it's rights and responsibilities. Dying due to ignorance. Women aren't saved by childbearing, we are saved in becoming "men", or what men believe themselves to be in reference to women. Women are saved in claiming and practicing their sovereignty.
     I realize also that this principle also applies to the human being and spirit (body is female and spirit is male in spirit world language): "animal skins" or the human body, flesh and blood were given for spirits to wear due to their disobedience, to help them survive being shut out of the garden. Humanity was born into sovereignty and spirits are subject to them. All this time humanity was misled to believe we should be worshipping spirits and have been giving our authority over to them, subjecting ourselves to them instead of subjecting them to us as was intended. Scripture says "Subject the spirit within you" for very good reason. As a human being, the sin does not dwell in the flesh, it dwells in the spirits that inhabit it when they are not in subjection to it. They were the rebellious spirits needing to be brought into subjection, not the other way around. Human consciousness was made to be superior to spirit. How's that for a freaky twist and deception we have been living under and only have revealed to us at the end of the story if we are even listening?
  5 babies=5 realizations
   Where the Father (God) becomes the Son who is subject to Mother(Source, Creator of us all).
   If spirits were supposed to be in subjection to fleshly human and serve it, the fleshly human would have been endowed with greater assets and abilities to accomplish this purpose: it would live longer and be stronger (more strong willed) than a spirit. Note-last day of creation is just now coming to completion. We shouldn't be at war with spirits of the air as scripture dictates, shouldn't even be under threat of such a thing happening if we are to be free sovereign beings with spirit in subjection and serving our needs that we might help them be what they were meant to be.
  God is thus still creating the flesh for the spirits to inhabit-once the fleshly human race reaches maturity, He will then enter HIs rest.
   We must get used to expecting service rather than asking for help with things. If we ask for help, we are putting ourselves into subjection, a position of servitude, relinquishing authority. We make requests for service, not assistance or help of any kind. It is appropriate for children to demonstrate subjection to parents, asking them(parents) for help or assistance but it is not appropriate for adults to ask for help from children. If we ask, "Will you do me a favor?" we are asking "Will you do me this service?" and is a way of getting answers and things without being overbearing yet not putting ourselves into subjection to the one doing the giving, I think. Technicalities, sometimes it is all in the technicalities and so some miner details need to be taken very seriously until we get everything in order and miner slips of the tongue do not invite threat...a day shall come when no such threat exists. Speaking of which, so often we have experienced just the viewing of entertainment as a doorway for spirits to enter. A simple observation must not be mistaken as an invitation. As responsible sovereigns we have every right and obligation to examine the spirit of all things that we may determine their appropriateness to the human experience. We should not dwell in ignorance nor be under threat simply for leaving a state of ignorance.
    The next morning I awake slowly, feeling better still but not yet completely healed. I am given the brief vision glimpse of a buck and a doe playing in a field together. Warm joy fills me. As I go about my morning more realizations come to me as I realize God had no right to make promises to Israel. She had already chosen a land that pleased her: the lush, rich green of the Eastern United States. She had already chosen a people and endowed them with understanding of the principles of Sovereignty; such tribes as the Mohicans. The Constitution is evidence of their influence and what those who appreciated it wanted, however white men did not understand the principles fully, were already in a state and consciousness of servitude and so The United States of Sovereign Peoples did not survive it's infancy. It is beginning to. She is betrayed by the form He chose to have her dwell in, some of which makes her happy, some of which doesn't. But She is already invested. And while He would prefer other forms, He must take the one which pleases her and She asserts Her Sovereignty over the affairs He created for Himself. He must be in subjection and accept the lesson. It is Her people who will govern the affairs He created. A woman is faithful, just and righteous in her nature if she is empowered. But He must have no emotional investment in the affairs He created or She is forced to bring upon them destruction. They both know this. many things are occurring to me: a husband's duty to honor his wife vs. the scriptural right as her lord and master to do so and cause her to suffer should another choose to. Well, if He had been doing an appropriate job of it, another wouldn't be driven to do it or be given the opportunity to sneak in the back door to do it, so to speak. Time to allow things to come rolling in gently, quietly, patiently but assuredly. It is She who stated it would be given to another. That is the trick to "hearing" prophesy that was recorded; hearing the various voices within it. It does not take bigger guns to win a war, but a stronger will than your opponent. It is will that moves the world. Hers is greater and She lends it to Him, that Her will be done, not His.
  One must first make the choices of a Sovereign and then they will be treated as a Sovereign.
 To be a free Sovereign, one must stand alone as a Sovereign upon principle with confidence and the will to stand upon that principle. It must know when to be still and when to take action, when to speak and when to be quiet, when to retreat and when to strike out. It cannot complain nor base it's rights upon past actions "I did this for you now you must do this for me", this is blackmail, setting a standard of needing to earn worthiness. One must know their worthiness and assert their rights based upon this alone.
   Sovereignty does not need to be recognized or affirmed by anyone else-that would make it dependent upon others for it's sovereignty, thus losing it's sovereignty. Sovereignty does not declare it's sovereignty. We recognize sovereignty when we see it but ti is not dependent upon our recognition for it to recognize it's own existence. Sovereignty does not imitate it's enemy to prove it's self like them their equal, or it becomes it's own enemy. It does not seek a place at the table because it does not wish to be one of those who sits at the table as a representation of it's right to exist. It does not sit as one of many, it sits as one among many. It sits alone at a table.
   The constitution does not give rights, it is simply stating an awareness of rights we have only if we ourselves are aware of these rights. And  in the end, a sovereign knows it is not obligated to give that which another has no right to take. And a sovereign knows it cannot be held accountable for what another had no right to commit.

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