Monday, May 13, 2013

Son of God vs Son of Man

     Scripture tells us that the Son=the Word and in the old testament, the Word=the Will of God. So, God's Will= God's Son. If will=son then the "son of man"= man's will. The one called Jesus called himself the "Son of Man" as was one of the prophets in the old testament called "Son of Man". "Son of Man", man's will must be sacrificed to be resurrected as "Son of God", God's Will for everlasting life and immortality to be bestowed upon it. "All of creation groans waiting for the revelation of God's children" scripture tells us. It waits for mankind as whole to sacrifice their own will to become the will of God.
    I was watching a documentary the other day in four parts on YouTube. It was all about how mankind was destroying our environment and causing climate change. I did not believe it fully because the earth's climate is always changing. Animal species are always going extinct and new species evolving to fill in the gaps left by those that did go extinct. Mankind has always been a global traveler, spreading "alien" plant life and insects and animals onto new continents and islands. Yes, we might be speeding up climate change as we speed up travel, it's frequency and add so much to greenhouse gases, but it would have happened eventually. The only difference between now and "then" is man's discomfort with climate changes. Tribal man accepts and adapts. Modern man does everything within his power to resist changes. Tribal man sees it's self as just another animal. Modern "civilized" man sees it's self as above animals, different.
    Then the documentary came to a part on Yellowstone. Killing off the wolves led to the dying off of the trees. Man killed predators it was in competition with, stopped being an animal predator himself and this is what destroyed the earth. Every intense climate change is marked with the demise of an advanced civilization such as the Mayans, the Atlantians, etc. History is simply repeating it's self. Again. It is only after the end of the civilizations that the men who survive it go back to being hunter-gatherers, animals. Those close to those civilizations with folklore and legends surrounding them thus keeping a memory of them, are the most resistant to "civilization" of themselves. And for good reason; "civilization" leads to our destruction.
   Building farms in Australia kills the Eskimos in Alaska when it kills the whales they live off of. So the Eskimos have no choice but to become "civilized", creating their own disruptions to the environment which returns the favor somewhere else in the world. California is suffocating on pollution that blows in from China.
  Tribal man is usually nomadic, hunter gatherers. God's chosen people have always become by His will nomadic and the one called Jesus was nomadic. He told his disciples to be like him. Civilized people living according to their will are sedentary in their lifestyles. People busy with getting out to hunt and gather, move their dwellings, etc are too busy and expending energy on other things than reproduction and oppression/dysfunction. Population control is naturally occurring and individual freedom a natural result.
   God was happy in a tent. "Did I ask for a temple?" God asked David. No, He didn't. He didn't want man to have laws, sacrifices or a human king. He wanted them to have a few laws written on stone tablets and individual freedom with designated territories. It was man's will to have statues and sacrifices and a king. So, God sacrificed His own Will= His Son, for that of man's. And look where it led. So, it is now up to man to sacrifice his own will=his own son which brings death and destruction for God's Son= Will, that mankind can continue to live.
   Those who survive great climatic changes and downfalls of civilizations a.k.a. societal or cultural "Armageddon" are always those who are adaptable, resourceful and most willing to suddenly resort to becoming hunter gatherers....those most willing and able to live like animals......those most able to give up their own will for God's Will, His Son.

Oh, the YouTube video:
"National Geographic-Strange Days on Earth-Part 3 of 4-Predator"

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