Sunday, May 5, 2013

Why Gold?

      It's soft and really can't be used for much other than decoration. So why does gold have such great value? So why is it the standard by which the value of things is measured? Why is it hoarded and guarded, paper used to represent it rather than coins made of it? Supposedly that is the stuff the aliens, "Annunaki", were after. So now it is taken out of the hands of common man to own it. Out west where people used to be able to pan for it, it is pretty much illegal. The U.S. government wants authority over every speck of it. So what are they doing, hoarding in hope of buying their own salvation from the aliens when they come? Heh, sure, they'll be buying a one-way ticket to slavery. The common man who can't afford it will be left behind, maybe enslaved to procure more, but those who don't huddle in the herds won't be caught in the mass roundups. They will be left free and unfettered.
    Interesting theory anyways. Cattle. Following the herd, into the cities, dependent upon society for thinking and feeding and sheltering. Slavery. Paranoid Freaks, right?
    They will tell you that the gold belongs to the gods. It does not. It belongs to the earth. "I will bring to ruin those ruining the earth". Enough said on that.
    Their consciousness's are entrapped in the minds of mankind unless released, their bodies asleep and tended. God Almighty just has to enter the minds of those servants to kill them while they are sleeping. Then they are permanently trapped in the human mind, within their tribes. That is why they attempt to kill entire tribes, genocide. That is how they kill one another, their consciousness.
    And some say that because our DNA has been tampered with and maybe that we were just something that began in a test tube, we are nothing more than a genetic experiment. That would be a lie designed to make us hopeless and feel worthless. We were here before the gods ever came. We are products of the earth and it is our inheritance, we are it's inheritance. Just because we have been tampered with does not change anything. We belong. We belong to and on the earth. We belong here, in the universe, within creation. We belong to life and living. We may have been manipulated, but we are not powerless.
    As far as the tower of Babylon incident; God Almighty may have said "let us confuse their language" but it was not to discourage people from building. He was acknowledging our evolution into a higher consciousness. We did not have to be so isolated. It was a sort of graduation and the only ones He intended to confuse were His children, the gods. By separating people he was giving them more of a chance ot gain their freedom. It would preserve them. Otherwise, being all huddled together, they could have been wiped out in one fell swoop. By spreading them out and alienating them from one another, he was preserving them.
  And what if this Planet X, Nibiru, is the body of God Almighty? His children, the beings that dwell upon it and his other wives the other planets in our solar system? Is the earth Israel? Imagine the implications. It would explain why all the other children are so left-brained and unemotional in their thinking, not passionate about anything but their intelligence. So, we, the emotional and intuitive children were overcome and manipulated by the left-brained children......the innocent and naïve introduced to deceit, deception.......and thus the Father and Mother become mated.
    The Mother never needed interfering with. Ever notice how animals know when trouble is coming and move to higher ground in the case of something like a tidal wave? She knows how to look after her children. The Father's interference only complicated things. His children, his offspring needed a garden made for them to exist in. Mother is accommodating and will allow his evolved children to exist. That is what she has been doing, accommodating Him.

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